Begin 2xxx section which will be the short introduction to NBD.
[libguestfs-talks.git] / 2019-tech-introductions / 8200-metadata-cnv.html
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5 <h1>KVM to KVM migrations: metadata</h1>
7 <pre>
8 ---
9 apiVersion: v1
10 kind: Template
11 metadata:
12   annotations:
13     description: OCP KubeVirt Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 VM template
14     iconClass: icon-rhel
15     tags: kubevirt,ocp,template,linux,virtualmachine
16   labels:
17 rhel-7.4
18 "true"
19   name: vm-template-rhel7
20 objects:
21 - apiVersion:
22   kind: VirtualMachine
23   metadata:
24     creationTimestamp: null
25     labels:
26       kubevirt-vm: vm-${NAME}
27 rhel-7.4
28     name: ${NAME}
29   spec:
30     running: false
31     template:
32       metadata:
33         creationTimestamp: null
34         labels:
35           kubevirt-vm: vm-${NAME}
36  rhel-7.4
37       spec:
38         domain:
39           cpu:
40             cores: ${{CPU_CORES}}
41           devices:
42             disks:
43             - disk:
44                 bus: virtio
45               name: disk0
46           machine:
47             type: ""
48           resources:
49             requests:
50               memory: ${MEMORY}
51         terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
52         volumes:
53         - name: disk0
54           persistentVolumeClaim:
55             claimName: linux-vm-pvc-${NAME}
56   status: {}
57 - apiVersion: v1
58   kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
59   metadata:
60     creationTimestamp: null
61     name: linux-vm-pvc-${NAME}
62   spec:
63     accessModes:
64     - ReadWriteOnce
65     resources:
66       requests:
67         storage: 10Gi
68   status: {}
69 parameters:
70 - description: Name for the new VM
71   name: NAME
72 - description: Amount of memory
73   name: MEMORY
74   value: 4096Mi
75 - description: Amount of cores
76   name: CPU_CORES
77   value: "4"
79 </pre>