<p class="abstract">
+<a href="https://libguestfs.org/virt-v2v.1.html">Virt-v2v</a> is a
+project for <a href="https://konveyor.io/"><q>lifting and shifting</q>
+workloads</a> from VMware to open source management platforms like
+oVirt/RHV, OpenStack and KubeVirt. To do this we have to copy vast
+amounts of data quickly, modifying it in flight.
+Nearly everything we have to copy is a virtual machine <b>disk
+image</b>. There are techniques you can use to copy disk images very
+<li> without copying zeroes or deleted data
+<li> without making temporary copies
+<li> without touching the originals
+<li> and modifying the contents in flight