Here is another "Why FORTH?" essay:
+ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ This code draws heavily on the design of LINA FORTH (
+ by Albert van der Horst. Any similarities in the code are probably not accidental.
SETTING UP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Let's get a few housekeeping things out of the way. Firstly because I need to draw lots of
1C 00 00 00 the CALL prefix.
2C 00 00 00
+ [Historical note: If the execution model that FORTH uses looks strange from the following
+ paragraphs, then it was motivated entirely by the need to save memory on early computers.
+ This code compression isn't so important now when our machines have more memory in their L1
+ caches than those early computers had in total, but the execution model still has some
+ useful properties].
Of course this code won't run directly any more. Instead we need to write an interpreter
which takes each pair of bytes and calls it.
(3) jumps to the indirect %eax jumps to the address in the codeword of +,
ie. the assembly code to implement +
+ +------------------+
+ | codeword |
+ +------------------+
+ | addr of DOUBLE ---------------> +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | codeword |
+ | addr of DOUBLE | +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | addr of DUP --------------> +------------------+
+ | addr of EXIT | +------------------+ | codeword -------+
+ +------------------+ | addr of + --------+ +------------------+ |
+ +------------------+ | | assembly to <-----+
+ %esi -> | addr of EXIT | | | implement DUP |
+ +------------------+ | | .. |
+ | | .. |
+ | | NEXT |
+ | +------------------+
+ |
+ +-----> +------------------+
+ | codeword -------+
+ +------------------+ |
+ now we're | assembly to <------+
+ executing | implement + |
+ this | .. |
+ function | .. |
+ | NEXT |
+ +------------------+
+ So I hope that I've convinced you that NEXT does roughly what you'd expect. This is
+ indirect threaded code.
+ I've glossed over four things. I wonder if you can guess without reading on what they are?
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ My list of four things are: (1) What does "EXIT" do? (2) which is related to (1) is how do
+ you call into a function, ie. how does %esi start off pointing at part of QUADRUPLE, but
+ then point at part of DOUBLE. (3) What goes in the codeword for the words which are written
+ in FORTH? (4) How do you compile a function which does anything except call other functions
+ ie. a function which contains a number like : DOUBLE 2 * ; ?
+ THE INTERPRETER AND RETURN STACK ------------------------------------------------------------
+ Going at these in no particular order, let's talk about issues (3) and (2), the interpreter
+ and the return stack.
+ Words which are defined in FORTH need a codeword which points to a little bit of code to
+ give them a "helping hand" in life. They don't need much, but they do need what is known
+ as an "interpreter", although it doesn't really "interpret" in the same way that, say,
+ Java bytecode used to be interpreted (ie. slowly). This interpreter just sets up a few
+ machine registers so that the word can then execute at full speed using the indirect
+ threaded model above.
+ One of the things that needs to happen when QUADRUPLE calls DOUBLE is that we save the old
+ %esi ("instruction pointer") and create a new one pointing to the first word in DOUBLE.
+ Because we will need to restore the old %esi at the end of DOUBLE (this is, after all, like
+ a function call), we will need a stack to store these "return addresses" (old values of %esi).
+ As you will have read, when reading the background documentation, FORTH has two stacks,
+ an ordinary stack for parameters, and a return stack which is a bit more mysterious. But
+ our return stack is just the stack I talked about in the previous paragraph, used to save
+ %esi when calling from a FORTH word into another FORTH word.
+ In this FORTH, we are using the normal stack pointer (%esp) for the parameter stack.
+ We will use the i386's "other" stack pointer (%ebp, usually called the "frame pointer")
+ for our return stack.
+ I've got two macros which just wrap up the details of using %ebp for the return stack:
/* Macros to deal with the return stack. */
.macro PUSHRSP reg
lea 4(%ebp),%ebp
+ And with that we can now talk about the interpreter.
+ In FORTH the interpreter function is often called DOCOL (I think it means "DO COLON" because
+ all FORTH definitions start with a colon, as in : DOUBLE DUP + ;
+ The "interpreter" (it's not really "interpreting") just needs to push the old %esi on the
+ stack and set %esi to the first word in the definition. Remember that we jumped to the
+ function using JMP *(%eax)? Well a consequence of that is that conveniently %eax contains
+ the address of this codeword, so just by adding 4 to it we get the address of the first
+ data word. Finally after setting up %esi, it just does NEXT which causes that first word
+ to run.
+/* DOCOL - the interpreter! */
+ .text
+ .align 4
+ PUSHRSP %esi // push %esi on to the return stack
+ addl $4,%eax // %eax points to codeword, so make
+ movl %eax,%esi // %esi point to first data word
+ Just to make this absolutely clear, let's see how DOCOL works when jumping from QUADRUPLE
+ into DOUBLE:
+ +------------------+
+ | codeword |
+ +------------------+ DOUBLE:
+ | addr of DOUBLE ---------------> +------------------+
+ +------------------+ %eax -> | addr of DOCOL |
+ %esi -> | addr of DOUBLE | +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | addr of DUP -------------->
+ | addr of EXIT | +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | etc. |
+ First, the call to DOUBLE causes DOCOL (the codeword of DOUBLE). DOCOL does this: It
+ pushes the old %esi on the return stack. %eax points to the codeword of DOUBLE, so we
+ just add 4 on to it to get our new %esi:
+ +------------------+
+ | codeword |
+ +------------------+ DOUBLE:
+ | addr of DOUBLE ---------------> +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | addr of DOCOL |
+ | addr of DOUBLE | +------------------+
+ +------------------+ %esi -> | addr of DUP -------------->
+ | addr of EXIT | +------------------+
+ +------------------+ | etc. |
+ Then we do NEXT, and because of the magic of threaded code that increments %esi again
+ and calls DUP.
+ Well, it seems to work.
+ One minor point here. Because DOCOL is the first bit of assembly actually to be defined
+ in this file (the others were just macros), and because I usually compile this code with the
+ text segment starting at address 0, DOCOL has address 0. So if you are disassembling the
+ code and see a word with a codeword of 0, you will immediately know that the word is
+ written in FORTH (it's not an assembler primitive) and so uses DOCOL as the interpreter.
/* ELF entry point. */
.globl _start
cold_start: // High-level code without a codeword.
.int COLD
-/* DOCOL - the interpreter! */
- .text
- .align 4
- PUSHRSP %esi // push %esi on to the return stack
- addl $4,%eax // %eax points to codeword, so make
- movl %eax,%esi // %esi point to first data word
* Fixed sized buffers for everything.