# -*- Makefile -*-
# Test programs for testing out the cross-compiler.
-all: test1 test1.exe test2 test2.exe test3 test3.exe test4 test4.exe
+all: test1 test1.exe test2 test2.exe test3 test3.exe test4 test4.exe \
+ test_format test_format.exe sudoku sudoku.exe
test1: test1.ml
ocamlopt $< -o $@
test4.exe: test4.ml
i686-pc-mingw32-ocamlopt graphics.cmxa $< -o $@
+test_format: test_format.ml
+ ocamlopt $< -o $@
+test_format.exe: test_format.ml
+ i686-pc-mingw32-ocamlopt $< -o $@
+sudoku: sudoku.ml
+ ocamlopt $< -o $@
+sudoku.exe: sudoku.ml
+ i686-pc-mingw32-ocamlopt $< -o $@
- rm -f test1 test2 test3 test4 *.exe *.cmi *.cmx *.o
+ rm -f test[1-4] test_format sudoku *.exe *.cmi *.cmx *.o
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+(* Jon Harrop's Sudoku Solver in 19 lines of code, from:
+ * http://www.ffconsultancy.com/ocaml/sudoku/index.html
+ *)
+let m = Array.init 9 (fun _ -> input_line stdin)
+let print() = Array.iter print_endline m
+let rec invalid ?(i=0) x y n =
+ i<9 && (m.(y).[i] = n || m.(i).[x] = n ||
+ m.(y/3*3 + i/3).[x/3*3 + i mod 3] = n || invalid ~i:(i+1) x y n)
+let rec fold f accu l u = if l=u then accu else fold f (f accu l) (l+1) u
+let rec search ?(x=0) ?(y=0) f accu = match x, y with
+ 9, y -> search ~x:0 ~y:(y+1) f accu (* Next row *)
+ | 0, 9 -> f accu (* Found a solution *)
+ | x, y ->
+ if m.(y).[x] <> '0' then search ~x:(x+1) ~y f accu else
+ fold (fun accu n ->
+ let n = Char.chr (n + 48) in
+ if invalid x y n then accu else
+ (m.(y).[x] <- n;
+ let accu = search ~x:(x+1) ~y f accu in
+ m.(y).[x] <- '0';
+ accu)) accu 1 10
+let () = Printf.printf "%d solutions\n" (search (fun i -> print(); i+1) 0)
--- /dev/null
+(* Test the Format module, which we suspect may not be working. *)
+open Format
+let debug = false
+let () =
+ if debug then Printf.printf "creating buffer ...\n%!";
+ let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
+ if debug then Printf.printf "creating formatter ...\n%!";
+ let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ if debug then Printf.printf "open box ...\n%!";
+ pp_open_box fmt 0;
+ if debug then Printf.printf "print string ...\n%!";
+ pp_print_string fmt "This is a string";
+ if debug then Printf.printf "close box ...\n%!";
+ pp_close_box fmt ();
+ if debug then Printf.printf "flush ...\n%!";
+ pp_print_flush fmt ();
+ if debug then Printf.printf "get buffer contents ...\n%!";
+ let str = Buffer.contents buf in
+ Printf.printf "contents of buffer = %S\n%!" str