--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -
+guests=( $(virt-builder -l | awk '{print $1}') )
+formats=( raw qcow2 )
+while true; do
+ guest=${guests[$(($RANDOM % ${#guests[*]}))]}
+ format=${formats[$(($RANDOM % ${#formats[*]}))]}
+ ((count++)); echo -e "\n*** Building guest # $count\n"
+ virt-builder $guest --output $guest.img \
+ --format $format \
+ --no-sync \
+ --hostname test$count.example.com \
+ --timezone Europe/Brussels \
+ --write '/etc/motd:Welcome to FOSDEM 2014'
+ rm $guest.img; # Save space!
--- /dev/null
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+FOSDEM lightning talk
+Sunday 2nd Feb 2014, 16:00, H.2215 Ferrer
+Advanced disk image management with libguestfs
+libguestfs, virt-builder, virt-sparsify, virt-sysprep
+Good afternoon. Today I'm going to talk about libguestfs
+with is a suite of tools for looking inside and modifying
+virtual machine disk images.
+First off, a new tool that we've written to create virtual machines.
+[ Show the builder.sh script ]
+[ Run the builder.sh script ]
+I'll come back to this script at the end of the talk.
+virt-builder can:
+ - output raw, qcow2 and other formats
+ - resize using [virt-resize]
+ - write a random seed
+ - set a hostname
+ - edit configuration files
+ - install packages
+ - run custom scripts
+ * at build time
+ * or at first boot
+Libguestfs can safely and securely inspect and modify disk
+images without needing root.
+Virt-builder doesn't install guests from scratch. Instead it
+takes clean, cryptographically signed, compressed templates and uses
+libguestfs to customize them.
+Preparing the templates
+virt-builder comes with a handful of templates.
+You can also prepare your own.
+Over the years we have come up with a good way
+to prepare and distribute reasonably small templates
+ virt-install (or Oz)
+ v
+ virt-sysprep
+ v
+ virt-sparsify
+ v
+ xz
+virt-install runs a regular OS install, using anaconda,
+debian-installer, etc. You can automate this completely
+using kickstart or preseed.
+virt-sysprep unconfigures the guest. Using libguestfs it
+removes SSH host keys, log files, network configuration,
+user accounts and so on.
+virt-sparsify uses libguestfs to make guests sparse a.k.a.
+It looks for unused space:
+ - in filesystems
+ - in LVM physical volumes
+ - swap partitions
+Including non-zeroed, but unused blocks.
+It converts that to sparseness in the host file.
+Finally xz compresses the template. We like xz for several reasons:
+ - nearly best in class compression
+ - preserves sparseness
+ - compressed files can be random accessed [nbdkit]
+ - virt-builder includes parallel uncompress
+ disk apparent final
+CirrOS 0.3.1 39 18 11 MB
+Debian 7 4096 719 142 MB
+Fedora 20 6144 826 174 MB
+Ubuntu 13.10 4096 1019 187 MB
+[At the end of the talk, show the progress of the builder script.]
+* libguestfs resources and other tools