-<li> TRIM / SCSI UNMAP from guest to host <small><b>(in progress)</b></small>
-<li> 9pfs mapping file
<li> Finer control over <code>-drive snapshot=on</code>
<li> Faster <code>qemu-img create</code> command
$ time qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b rhel6.raw test.qcow2
real <b>0m0.519s</b>
<li> Safer <code>qemu-img info</code> command <br/>
<small><b>(qemu: done, libguestfs: not yet impl)</b></small>
-<li> <q>All-up</q> testing should gate commits
+<li> TRIM / SCSI UNMAP from guest to host
+ <small><b>(in progress)</b></small>
+<li> <q>All-up</q> testing should gate commits <br/>
+ <small><b>(aliguori doing good stuff here)</b></small>
<li> Nested VMs (that work)
+<li> More detailed 9pfs configuration