test_ls_version_CFLAGS = $(PCRE_CFLAGS) -Wall
test_ls_version_LDADD = libminiexpect.la
+# parallel-tests breaks the ability to put 'valgrind' into
+# TESTS_ENVIRONMENT. Hence we have to work around it:
+ for t in $(TESTS); do \
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute $(VG) ./$$t; \
+ r=$$?; \
+ if [ $$r -ne 0 ]; then exit $$r; fi; \
+ done
# Clean.
AC_CHECK_PROG([POD2MAN], [pod2man], [pod2man], [no])
AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_POD2MAN], [test "x$POD2MAN" != "xno"])
+dnl Optional for checking for memory errors.
+AC_CHECK_PROG([VALGRIND], [valgrind], [valgrind], [no])
+AS_IF([test "x$VALGRIND" != "xno"],[
+ VG='$(VALGRIND) --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=119 --trace-children=no'
+ dnl Valgrind is not installed, so give a clear error if
+ dnl the user tries 'make check-valgrind'.
dnl Produce output files.