descriptionOvirt viewer
last changeWed, 10 Jun 2009 17:31:42 +0000 (13:31 -0400)
2009-06-10 Mohammed Morsiadd cmd line option for server vnc port master next
2009-06-09 Mohammed Morsifew minor bugfixes
2009-05-20 Mohammed Morsiconnect to the ovirt-vnc-proxy server to access...
2009-04-30 Mohammed Morsibumped spec release, added changes to changelog
2009-04-30 Mohammed Morsipopulate 'send keys' menu and wire up key sending mechanism
2009-04-30 Mohammed Morsiviewer bugfixes / interfaces improvements
2009-04-28 Mohammed Morsicleaned up ssl bits, --check-certificate command line...
2009-03-24 Mohammed Morsiinitial ovirt-viewer rpm spec
2009-03-11 Mohammed Morsiadded autogen script to run autotools to generate confi...
2009-03-11 Mohammed Morsiremove ssl cert checking until ssl is fully / properly...
2009-01-27 Mohammed Morsichanges to establish connection to ovirt server on...
2008-12-02 Richard W.M... Enable warnings, remove all warnings from build.
2008-12-02 Richard W.M... Add comment about threading model.
2008-11-30 Richard JonesIncorporate Gtk-VNC widget.
2008-11-30 Richard JonesTabbed notebook functionality.
2008-11-29 Richard JonesUpdate the Connect menu with vmlist.
15 years ago master
15 years ago next