descriptionSmall 'expect' library for C.
last changeThu, 16 Nov 2023 10:59:54 +0000 (10:59 +0000)
2023-11-16 Richard W.M... Return int from mexp_expect master
2022-09-20 Laszlo add "-Wextra -Wshadow"
2022-09-20 Laszlo Ersektests: mark main()'s "argc" as unused
2022-09-20 Laszlo Ersektests: add "missing" initializers
2022-09-20 Laszlo Ersekminiexpect.c: fix always-true comparison
2022-07-26 Richard W.M... Add a bit of explanation of what "expect" is
2022-07-26 Richard W.M... docs: Small revisions to the manual and readme file
2022-07-26 Richard W.M... tests: test-multi-match.c: Fix memory leaks in test
2022-07-26 Richard W.M... tests: valgrind: Rebuild tests before running them
2022-07-25 Richard W.M... docs: Fix example in the manual
2022-07-25 Richard W.M... Port to pcre2 v1.1
2022-07-25 Richard W.M... miniexpect: Debug next_match field
2017-10-11 Richard W.M... Add debugging capability at runtime.
2017-10-11 Richard W.M... When debugging, escape the buffer output.
2016-12-18 Richard W.M... doc: Use -u (UTF8) flag when generating the man page.
2016-12-18 Richard W.M... documentation: Fix markup in flags.
2 years ago v1.1 Version 1.1
16 months ago master