type state = { greeting : bool;
remote_host : string option; remote_port : string option;
remote_directory : string option;
+ remote_username : string option;
network : network option;
devices_to_send : string list option;
root_filesystem : partition option;
remote_directory = None;
+ (* Remote username for ssh. Set to 'Some "username"', or None to
+ * ask the user.
+ *)
+ remote_username = None;
(* List of devices to send. Set to 'Some ["sda"; "sdb"]' for
* example to select /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.
close fd);
printf "virt-p2v.ml starting up ...\n%!";
+ (* Disable screen blanking on tty. *)
+ sh "setterm -blank 0";
(* Check that the environment is a sane-looking live CD. If not, bail. *)
if is_dir "/mnt/root" <> Some true then
| Back -> Prev
+ let ask_username state =
+ let default_username = "root" in
+ match
+ inputbox "Remote username" "Remote username for ssh access to server" 10 50
+ (Option.default default_username state.remote_username)
+ with
+ | Yes ([]|""::_) ->
+ Next { state with remote_username = Some default_username }
+ | Yes (user::_) -> Next { state with remote_username = Some user }
+ | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
+ | Back -> Prev
+ in
let ask_network state =
radiolist "Network configuration" "Network configuration" 10 50 2 [
defaults.remote_port = None;
ask_directory, (* Remote directory. *)
defaults.remote_directory = None;
+ ask_username, (* Remote username. *)
+ defaults.remote_username = None;
ask_network, (* Network configuration. *)
defaults.network = None;
ask_devices, (* Block devices to send. *)
rewrite_fstab state devices_to_send;
(* XXX Other files to rewrite? *)
- (* XXX Autodetect architecture of root filesystem by looking for /bin/ls. *)
- let system_architecture = X86_64 in
- (* XXX Autodetect system memory. *)
- let system_memory = 256 in
- (* XXX Autodetect system # pCPUs. *)
- let system_nr_cpus = 1 in
(* Unmount the root filesystem and sync disks. *)
sh "umount /mnt/root";
sh "sync"; (* Ugh, should be in stdlib. *)
- (* Disable screen blanking on console. *)
- sh "setterm -blank 0";
+ (* Get architecture of root filesystem, detected previously. *)
+ let system_architecture =
+ try
+ (match List.assoc root_filesystem all_partitions with
+ | LinuxRoot (arch, _) -> arch
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ )
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ (* None was detected before, so assume same as live CD. *)
+ let arch = shget "uname -m" in
+ match arch with
+ | Some (("i386"|"i486"|"i586"|"i686")::_) -> I386
+ | Some ("x86_64"::_) -> X86_64
+ | Some ("ia64"::_) -> IA64
+ | _ -> I386 (* probably wrong XXX *) in
+ (* Autodetect system memory. *)
+ let system_memory =
+ let mem = shget "head -1 /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2/1024}'" in
+ match mem with
+ | Some (mem::_) -> int_of_float (float_of_string mem)
+ | _ -> 256 in
+ (* Autodetect system # pCPUs. *)
+ let system_nr_cpus =
+ let cpus =
+ shget "grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1 | awk '{print $3+1}'" in
+ match cpus with
+ | Some (cpus::_) -> int_of_string cpus
+ | _ -> 1 in
let remote_host = Option.get state.remote_host in
let remote_port = Option.get state.remote_port in
let remote_directory = Option.get state.remote_directory in
+ let remote_username = Option.get state.remote_username in
(* Functions to connect and disconnect from the remote system. *)
let do_connect remote_name _ =
- let cmd = sprintf "ssh -C -p %s %s \"cat > %s/%s\""
- (quote remote_port) (quote remote_host)
+ let cmd = sprintf "ssh -C -l %s -p %s %s \"cat > %s/%s\""
+ (quote remote_username) (quote remote_port) (quote remote_host)
(quote remote_directory) (quote remote_name) in
eprintf "connect: %s\n%!" cmd;
let chan = open_process_out cmd in