C<..>. The entries are I<not> sorted, but returned in the same
order as the underlying filesystem.
+Also this call returns basic file type information about each
+file. The C<ftyp> field will contain one of the following characters:
+=over 4
+=item 'b'
+Block special
+=item 'c'
+Char special
+=item 'd'
+=item 'f'
+FIFO (named pipe)
+=item 'l'
+Symbolic link
+=item 'r'
+Regular file
+=item 's'
+=item 'u'
+Unknown file type
+=item '?'
+The L<readdir(3)> returned a C<d_type> field with an
+unexpected value
This function is primarily intended for use by programs. To
get a simple list of names, use C<guestfs_ls>. To get a printable
directory for human consumption, use C<guestfs_ll>.");