(* Generate the code for a constructor, ie. 'BITSTRING ...'. *)
let output_constructor _loc fields =
- let fail = locfail _loc in
let loc_fname = Loc.file_name _loc in
let loc_line = string_of_int (Loc.start_line _loc) in
let loc_char = string_of_int (Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc) in
let _loc = P.get_location field in
let offset = P.get_offset field in
+ let fail = locfail _loc in
(* offset() not supported in constructors. Implementation of
* forward-only offsets is fairly straightforward: we would
* need to just calculate the length of padding here and add
* the list of cases to test against.
let output_bitmatch _loc bs cases =
- let fail = locfail _loc in
let data = gensym "data" and off = gensym "off" and len = gensym "len" in
let result = gensym "result" in
let _loc = P.get_location field in
let offset = P.get_offset field in
+ let fail = locfail _loc in
(* Is flen (field len) an integer constant? If so, what is it?
* This will be [Some i] if it's a constant or [None] if it's
* non-constant or we couldn't determine.