~callback:(w#connect_to (Some "xen:///")));
ignore (w#connect_none_signal
~callback:(w#connect_to None));
+ ignore (w#reopen_signal ~callback:w#reopen);
ignore (
| Open_domain of string * inspection_data callback
| Open_images of (string * string option) list * inspection_data callback
| Read_directory of source * string * direntry list callback
+ | Reopen of inspection_data callback
| Run_command of string * unit callback
let rec string_of_command = function
sprintf "Open_images %s" (string_of_images images)
| Read_directory (src, dir, _) ->
sprintf "Read_directory (%s, %s)" (string_of_source src) dir
+ | Reopen _ ->
+ "Reopen"
| Run_command (cmd, _) ->
sprintf "Run_command %s" cmd
let open_images ?fail images cb = send_to_slave ?fail (Open_images (images, cb))
let read_directory ?fail src path cb =
send_to_slave ?fail (Read_directory (src, path, cb))
+let reopen ?fail cb =
+ send_to_slave ?fail (Reopen cb)
let run_command ?fail cmd cb =
send_to_slave ?fail (Run_command (cmd, cb))
let conn = ref None
let g = ref None
+(* Last Open_domain or Open_images command. This is so we can implement
+ * the Reopen command.
+ *)
+let last_open = ref None
(* Run the callback unless someone set the q_discard flag while
* we were running the command.
status "Finished listing applications";
callback_if_not_discarded cb r
- | Open_domain (name, cb) ->
+ | Open_domain (name, cb) as cmd ->
status "Opening %s ..." name;
let conn = get_conn () in
let dom = D.lookup_by_name conn name in
let xml = D.get_xml_desc dom in
let images = get_disk_images_from_xml xml in
- open_disk_images images cb
+ open_disk_images images cb cmd
- | Open_images (images, cb) ->
+ | Open_images (images, cb) as cmd ->
status "Opening disk images ...";
- open_disk_images images cb
+ open_disk_images images cb cmd
| Read_directory (src, dir, cb) ->
status "Reading directory %s ..." dir;
status "Finished reading directory %s" dir;
callback_if_not_discarded cb entries
+ | Reopen cb ->
+ (* Execute the last_open command, if there was one. But note
+ * that we have to replace the callback in the saved command with
+ * the new callback passed by the main thread to reopen.
+ *)
+ (match !last_open with
+ | Some (Open_domain (name, _)) ->
+ execute_command (Open_domain (name, cb))
+ | Some (Open_images (images, _)) ->
+ execute_command (Open_images (images, cb))
+ | None ->
+ () (* invalid_arg? *)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false (* should never happen *)
+ )
| Run_command (cmd, cb) ->
status "Running %s ..." cmd;
and close_all () =
(match !conn with Some conn -> C.close conn | None -> ());
conn := None;
+ last_open := None;
close_g ()
and close_g () =
(* The common code for Open_domain and Open_images which opens the
* libguestfs handle, adds the disks, and launches the appliance.
-and open_disk_images images cb =
+and open_disk_images images cb cmd =
debug "opening disk image %s" (string_of_images images);
close_g ();
} in
status "Finished opening disk";
+ (* Save the command, in case user does Reopen. *)
+ last_open := Some cmd;
callback_if_not_discarded cb data
(* Start up one slave thread. *)
If [fail] is passed, then failures cause this callback to
be called. If not, the global failure hook is called. *)
+val reopen : ?fail:exn callback -> Slave_types.inspection_data callback -> unit
+ (** [reopen cb] reruns the last {!open_domain} or {!open_images}
+ command, if there was one. *)
val run_command : ?fail:exn callback -> string -> unit callback -> unit
(** [run_command cmd] runs an external command [cmd]. This is
useful for possibly long-running commands as it keeps the
connect_none_item : GMenu.menu_item;
connect_uri_item : GMenu.menu_item;
open_disk_item : GMenu.menu_item;
+ reopen_item : GMenu.menu_item;
quit_item : GMenu.menu_item;
let none = factory#add_item "_Connect to default hypervisor" in
let uri = factory#add_item "Connect to a _libvirt URI ..." in
ignore (factory#add_separator ());
- let opend =
- factory#add_item "_Open disk image ..." ~key:GdkKeysyms._O in
+ let opend = factory#add_item "_Open disk image ..." ~key:GdkKeysyms._O in
+ ignore (factory#add_separator ());
+ let reopen = factory#add_item "Reopen current guest" in
ignore (factory#add_separator ());
let quit = factory#add_item "E_xit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q in
{ connect_menu = menu; connect_kvm_item = kvm;
connect_xen_item = xen; connect_none_item = none;
- connect_uri_item = uri; open_disk_item = opend; quit_item = quit } in
+ connect_uri_item = uri;
+ open_disk_item = opend; reopen_item = reopen; quit_item = quit } in
let guest_menu =
let menu = factory#add_submenu "_Guest" in
let connect_xen_signal = new GUtil.signal () in
let connect_none_signal = new GUtil.signal () in
let connect_uri_signal = new GUtil.signal () in
+ let reopen_signal = new GUtil.signal () in
let inspection_signal = new GUtil.signal () in
object (self)
+ reopen_signal#disconnect;
method connect_kvm_signal = connect_kvm_signal#connect ~after
method connect_xen_signal = connect_xen_signal#connect ~after
method connect_none_signal = connect_none_signal#connect ~after
method connect_uri_signal = connect_uri_signal#connect ~after
+ method reopen_signal = reopen_signal#connect ~after
method inspection_signal = inspection_signal#connect ~after
ignore (connect_menu.connect_uri_item#connect#activate
+ ignore (connect_menu.reopen_item#connect#activate
+ ~callback:reopen_signal#call);
ignore (guest_menu.guest_inspection_item#connect#activate
debug "when_opened_disk_images callback";
self#when_opened_common image data
+ (* Called to reopen the handle. *)
+ method reopen () =
+ tree#clear ();
+ Slave.discard_command_queue ();
+ Slave.reopen self#when_reopened
+ method private when_reopened data =
+ debug "when_reopened callback";
+ self#when_opened_common "Reopened"(*XXX we lost the original name*) data
(* Common code for when_opened_domain/when_opened_disk_images. *)
method private when_opened_common name data =
(* Dump some of the inspection data in debug messages. *)
method connect_xen_signal : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
method connect_none_signal : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
method connect_uri_signal : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
+ method reopen_signal : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
method inspection_signal : callback:(unit -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
method failure : exn -> unit
method connect_to : string option -> unit -> unit
(** Connect to the given libvirt URI. *)
+ method reopen : unit -> unit
+ (** Reopen the libguestfs handle and current guest. *)
method run_cli_request : Cmdline.cli_request -> unit
(** This function performs the {!Cmdline.cli_request} operation.
The actual operation happens asynchronously after this function