+my $append;
+=item B<--append kernelopts>
+Pass additional options to the rescue kernel.
my $uri;
=item B<--connect URI> | B<-c URI>
+my $memsize;
+=item B<--memsize MB> | B<-m MB>
+Change the amount of memory allocated to the rescue system. The
+default is set by libguestfs and is small but adequate for running
+system tools. The occasional program might need more memory. The
+parameter is specified in megabytes.
my $readonly;
=item B<--ro> | B<-r>
might be running, and is generally recommended in cases where you
don't need write access to the disk.
+my $selinux;
+=item B<--selinux>
+Enable SELinux in the rescue appliance. You should read
+L<guestfs(3)/SELINUX> before using this option.
GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
"version" => \$version,
+ "append=s" => \$append,
"connect|c=s" => \$uri,
+ "memsize|m=i" => \$memsize,
"ro|r" => \$readonly,
+ "selinux" => \$selinux,
) or pod2usage (2);
pod2usage (1) if $help;
if ($version) {
push @args, rw => 1 unless $readonly;
my $g = open_guest (@args);
+# Setting "direct mode" is required for the rescue appliance.
$g->set_direct (1);
-$g->set_append ("guestfs_rescue=1");
+# Set other features.
+$g->set_selinux (1) if $selinux;
+$g->set_memsize ($memsize) if defined $memsize;
+# Set the kernel command line, which must include guestfs_rescue=1
+# (see appliance/init).
+my $str = "guestfs_rescue=1";
+$str .= " $append" if defined $append;
+$g->set_append ($str);
+# Run the appliance. This won't return until the user quite the
+# appliance.
$g->launch ();
exit 0;