--- /dev/null
+2007-09-18 Richard Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
+ * virt-df/virt_df.ml: Handle domains with partition-backed
+ block devices.
+ * virt-top/virt_top.ml: Don't fail on older libvirt which would
+ give an error if list_domains or list_defined_domains was called
+ with n = 0.
+ * ChangeLog: Start tracking changes.
and disk = {
d_type : string option; (* The <disk type=...> *)
d_device : string option; (* The <disk device=...> *)
- d_file : string option; (* The <source file=...> *)
- d_dev : string option; (* The <target dev=...> *)
+ d_source : string option; (* The <source file=... or dev> *)
+ d_target : string option; (* The <target dev=...> *)
let doms : domain list =
| _ :: rest -> source_file_of rest
+ let rec source_dev_of = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest ->
+ (try Some (List.assoc "dev" attrs)
+ with Not_found -> source_dev_of rest)
+ | _ :: rest -> source_dev_of rest
+ in
let disks =
List.filter_map (
let device =
try Some (List.assoc "device" attrs)
with Not_found -> None in
- let file = source_file_of children in
- let dev = target_dev_of children in
+ let source =
+ match source_file_of children with
+ | (Some _) as source -> source
+ | None -> source_dev_of children in
+ let target = target_dev_of children in
Some {
- d_type = typ; d_device = device; d_file = file; d_dev = dev
+ d_type = typ; d_device = device;
+ d_source = source; d_target = target
| _ -> None
) devices in
printf "%s:\n" dom_name;
List.iter (
- | { d_file = Some file; d_dev = Some dev } ->
- printf "\t%s -> %s\n" file dev
+ | { d_source = Some source; d_target = Some target } ->
+ printf "\t%s -> %s\n" source target
+ | { d_type = None; d_device = Some "cdrom";
+ d_source = None; d_target = Some target } ->
+ printf "\t[CD] -> %s\n" target
| _ ->
printf "\t(device omitted, missing <source> or <target> in XML\n";
) dom_disks
let doms =
(* Active domains. *)
let n = C.num_of_domains conn in
- let ids = Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn n) in
+ let ids =
+ if n > 0 then Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn n)
+ else [] in
let doms =
List.filter_map (
fun id ->
(* Inactive domains. *)
let n = C.num_of_defined_domains conn in
- let names = Array.to_list (C.list_defined_domains conn n) in
+ let names =
+ if n > 0 then Array.to_list (C.list_defined_domains conn n)
+ else [] in
let doms_inactive = List.map (fun name -> name, Inactive) names in
doms @ doms_inactive in