(* COCANWIKI - a wiki written in Objective CAML.
* Written by Richard W.M. Jones <rich@merjis.com>.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd.
- * $Id: search.ml,v 1.5 2004/10/04 15:19:56 rich Exp $
+ * $Id: search.ml,v 1.6 2004/11/02 18:47:54 rich Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
open Printf
open Cocanwiki
+open Cocanwiki_template
+open Cocanwiki_strings
+open Cocanwiki_date
-let search : ('a -> 'b -> 'c, unit, string, string) format4 =
- "http://www.google.com/search?q=site:%s+%s"
+let split_words = Pcre.regexp "\\W+"
-let run r (q : cgi) (dbh : Dbi.connection) hostid { hostname = hostname } _ =
- let query = q#param "q" in
+let run r (q : cgi) (dbh : Dbi.connection) hostid host user =
+ let template = get_template dbh hostid "search.html" in
- let query = sprintf search (escape_url hostname) (escape_url query) in
+ (* Get the query, if it exists. *)
+ let query = try q#param "q" with Not_found -> "" in
+ let have_query = not (string_is_whitespace query) in
+ template#set "query" query;
+ template#conditional "have_query" have_query;
- q#redirect query
+ (* Permissions. *)
+ let can_edit = can_edit host user in
+ template#conditional "can_edit" can_edit;
+ (* Search old versions? Only permit this if can_edit is true. *)
+ let old_versions =
+ if can_edit then (
+ try q#param_true "old_versions"
+ with Not_found -> false
+ )
+ else false in
+ (* If we have a query, make some results. *)
+ let have_results =
+ if have_query then (
+ (* Get the keywords from the query string. *)
+ let keywords = Pcre.split ~rex:split_words query in
+ let keywords = List.map String.lowercase keywords in
+ (* Turn the keywords into a tsearch2 ts_query string. *)
+ let tsquery = String.concat "&" keywords in
+ (* Search the titles first. *)
+ let sth =
+ dbh#prepare_cached
+ ("select id, url, url_deleted, title, last_modified_date,
+ (lower (title) = lower (?)) as exact
+ from pages
+ where hostid = ? " ^
+ (if not old_versions then "and url is not null " else "") ^ "
+ and redirect is null
+ and title_description_fti @@ to_tsquery (?, ?)
+ order by exact desc, last_modified_date desc, title") in
+ sth#execute [`String query;
+ `Int hostid; `String "default"; `String tsquery];
+ let titles =
+ sth#map (function
+ | [_; `String url; `Null; `String title;
+ `Timestamp last_modified; _] ->
+ url, title, None, last_modified
+ | [`Int version; `Null; `String url; `String title;
+ `Timestamp last_modified; _] ->
+ url, title, Some version, last_modified
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let have_titles = titles <> [] in
+ template#conditional "have_titles" have_titles;
+ (* Search the contents. *)
+ let sth =
+ dbh#prepare_cached
+ ("select c.id, p.id, p.url, p.url_deleted, p.title,
+ p.last_modified_date
+ from contents c, pages p
+ where c.pageid = p.id
+ and p.hostid = ? " ^
+ (if not old_versions then "and url is not null " else "") ^ "
+ and p.redirect is null
+ and c.content_fti @@ to_tsquery (?, ?)
+ order by p.last_modified_date desc, p.title
+ limit 50") in
+ sth#execute [`Int hostid; `String "default"; `String tsquery];
+ let contents =
+ sth#map (function
+ | [`Int contentid; _; `String url; `Null;
+ `String title; `Timestamp last_modified] ->
+ contentid, url, title, None, last_modified
+ | [`Int contentid; `Int version; `Null; `String url;
+ `String title; `Timestamp last_modified] ->
+ contentid, url, title, Some version, last_modified
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let have_contents = contents <> [] in
+ template#conditional "have_contents" have_contents;
+ (* Pull out the actual text which matched so we can generate a summary.*)
+ let content_map =
+ if contents = [] then []
+ else (
+ let qs = Dbi.placeholders (List.length contents) in
+ let sth =
+ dbh#prepare_cached
+ ("select id, sectionname, content from contents
+ where id in " ^ qs) in
+ sth#execute
+ (List.map (fun (contentid, _,_,_,_) -> `Int contentid) contents);
+ sth#map (function
+ | [ `Int id; `Null; `String content ] ->
+ id, (None, content)
+ | [ `Int id; `String sectionname; `String content ] ->
+ id, (Some sectionname, content)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ ) in
+ (* Generate the final tables. *)
+ let table =
+ List.map (fun (url, title, version, last_modified) ->
+ let have_version, version =
+ match version with
+ None -> false, 0
+ | Some version -> true, version in
+ let last_modified = printable_date last_modified in
+ [ "url", Template.VarString url;
+ "title", Template.VarString title;
+ "have_version", Template.VarConditional have_version;
+ "version", Template.VarString (string_of_int version);
+ "last_modified", Template.VarString last_modified ]
+ ) titles in
+ template#table "titles" table;
+ let table =
+ List.map
+ (fun (contentid, url, title, version, last_modified) ->
+ let have_version, version =
+ match version with
+ None -> false, 0
+ | Some version -> true, version in
+ let sectionname, content = List.assoc contentid content_map in
+ let have_sectionname, sectionname =
+ match sectionname with
+ None -> false, ""
+ | Some sectionname -> true, sectionname in
+ let content =
+ truncate 160
+ (Wikilib.text_of_xhtml
+ (Wikilib.xhtml_of_content dbh hostid content)) in
+ let linkname = linkname_of_sectionname sectionname in
+ let last_modified = printable_date last_modified in
+ [ "url", Template.VarString url;
+ "title", Template.VarString title;
+ "have_version", Template.VarConditional have_version;
+ "version", Template.VarString (string_of_int version);
+ "have_sectionname", Template.VarConditional have_sectionname;
+ "sectionname", Template.VarString sectionname;
+ "linkname", Template.VarString linkname;
+ "content", Template.VarString content;
+ "last_modified", Template.VarString last_modified ]
+ ) contents in
+ template#table "contents" table;
+ (* Do we have any results? *)
+ let have_results = have_titles || have_contents in
+ have_results
+ )
+ else false in
+ template#conditional "have_results" have_results;
+ q#template template
let () =
register_script ~restrict:[CanView] run
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<title>Search this site</title>
+<meta name="author" content="http://www.merjis.com/" />
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="::theme_css_html_tag::" type="text/css" title="Standard"/>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_css/search.css" type="text/css" title="Standard"/>
+<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="/_css/easytoread.css" type="text/css" title="High contrast, big fonts"/>
+</head><body onload="document.f.q.focus ()">
+<h1><span>Search this site</span></h1>
+<form method="get" action="/_search" name="f">
+ <input name="q" value="::query_html_tag::" size="70"/><input type="submit" value="Search"/>
+ ::if(can_edit)::
+ <input type="checkbox" name="old_versions" value="1" id="old_versions"/>
+ <label for="old_versions">Search old versions of pages</label> <br/>
+ ::end::
+<div id="titles">
+<ul id="titles">
+ <a href="/::url_html_tag::::if(have_version)::?version=::version::::end::">::title_html::</a>
+ <span class="last_modified_date">- Last change: ::last_modified_html::</span>
+<ul id="contents">
+ <a href="/::url_html_tag::::if(have_version)::?version=::version::::end::">::title_html::</a>
+ ::if(have_sectionname)::
+ (<a href="/::url_html_tag::::if(have_version)::?version=::version::::end::#::linkname_html_tag::">::sectionname_html::</a>)
+ ::end:: <br/>
+ <span class="content">::content::</span> <br/>
+ <span class="last_modified_date">Last change: ::last_modified_html::</span>
+<strong>There are no results for your search.</strong>
+Some tips for finding what you want:
+<li> Use fewer words. </li>
+<li> <a href="/_sitemap">Try browsing the sitemap.</a> </li>
\ No newline at end of file