let min_kallsyms_tabsize = 1_000L
let max_kallsyms_tabsize = 250_000L
-let kernel_size = 0x100_0000
-let max_memory_peek = 0x1_000
+(* Make the kernel size around 16 MB, but just a bit smaller than
+ * maximum string length so we can still run this on a 32 bit platform.
+ *)
+let kernel_size =
+ if Sys.word_size = 32 then Sys.max_string_length
+ else 0x100_0000
+let max_memory_peek = 0x1000
type ksym = string
(* List of kernel images. *)
let images = ref [] in
let uri = ref "" in
+ let anon_args = ref [] in
let memory_image filename =
images :=
" " ^ s_"Display version and exit";
] in
- let anon_fun str =
- raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf (f_"%s: unknown parameter") str)) in
+ let anon_arg str = anon_args := str :: !anon_args in
let usage_msg = usage_msg ^ s_"\n\nOPTIONS" in
- Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg;
+ Arg.parse argspec anon_arg usage_msg;
let images = !images in
let debug = !debug in
let uri = if !uri = "" then None else Some !uri in
+ let anon_args = List.rev !anon_args in
(* Get the kernel images. *)
let images =
exit 1 in
- (* List of active domains. *)
+ (* If we have a list of parameters, then it is the domain names / UUIDs /
+ * IDs ONLY that we wish to display. Otherwise, display all active.
+ *)
let doms =
- let nr_active_doms = C.num_of_domains conn in
- let active_doms =
- Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn nr_active_doms) in
- let active_doms =
- List.map (D.lookup_by_id conn) active_doms in
- active_doms in
+ if anon_args = [] then (
+ (* List of active domains. *)
+ let nr_active_doms = C.num_of_domains conn in
+ let active_doms =
+ Array.to_list (C.list_domains conn nr_active_doms) in
+ List.map (D.lookup_by_id conn) active_doms
+ ) else (
+ List.map (
+ fun arg ->
+ let dom =
+ try D.lookup_by_uuid_string conn arg
+ with _ ->
+ try D.lookup_by_name conn arg
+ with _ ->
+ try D.lookup_by_id conn (int_of_string arg)
+ with _ ->
+ failwith (sprintf (f_"%s: unknown domain (not a UUID, name or ID of any active domain)") arg) in
+ (* XXX Primitive test to see if the domain is active. *)
+ let is_active = try D.get_id dom >= 0 with _ -> false in
+ if not is_active then
+ failwith (sprintf (f_"%s: domain is not running") arg);
+ dom
+ ) anon_args
+ ) in
(* Get their XML. *)
let xmls = List.map (fun dom -> dom, D.get_xml_desc dom) doms in
(name, arch, mem)
) xmls
- ) else
+ ) else (
+ (* One or more -t options passed. *)
+ if anon_args <> [] then
+ failwith (s_"virt-mem: if -t given on command line, then no domain arguments should be listed");
List.map (
fun (wordsize, endian, arch, text_addr, filename) ->
(* Quite a lot of limitations on the kernel images we can
let mem = MMap.set_endian mem endian in
(filename, arch, mem)
- ) images in
+ ) images
+ ) in
let images =
List.map (