open Goaljobs_config
+type ('a, 'b) alternative = Either of 'a | Or of 'b
let (//) = Filename.concat
let quote = Filename.quote
(* Create a temporary directory. It is *not* deleted on exit. *)
-let tmpdir () =
+let make_tmpdir () =
let chan = open_in "/dev/urandom" in
let data = String.create 16 in
really_input chan data 0 (String.length data);
let shell = ref "/bin/sh"
-(* Used by sh, shout etc. Create a temporary directory and a
- * '' inside it containing the script to run. Returns the
- * temporary directory and command to run.
- *)
-let create_script script =
- let dir = tmpdir () in
- let script_file = dir // "" in
- let chan = open_out script_file in
+(* Used by sh, shout, shlines to handle the script and temporary dir. *)
+let with_script ?(tmpdir = false) script f =
+ let dir = if tmpdir then Some (make_tmpdir ()) else None in
+ let script_file, chan =
+ match dir with
+ | Some dir ->
+ let script_file = dir // "" in
+ let chan = open_out script_file in
+ script_file, chan
+ | None -> Filename.open_temp_file "goaljobsscript" ".sh" in
+ chmod script_file 0o700;
fprintf chan "#!%s\n" !shell;
fprintf chan "set -e\n"; (* so that job exits on error *)
fprintf chan "set -x\n"; (* echo commands (must be last) *)
fprintf chan "\n";
output_string chan script;
close_out chan;
- chmod script_file 0o700;
- let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && exec %s" (quote dir) (quote script_file) in
- dir, cmd
+ let cmd =
+ match dir with
+ | Some dir -> sprintf "cd %s && exec %s" (quote dir) (quote script_file)
+ | None -> sprintf "exec %s" (quote script_file) in
+ let r = try Either (f cmd) with exn -> Or exn in
+ (match dir with
+ | Some dir -> rm_rf dir
+ | None -> ()
+ );
+ match r with
+ | Either x -> x
+ | Or exn -> raise exn
-let sh fs =
+let sh ?tmpdir fs =
let do_sh script =
- let dir, cmd = create_script script in
- let r = Sys.command cmd in
- rm_rf dir;
- if r <> 0 then (
- let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" r in
- goal_failed msg
+ with_script ?tmpdir script (
+ fun cmd ->
+ let r = Sys.command cmd in
+ if r <> 0 then (
+ let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" r in
+ goal_failed msg
+ )
ksprintf do_sh fs
-let do_shlines script =
- let dir, cmd = create_script script in
- let chan = open_process_in cmd in
- let lines = ref [] in
- let rec loop () =
- let line = input_line chan in
- eprintf "%s\n%!" line;
- lines := line :: !lines;
- loop ()
- in
- (try loop () with End_of_file -> ());
- let r = close_process_in chan in
- rm_rf dir;
- match r with
- | WEXITED 0 -> List.rev !lines
- | WEXITED i ->
- let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" i in
- goal_failed msg
- | WSIGNALED i ->
- let msg = sprintf "external command was killed by signal %d" i in
- goal_failed msg
- | WSTOPPED i ->
- let msg = sprintf "external command was stopped by signal %d" i in
- goal_failed msg
-let shlines fs = ksprintf do_shlines fs
+let do_shlines ?tmpdir script =
+ with_script ?tmpdir script (
+ fun cmd ->
+ let chan = open_process_in cmd in
+ let lines = ref [] in
+ let rec loop () =
+ let line = input_line chan in
+ eprintf "%s\n%!" line;
+ lines := line :: !lines;
+ loop ()
+ in
+ (try loop () with End_of_file -> ());
+ match close_process_in chan with
+ | WEXITED 0 -> List.rev !lines
+ | WEXITED i ->
+ let msg = sprintf "external command failed with code %d" i in
+ goal_failed msg
+ | WSIGNALED i ->
+ let msg = sprintf "external command was killed by signal %d" i in
+ goal_failed msg
+ | WSTOPPED i ->
+ let msg = sprintf "external command was stopped by signal %d" i in
+ goal_failed msg
+ )
+let shlines ?tmpdir fs = ksprintf (do_shlines ?tmpdir) fs
-let do_shout script =
- let lines = do_shlines script in
+let do_shout ?tmpdir script =
+ let lines = do_shlines ?tmpdir script in
String.concat "\n" lines
-let shout fs = ksprintf do_shout fs
+let shout ?tmpdir fs = ksprintf (do_shout ?tmpdir) fs
val replace_substring : string -> string -> string -> string
* XXX Replace this with a more efficient and less fragile implementation.
-type ('a, 'b) alternative = Either of 'a | Or of 'b
let with_memory_locked ?(write = false) f =
let filename = getenv "HOME" // ".goaljobs-memory" in
let fd = openfile filename [O_RDWR; O_CREAT] 0o644 in
(* Run the function. *)
- let r = try Either (f fd) with exn -> Or (exn) in
+ let r = try Either (f fd) with exn -> Or exn in
lockf fd F_ULOCK 0;
match r with
| Either x -> x
sh "rsync foo-%s.tar.gz" version
+ Each shell runs in a new temporary directory. The temporary
+ directory and all its contents is deleted after the shell exits.
+ If you want to save any data, [cd] somewhere. If you don't
+ want the temporary directory creation, use [~tmpdir:false].
+ The environment variable [$builddir] is exported to the script.
+ This is the current directory when the goaljobs program was started.
Each invocation of {!sh} (etc) is a single shell (this is slightly
different from how [make] works). For example:
" version
- }
+ v}
The shell error mode is set such that if any single command
returns an error then the {!sh} function as a whole exits with
an error. Write:
- {v command ||: }
+ {v command ||: v}
to ignore the result of a command.
- Each shell runs in a new temporary directory. The temporary
- directory and all its contents is deleted after the shell exits.
- If you want to save any data, [cd] somewhere. The environment
- variable [$builddir] is exported to the script. This is the
- current directory when the goaljobs program was started.
- For example you could start the command sequence with
- [cd $HOME/data/] or [cd $builddir].
-val sh : ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
- (** Run the command(s). *)
+val sh : ?tmpdir:bool -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
+ (** Run the command(s).
+ The command runs in a newly created temporary directory (which
+ is deleted after the command exits), {i unless} you use
+ [~tmpdir:false]. *)
-val shout : ('a, unit, string, string) format4 -> 'a
+val shout : ?tmpdir:bool -> ('a, unit, string, string) format4 -> 'a
(** Run the command(s).
Anything printed on stdout is returned as a string.
- The trailing [\n] character, if any, is not returned. *)
+ The trailing [\n] character, if any, is not returned.
+ The command runs in a newly created temporary directory (which
+ is deleted after the command exits), {i unless} you use
+ [~tmpdir:false]. *)
-val shlines : ('a, unit, string, string list) format4 -> 'a
+val shlines : ?tmpdir:bool -> ('a, unit, string, string list) format4 -> 'a
(** Run the command(s).
Any lines printed to stdout is returned as a list of strings.
- Trailing [\n] characters are not returned. *)
+ Trailing [\n] characters are not returned.
+ The command runs in a newly created temporary directory (which
+ is deleted after the command exits), {i unless} you use
+ [~tmpdir:false]. *)
val shell : string ref
(** Set this variable to override the default shell ([/bin/sh]). *)