/* Javascript for OCAMLWIKI.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Merjis Ltd.
- * $Id: editor.js,v 1.1 2004/09/07 10:14:09 rich Exp $
+ * $Id: editor.js,v 1.2 2004/10/26 17:17:08 rich Exp $
-var delay = 1000 // Delay in milliseconds before updating.
+var delay = 1000; // Delay in milliseconds before updating.
function update_preview (content_id, preview_id)
preview.innerHTML = xhtml;
+// Initialise the edit_buttons for a section.
+// We do this in Javascript so that non-Javascript users won't see
+// any buttons (they wouldn't be functional for them anyway).
+function init_edit_buttons (div_id, content_id, preview_id)
+ // HTML for the edit buttons.
+ var args = "'" + content_id + "', '" + preview_id + "'";
+ var edit_buttons_html =
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"link(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select some text and click this to make a link\"><u>Link</u></a>" +
+ "<span class=\"spacer\"></span>" +
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"bold(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select some text and click this to make it bold\"><strong>Bold</strong></a>" +
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"italic(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select some text and click this to make it italic\"><em>Italic</em></a>" +
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"strikeout(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select some text and click this to strike through it\"><s>Strike</s></a>" +
+ "<span class=\"spacer\"></span>" +
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"bullet(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select lines of text and click this to make it a bullet list\"><big>∙—</big></a>" +
+ "<a href=\"#\" onmousedown=\"numbered(" + args + "); return false;\" title=\"Select lines of text and click this to make it a numbered list\">1—</a>" +
+ "<br/>"
+ ;
+ var div = document.getElementById (div_id);
+ div.innerHTML = edit_buttons_html;
+function replace_selection (content_id, fn)
+ var textarea = document.getElementById (content_id);
+ if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { // Mozilla
+ var start = textarea.selectionStart;
+ var end = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ if (start != end) {
+ var text = textarea.value.substring (start, end);
+ var replacement = fn (text);
+ textarea.value = textarea.value.substring (0, start) +
+ replacement + textarea.value.substring (end);
+ }
+ } else if (document.selection) { // IE
+ var range = document.selection.createRange ();
+ if (range.parentElement () == textarea && range.text != "") {
+ var text = range.text;
+ var len = text.length;
+ // IE6 bug workaround: If the end of the selection is the end of
+ // a line, then we must remember to append a \n character after
+ // doing the replacement. Note the incredible lengths we have to
+ // go to here because IE is a piece of shit.
+ var dup = range.duplicate ();
+ dup.moveEnd ("character", 2);
+ append =
+ dup.text.substring (dup.text.length-3, dup.text.length-1) == "\r\n";
+ // Replace \r\n with just \n.
+ text = text.replace ("\r\n", "\n");
+ /*
+ var wtf;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ wtf += "," + text.charCodeAt (i);
+ if ((i % 32) == 0) wtf += "\n";
+ }
+ alert (wtf);
+ */
+ // IE's selections often include a trailing space or carriage
+ // return. Ignore this whitespace when calling the replacement
+ // function.
+ var replacement;
+ if ((ar = text.match (/(\s+)$/))) {
+ var ws = ar[1];
+ text = text.substring (0, len - ws.length);
+ replacement = fn (text);
+ replacement = replacement + ws;
+ } else
+ replacement = fn (range.text);
+ // See IE bug workaround above.
+ if (append) replacement += "\n";
+ range.text = replacement;
+ }
+ }
+function link (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (ar = text.match (/^\[\[(.*)\]\]$/))
+ return ar[1];
+ else
+ return "[[" + text + "]]";
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
+function bold (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (ar = text.match (/^<b>(.*)<\/b>$/))
+ return ar[1];
+ else
+ return "<b>" + text + "</b>";
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
+function italic (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (ar = text.match (/^<i>(.*)<\/i>$/))
+ return ar[1];
+ else
+ return "<i>" + text + "</i>";
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
+function strikeout (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (ar = text.match (/^<s>(.*)<\/s>$/))
+ return ar[1];
+ else
+ return "<s>" + text + "</s>";
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
+function bullet (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (text.match (/^\*/))
+ return text.replace (/^\* /gm, "");
+ else
+ return "* " + text.replace (/\n/g, "\n* ");
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
+function numbered (content_id, preview_id)
+ var fn = function (text) {
+ if (text.match (/^#/))
+ return text.replace (/^# /gm, "");
+ else
+ return "# " + text.replace (/\n/g, "\n# ");
+ };
+ replace_selection (content_id, fn);
+ update_preview_now (content_id, preview_id);
<h1>::title_html:: [edit]</h1>
-<form method="post" action="">
+<form method="post" action="" name="f">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="::id::"/>
<input type="hidden" name="pt_type" value="::pt_type::"/>
<input type="hidden" name="pt_value" value="::pt_value_html_tag::"/>
<a href="/_static/markup.html" target="_blank" class="help_link">(Editing help)</a>
-<input class="heading" name="sectionname_::ordering::" value="::sectionname_html_tag::" size="40"/>
-<textarea id="content_::ordering::" name="content_::ordering::" rows="12" cols="80" onkeypress="update_preview ('content_::ordering::', 'preview_::ordering::')">::content_html_textarea::</textarea>
+<input class="heading" name="sectionname_::ordering::" value="::sectionname_html_tag::" size="40"/><br/>
+<div class="edit_buttons" id="edit_buttons_::ordering::"></div>
+<textarea id="content_::ordering::" name="content_::ordering::" rows="14" cols="80" onkeypress="update_preview ('content_::ordering::', 'preview_::ordering::')">::content_html_textarea::</textarea>
<div class="preview" id="preview_::ordering::"><noscript>(If you had Javascript, you would see a preview of your edits here)</noscript></div>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
update_preview_now ('content_::ordering::', 'preview_::ordering::');
+init_edit_buttons ('edit_buttons_::ordering::', 'content_::ordering::', 'preview_::ordering::');
<abbr class="css_id" title="Assign a stylesheet ID to this block of text to enable further styling">CSS id</abbr>: <input class="css_id" name="divname_::ordering::" value="::divname_html_tag::" size="8"/>