echo $EDITOR # or %{EDITOR}
edit /etc/resolv.conf
-live CD inspection
- virt-inspector livecd.iso
-Could this be done through the core API and existing calls?
-There is a soft requirement for this in virt-manager, where it would
-be nice to be able to prepopulate the operating system hints based on
-what sort of ISO the user is trying to install from.
-Several sorts of CDs:
- - live CD
- - install-only CD
- - network install CD
- - supplemental CDs with additional packages but not bootable
- on its own
-Some CDs are formatted as ISO9660 and larger ones as UDF (DVD format),
-but they all are unpartitioned.
-Bootable Linux CDs have an /isolinux directory.
-Bootable EFI CDs have an /EFI/BOOT directory.
-Fedora live CDs have /images/install.img which is a squashfs
-containing an ext4 root. We could consider mounting this and
-inspecting it separately, but it would be simple to get everything we
-need from other files in the CD directory.
-More recent Fedora install DVD has /.discinfo and /.treeinfo with some
-easy to parse information in it.
-Debian and Ubuntu CDs have a /.disk/info file which is the product
-string. There are other interesting files in /.disk. They also have
-a characteristic directory structure (eg. /dists, /pool/main) which
-looks like a Debian archive.
-Windows 2003 install CDs have some characteristic stamp files in the
-root directory, like: /win51 /win51ia /win51ia.sp2. The main
-installation files (CAB files) are in /i386 directory. The following
-files contain a lot of interesting information:
- /i386/hivesft.inf
- /i386/layout.inf
- /i386/sis.inf
- /i386/txtsetup.sif
+live CD inspection for Windows 7
Windows 7 install CDs are quite different and pretty impenetrable.
There are no obvious files to parse.