(* Create a mask 0-31 bits wide. *)
let mask bits =
- if bits < 30 then
+ if bits < 30 ||
+ (bits < 32 && Sys.word_size = 64) then
(one <<< bits) - 1
else if bits = 30 then
let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
(v land mask) = zero
+ let range_signed v bits =
+ if
+ v >= zero
+ then
+ range_unsigned v bits
+ else
+ if
+ bits = 31 && Sys.word_size = 32
+ then
+ v >= min_int
+ else
+ pred (minus_one <<< pred bits) < v
(* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
* (big endian - so start at top).
let _get_byte64 data byteoff strlen =
if strlen > byteoff then Int64.of_int (Char.code data.[byteoff]) else 0L
+(* Extend signed [2..31] bits int to 31 bits int or 63 bits int for 64
+ bits platform*)
+let extend_sign len v =
+ let b = pred Sys.word_size - len in
+ (v lsl b) asr b
+let extract_and_extend_sign f data off len flen =
+ let w = f data off len flen in
+ extend_sign len w
(* Extract [2..8] bits. Because the result fits into a single
* byte we don't have to worry about endianness, only signedness.
word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
+let extract_char_signed =
+ extract_and_extend_sign extract_char_unsigned
(* Extract [9..31] bits. We have to consider endianness and signedness. *)
let extract_int_be_unsigned data off len flen =
let byteoff = off lsr 3 in
) in
word (*, off+flen, len-flen*)
+let extract_int_be_signed =
+ extract_and_extend_sign extract_int_be_unsigned
let extract_int_le_unsigned data off len flen =
let v = extract_int_be_unsigned data off len flen in
let v = I.byteswap v flen in
+let extract_int_le_signed =
+ extract_and_extend_sign extract_int_le_unsigned
let extract_int_ne_unsigned =
if nativeendian = BigEndian
then extract_int_be_unsigned
else extract_int_le_unsigned
+let extract_int_ne_signed =
+ extract_and_extend_sign extract_int_ne_unsigned
let extract_int_ee_unsigned = function
| BigEndian -> extract_int_be_unsigned
| LittleEndian -> extract_int_le_unsigned
| NativeEndian -> extract_int_ne_unsigned
+let extract_int_ee_signed e =
+ extract_and_extend_sign (extract_int_ee_unsigned e)
let _make_int32_be c0 c1 c2 c3 =
Buffer._add_bits buf v flen
-(* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
-let construct_int_be_unsigned buf v flen exn =
- (* Check value is within range. *)
- if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
- (* Add the bytes. *)
- I.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
+let construct_char_signed buf v flen exn =
+ let max_val = 1 lsl flen
+ and min_val = - (1 lsl pred flen) in
+ if v < min_val || v >= max_val then
+ raise exn;
+ if flen = 8 then
+ Buffer.add_byte buf (if v >= 0 then v else 256 + v)
+ else
+ Buffer._add_bits buf v flen
(* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
-let construct_int_le_unsigned buf v flen exn =
- (* Check value is within range. *)
- if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
- (* Add the bytes. *)
- I.map_bytes_le (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
+let construct_int check_func map_func buf v flen exn =
+ if not (check_func v flen) then raise exn;
+ map_func (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
+let construct_int_be_unsigned =
+ construct_int I.range_unsigned I.map_bytes_be
+let construct_int_be_signed =
+ construct_int I.range_signed I.map_bytes_be
+let construct_int_le_unsigned =
+ construct_int I.range_unsigned I.map_bytes_le
+let construct_int_le_signed =
+ construct_int I.range_signed I.map_bytes_le
let construct_int_ne_unsigned =
if nativeendian = BigEndian
then construct_int_be_unsigned
else construct_int_le_unsigned
+let construct_int_ne_signed =
+ if nativeendian = BigEndian
+ then construct_int_be_signed
+ else construct_int_le_signed
let construct_int_ee_unsigned = function
| BigEndian -> construct_int_be_unsigned
| LittleEndian -> construct_int_le_unsigned
| NativeEndian -> construct_int_ne_unsigned
+let construct_int_ee_signed = function
+ | BigEndian -> construct_int_be_signed
+ | LittleEndian -> construct_int_le_signed
+ | NativeEndian -> construct_int_ne_signed
(* Construct a field of exactly 32 bits. *)
let construct_int32_be_unsigned buf v flen _ =
Buffer.add_byte buf
val extract_char_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
+val extract_char_signed : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
val extract_int_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
+val extract_int_be_signed : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
val extract_int_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
+val extract_int_le_signed : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
val extract_int_ne_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
+val extract_int_ne_signed : string -> int -> int -> int -> int
val extract_int_ee_unsigned : endian -> string -> int -> int -> int -> int
+val extract_int_ee_signed : endian -> string -> int -> int -> int -> int
val extract_int32_be_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int32
val extract_int32_le_unsigned : string -> int -> int -> int -> int32
val construct_char_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_char_signed : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int_le_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int_ee_unsigned : endian -> Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_be_signed : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_le_signed : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_ne_signed : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_ee_signed : endian -> Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int32_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int32_le_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
* be known at runtime) but we may be able to directly access
* the bytes in the string.
- | P.Int, Some 8, Some field_byte_offset, _, _ ->
+ | P.Int, Some 8, Some field_byte_offset, _, signed ->
let extract_fn = int_extract_const 8 endian signed in
(* The fast-path code when everything is aligned. *)
if $lid:len$ >= 8 then (
let v =
- if $lid:off_aligned$ then
+ if not $`bool:signed$ && $lid:off_aligned$ then
$extract_fn$ $lid:data$ $lid:off$ $lid:len$ 8 in
--- /dev/null
+let a = Array.init 387 (fun i -> i - 129)
+let limits b =
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun (mini,maxi) i ->
+ try
+ ignore (b i);
+ (min mini i, max maxi i)
+ with
+ _ -> (mini, maxi))
+ (0,0)
+ a
+let () =
+ if
+ List.map limits [
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 2 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 3 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 4 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 5 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 6 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 7 : signed });
+ (fun i -> BITSTRING { i : 8 : signed });
+ ]
+ <>
+ [
+ (-2, 3);
+ (-4, 7);
+ (-8, 15);
+ (-16, 31);
+ (-32, 63);
+ (-64, 127);
+ (-128, 255)
+ ]
+ then
+ failwith("t12_signed_bytes_limits: failed")
--- /dev/null
+let a n =
+ let n' = 1 lsl (pred n) in
+ Array.to_list (Array.init n' (fun i -> -(n'-i), n'+i)) @
+ Array.to_list (Array.init (n' lsl 1) (fun i -> i,i));;
+let t s i =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ok (n,c) -> s n = String.make 1 (Char.chr (c lsl (8-i))) && ok )
+ true
+ (a i);;
+let ok = fst (List.fold_left (fun (ok,i) s ->
+ t s i && ok, succ i) (true, 2)
+ [
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 2 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 3 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 4 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 5 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 6 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 7 : signed }));
+ (fun i -> Bitstring.string_of_bitstring (BITSTRING { i : 8 : signed }));
+ ])
+if not ok then
+ failwith("t13_signed_byte_create: failed")
--- /dev/null
+let () = Random.self_init ();;
+if not (
+ fst (List.fold_left (fun (ok, i) (b,m) ->
+ let above_maxp = 1 lsl i in
+ let maxp = pred above_maxp in
+ let minp = - (above_maxp lsr 1) in
+ let below_minp = pred minp in
+ let gut =
+ try ignore (b maxp); true
+ with _ -> false in
+ let gut2 =
+ try ignore (b above_maxp); false
+ with _ -> true in
+ let gut3 =
+ try ignore (b minp); true
+ with _ -> false in
+ let gut4 =
+ try ignore (b below_minp); false
+ with _ -> true in
+ let gut5 =
+ let plage = Int32.shift_left 1l i in
+ let test () =
+ let signed_number =
+ Int32.to_int ( Int32.add (Random.int32 plage) (Int32.of_int minp) ) in
+ let bits = b signed_number in
+ let number' = m bits in
+ if signed_number = number' then true
+ else
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "bits:%d n=%d read=%d (%d %d)\n" i signed_number number' minp maxp;
+ false
+ end in
+ let res = ref true in
+ for i = 1 to 10_000 do
+ res := !res && test ()
+ done;
+ !res in
+ (gut && gut2 && gut3 && gut4 && gut5 && ok, succ i)
+ )
+ (true, 9)
+ [
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 9 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n: 9 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 10 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 10 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 11 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 11 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 12 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 12 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 13 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 13 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 14 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 14 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 15 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 15 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 16 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 16 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 17 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 17 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 18 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 18 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 19 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 19 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 20 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 20 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 21 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 21 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 22 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 22 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 23 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 23 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 24 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 24 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 25 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 25 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 26 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 26 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 27 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 27 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 28 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 28 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 29 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 29 : signed } -> n);
+ (fun n -> BITSTRING { n : 30 : signed }),
+ (fun b -> bitmatch b with { n : 30 : signed } -> n);
+ ]
+ ) &&
+ begin
+ try
+ if Sys.word_size = 32 then
+ begin
+ ignore (BITSTRING { max_int : 31 : signed });
+ ignore (BITSTRING { min_int : 31 : signed });
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ignore (BITSTRING { pred (1 lsl 31) : 31 : signed });
+ ignore (BITSTRING { (-1 lsl 30) : 31 : signed });
+ end;
+ true
+ with
+ _ ->
+ false;
+ end
+ &&
+ begin
+ if Sys.word_size = 64 then
+ try
+ ignore (BITSTRING { 1 lsl 31 : 31 : signed });
+ ignore (BITSTRING { pred (-1 lsl 30) : 31 : signed });
+ false
+ with _ -> true
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ failwith("t141_signed_int_limits: failed")
+(* Manquent les tests random pour bits = 31 *)
--- /dev/null
+let a n =
+ let n' = 1 lsl (pred n) in
+ Array.to_list (Array.init (n' lsl 1) (fun i -> i-n'))
+let t s i =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ok n -> s n = n && ok )
+ true
+ (a i);;
+let ok = fst (List.fold_left (fun (ok,i) s ->
+ t s i && ok, succ i) (true, 2)
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 2 : signed } with { i : 2 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 3 : signed } with { i : 3 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 4 : signed } with { i : 4 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 5 : signed } with { i : 5 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 6 : signed } with { i : 6 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 7 : signed } with { i : 7 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+ (fun n -> bitmatch BITSTRING { n : 8 : signed } with { i : 8 : signed } -> i | { _ } -> assert false);
+if not ok then
+ failwith("t13_signed_byte_create: failed")