| I386 | X86_64 | IA64 | PPC | PPC64 | SPARC | SPARC64
| OtherArch of string
| UnknownArch
+type target_config = {
+ tgt_hypervisor : hypervisor option; (* Remote hypervisor. *)
+ tgt_architecture : architecture; (* Remote architecture. *)
+ tgt_memory : int; (* Memory (megabytes). *)
+ tgt_vcpus : int; (* Number of virtual CPUs. *)
+ tgt_mac_address : string; (* MAC address. *)
+ tgt_libvirtd : bool; (* True if libvirtd on remote. *)
(* TO MAKE A CUSTOM VIRT-P2V SCRIPT, adjust the defaults in this section.
let config_root_filesystem = ref None
(* Configuration of the target. *)
-let config_hypervisor = ref None
-let config_architecture = ref None
-let config_memory = ref None
-let config_vcpus = ref None
-let config_mac_address = ref None
-let config_libvirtd = ref None
+let config_target = ref None
(* The name of the program as displayed in various places. *)
let program_name = "virt-p2v"
message_box "Error" text;
exit 1
+(* Display a dialog with checkboxes, return the multiple selected items. *)
+let select_multiple ?stage ?(force_one = false) width title items =
+ with_newt (
+ fun () ->
+ open_centered_window ?stage width 20 title;
+ let entries =
+ List.mapi (
+ fun i (label, handle, selected) ->
+ let cb =
+ Newt.checkbox 1 (i+1) label
+ (if selected then '*' else ' ') None in
+ (handle, cb)
+ ) items in
+ let ok = Newt.button 48 16 " OK " in
+ let vb =
+ if List.length entries > 10 then
+ Some (Newt.vertical_scrollbar 58 1 10
+ else
+ None in
+ let form = Newt.form vb None [] in
+ Newt.form_add_components form (List.map snd entries);
+ Newt.form_add_component form ok;
+ let selected =
+ let rec loop () =
+ ignore (Newt.run_form form);
+ let selected = List.filter_map (
+ fun (handle, cb) ->
+ if Newt.checkbox_get_value cb = '*' then Some handle else None
+ ) entries in
+ if force_one && selected = [] then loop ()
+ else selected
+ in
+ loop () in
+ Newt.pop_window ();
+ selected
+ )
+(* Display a dialog with radio buttons, return the single selected item. *)
+let select_single ?stage width title items =
+ if items = [] then failwith "select_single: no items";
+ with_newt (
+ fun () ->
+ open_centered_window ?stage width 20 title;
+ let prev = ref None in
+ let entries =
+ List.mapi (
+ fun i (label, handle) ->
+ let rb = Newt.radio_button 1 (i+1) label (!prev = None) !prev in
+ prev := Some rb;
+ (handle, rb)
+ ) items in
+ let ok = Newt.button 48 16 " OK " in
+ let vb =
+ if List.length entries > 10 then
+ Some (Newt.vertical_scrollbar 58 1 10
+ else
+ None in
+ let form = Newt.form vb None [] in
+ Newt.form_add_components form (List.map snd entries);
+ Newt.form_add_component form ok;
+ let (selected, _) =
+ let rec loop () =
+ ignore (Newt.run_form form);
+ let r = Option.get !prev in
+ let r = Newt.radio_get_current r in
+ (* Now we compare 'r' to all the 'rb's in the list
+ * to see which one is selected.
+ *)
+ try
+ List.find (fun (_, rb) -> Newt.component_equals r rb) entries
+ with
+ Not_found -> loop ()
+ in
+ loop () in
+ Newt.pop_window ();
+ selected
+ )
(* Shell-safe quoting function. In fact there's one in stdlib so use it. *)
let quote = Filename.quote
(* Test SSH connection. *)
let test_ssh config =
- printf "Testing SSH connection.\n\n%!";
+ printf "Testing SSH connection by listing files in remote directory ...\n\n%!";
let cmd = sprintf "/bin/ls %s" (quote config.ssh_directory) in
let conn = ssh_connect config cmd in
match !config_transfer_type with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
- open_centered_window ~stage:"Transfer type"
- 40 10 "Transfer type";
+ let items = [
+ "Physical to Virtual (P2V)", P2V;
+ "Virtual to Virtual (V2V)", V2V;
+ ] in
- let p2v =
- Newt.radio_button 1 1 "Physical to virtual (P2V)" true
- None in
- let v2v =
- Newt.radio_button 1 2 "Virtual to virtual (V2V)" false
- (Some p2v) in
- let ok = Newt.button 28 6 " OK " in
- let form = Newt.form None None [] in
- Newt.form_add_components form [p2v; v2v; ok];
- let t =
- let rec loop () =
- ignore (Newt.run_form form);
- let r = Newt.radio_get_current p2v in
- if Newt.component_equals r p2v then P2V
- else if Newt.component_equals r v2v then V2V
- else loop ()
- in
- loop () in
- Newt.pop_window ();
- t in
+ select_single ~stage:"Transfer type" 40
+ "Transfer type"
+ items in
(* Network configuration. *)
let config_network =
* root partitions found which allow us to do
* automatic configuration in a known way.
- let partition_map = Hashtbl.create 13 in
- let maplen = ref 1 in
let rec loop = function
| [] -> ()
| (partition, LinuxRoot (_, ((RHEL _|Fedora _) as distro)))
sprintf "%s (%s)"
(dev_of_partition partition)
(string_of_linux_distro distro) in
- Hashtbl.add partition_map (!maplen) partition;
- ignore (
- Newt.listbox_append_entry autolist label (!maplen)
- );
- incr maplen;
+ ignore (Newt.listbox_append_entry autolist label partition);
loop parts
| _ :: parts -> loop parts
(* If there is no suitable root partition (the listbox
* is empty) then disable the auto option and the listbox.
- let no_auto = Hashtbl.length partition_map = 0 in
+ let no_auto = Newt.listbox_item_count autolist = 0 in
let auto =
Newt.radio_button 1 1
if no_auto then (
Newt.component_takes_focus auto false;
- Newt.component_takes_focus autolist false
+ Newt.component_takes_focus
+ (Newt.component_of_listbox autolist) false
let qemu =
let enable_autolist () =
- Newt.component_takes_focus autolist true
+ Newt.component_takes_focus
+ (Newt.component_of_listbox autolist) true
let disable_autolist () =
- Newt.component_takes_focus autolist false
+ Newt.component_takes_focus
+ (Newt.component_of_listbox autolist) false
disable_static ();
let ok = Newt.button 48 16 " OK " in
let form = Newt.form None None [] in
- Newt.form_add_components form [auto; autolist;
+ Newt.form_add_components form [auto;
+ Newt.component_of_listbox autolist;
if Newt.component_equals r auto then (
match Newt.listbox_get_current autolist with
| None -> loop ()
- | Some i -> Auto (Hashtbl.find partition_map i)
+ | Some part -> Auto part
else if Newt.component_equals r shell then Shell
else if Newt.component_equals r qemu then QEMUUserNet
if not (test_ssh config_ssh) then
failwith "SSH configuration failed";
+ (* Devices and root partition and target configuration selection stage. *)
+ let config_devices_to_send, config_root_filesystem, config_target =
+ with_newt (
+ fun () ->
+ let config_devices_to_send =
+ match !config_devices_to_send with
+ | Some ds -> ds
+ | None ->
+ let items = List.map (
+ fun (dev, size) ->
+ let label =
+ sprintf "/dev/%s (%.3f GB)" dev
+ ((Int64.to_float size) /. (1024.*.1024.*.1024.)) in
+ (label, dev, true)
+ ) all_block_devices in
+ select_multiple ~stage:"Block devices" ~force_one:true 60
+ "Select block devices to send"
+ items in
+ let config_root_filesystem =
+ match !config_root_filesystem with
+ | Some fs -> fs
+ | None ->
+ let items = List.map (
+ fun (part, nature) ->
+ let label =
+ sprintf "%s %s" (dev_of_partition part)
+ (string_of_nature nature) in
+ (label, part)
+ ) all_partitions in
+ select_single ~stage:"Root filesystem" 60
+ "Select root filesystem"
+ items in
+ let config_target =
+ match !config_target with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None ->
+ open_centered_window ~stage:"Target system" 40 20
+ "Configure target system";
+ let hvlabel = Newt.label 1 1 "Hypervisor:" in
+ let hvlistbox = Newt.listbox 16 1 4 [Newt.SCROLL] in
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry hvlistbox "Xen" (Some Xen);
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry hvlistbox "QEMU" (Some QEMU);
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry hvlistbox "KVM" (Some KVM);
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry hvlistbox "Other" None;
+ let archlabel = Newt.label 1 5 "Architecture:" in
+ let archlistbox = Newt.listbox 16 5 4 [Newt.SCROLL] in
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "i386" I386;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox
+ "x86-64 (64-bit x86)" X86_64;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "IA64 (Itanium)" IA64;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "PowerPC 32-bit" PPC;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "PowerPC 64-bit" PPC64;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "SPARC 32-bit" SPARC;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "SPARC 64-bit" SPARC64;
+ Newt.listbox_append_entry archlistbox "Unknown/other" UnknownArch;
+ (* Get the architecture of the selected root filesystem. *)
+ (try
+ match List.assoc config_root_filesystem all_partitions with
+ | LinuxRoot (arch, _) ->
+ Newt.listbox_set_current_by_key archlistbox arch
+ | _ -> ()
+ with
+ Not_found -> ());
- let ask_devices state =
- let selected_devices = Option.default [] state.devices_to_send in
- let devices = List.map (
- fun (dev, blksize) ->
- (dev,
- sprintf "/dev/%s (%.3f GB)" dev
- ((Int64.to_float blksize) /. (1024.*.1024.*.1024.)),
- List.mem dev selected_devices)
- ) all_block_devices in
- match
- checklist "Devices" "Pick devices to send" 15 50 8 devices
- with
- | Yes [] | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Yes devices -> Next { state with devices_to_send = Some devices }
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ let memlabel = Newt.label 1 9 "Memory (MB):" in
+ let mementry = Newt.entry 16 9
+ (Some (string_of_int system_memory)) 8 [] in
+ let cpulabel = Newt.label 1 10 "CPUs:" in
+ let cpuentry = Newt.entry 16 10
+ (Some (string_of_int system_nr_cpus)) 4 [] in
+ let maclabel = Newt.label 1 11 "MAC addr:" in
+ let macentry = Newt.entry 16 11 None 20 [] in
+ let maclabel2 = Newt.label 1 12 "(leave MAC blank for random)" in
- let ask_root state =
- let parts = List.mapi (
- fun i (part, nature) ->
- let descr =
- match nature with
- | LinuxSwap -> " (Linux swap)"
- | LinuxRoot (_, RHEL (a,b)) -> sprintf " (RHEL %d.%d root)" a b
- | LinuxRoot (_, Fedora v) -> sprintf " (Fedora %d root)" v
- | LinuxRoot (_, Debian (a,b)) -> sprintf " (Debian %d.%d root)" a b
- | LinuxRoot (_, OtherLinux) -> sprintf " (Linux root)"
- | WindowsRoot -> " (Windows C:)"
- | LinuxBoot -> " (Linux /boot)"
- | NotRoot -> " (filesystem)"
- | UnknownNature -> "" in
- (string_of_int i,
- dev_of_partition part ^ descr,
- Some part = state.root_filesystem)
- ) all_partitions in
- match
- radiolist "Root device"
- "Pick partition containing the root (/) filesystem" 18 70 9
- parts
- with
- | Yes (i::_) ->
- let (part, _) = List.nth all_partitions (int_of_string i) in
- Next { state with root_filesystem = Some part }
- | Yes [] | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ let libvirtd =
+ Newt.checkbox 12 14 "Use remote libvirtd" '*' None in
- let ask_hypervisor state =
- match
- radiolist "Hypervisor"
- "Choose hypervisor / virtualization system"
- 11 50 4 [
- "xen", "Xen", state.hypervisor = Some Xen;
- "qemu", "QEMU", state.hypervisor = Some QEMU;
- "kvm", "KVM", state.hypervisor = Some KVM;
- "other", "Other", state.hypervisor = None
- ]
- with
- | Yes ("xen"::_) -> Next { state with hypervisor = Some Xen }
- | Yes ("qemu"::_) -> Next { state with hypervisor = Some QEMU }
- | Yes ("kvm"::_) -> Next { state with hypervisor = Some KVM }
- | Yes _ -> Next { state with hypervisor = None }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ let ok = Newt.button 28 16 " OK " in
- let ask_architecture state =
- match
- radiolist "Architecture" "Machine architecture" 16 50 8 [
- "i386", "i386 and up (32 bit)", state.architecture = Some I386;
- "x86_64", "x86-64 (64 bit)", state.architecture = Some X86_64;
- "ia64", "Itanium IA64", state.architecture = Some IA64;
- "ppc", "PowerPC (32 bit)", state.architecture = Some PPC;
- "ppc64", "PowerPC (64 bit)", state.architecture = Some PPC64;
- "sparc", "SPARC (32 bit)", state.architecture = Some SPARC;
- "sparc64", "SPARC (64 bit)", state.architecture = Some SPARC64;
- "auto", "Auto-detect",
- state.architecture = None || state.architecture = Some UnknownArch;
- ]
- with
- | Yes ("i386" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some I386 }
- | Yes ("x86_64" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some X86_64 }
- | Yes ("ia64" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some IA64 }
- | Yes ("ppc" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some PPC }
- | Yes ("ppc64" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some PPC64 }
- | Yes ("sparc" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some SPARC }
- | Yes ("sparc64" :: _) -> Next { state with architecture = Some SPARC64 }
- | Yes _ -> Next { state with architecture = Some UnknownArch }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ let form = Newt.form None None [] in
+ Newt.form_add_components form
+ [hvlabel; Newt.component_of_listbox hvlistbox;
+ archlabel; Newt.component_of_listbox archlistbox;
+ memlabel; mementry;
+ cpulabel; cpuentry;
+ maclabel; macentry; maclabel2;
+ libvirtd;
+ ok];
+ let c =
+ let rec loop () =
+ ignore (Newt.run_form form);
+ try
+ let hv = Newt.listbox_get_current hvlistbox in
+ let arch = Newt.listbox_get_current archlistbox in
+ let mem = int_of_string (Newt.entry_get_value mementry) in
+ let cpus = int_of_string (Newt.entry_get_value cpuentry) in
+ let mac = Newt.entry_get_value macentry in
+ let libvirtd = Newt.checkbox_get_value libvirtd = '*' in
+ if hv <> None && arch <> None && mem >= 0 && cpus >= 0
+ then
+ { tgt_hypervisor = Option.get hv;
+ tgt_architecture = Option.get arch;
+ tgt_memory = mem; tgt_vcpus = cpus;
+ tgt_mac_address = mac;
+ tgt_libvirtd = libvirtd }
+ else
+ loop ()
+ with
+ Not_found | Failure "int_of_string" -> loop ()
+ in
+ loop () in
- let ask_memory state =
- match
- inputbox "Memory" "Memory (MB). Leave blank to use same as physical server."
- 10 50
- (Option.map_default string_of_int "" state.memory)
- with
- | Yes (""::_ | []) -> Next { state with memory = Some 0 }
- | Yes (mem::_) ->
- let mem = try int_of_string mem with Failure "int_of_string" -> -1 in
- if mem < 0 || (mem > 0 && mem < 64) then Ask_again
- else Next { state with memory = Some mem }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ Newt.pop_window ();
- let ask_vcpus state =
- match
- inputbox "VCPUs" "Virtual CPUs. Leave blank to use same as physical server."
- 10 50
- (Option.map_default string_of_int "" state.vcpus)
- with
- | Yes (""::_ | []) -> Next { state with vcpus = Some 0 }
- | Yes (vcpus::_) ->
- let vcpus =
- try int_of_string vcpus with Failure "int_of_string" -> -1 in
- if vcpus < 0 then Ask_again
- else Next { state with vcpus = Some vcpus }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ c in
- let ask_mac_address state =
- match
- inputbox "MAC address"
- "Network MAC address. Leave blank to use a random address." 10 50
- (Option.default "" state.mac_address)
- with
- | Yes (""::_ | []) -> Next { state with mac_address = Some "" }
- | Yes (mac :: _) -> Next { state with mac_address = Some mac }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
+ config_devices_to_send, config_root_filesystem, config_target
+ ) in
- let ask_compression state =
- match
- radiolist "Network compression" "Enable network compression" 10 50 2 [
- "yes", "Yes, compress network traffic", state.compression <> Some false;
- "no", "No, don't compress", state.compression = Some false
- ]
- with
- | Yes ("no"::_) -> Next { state with compression = Some false }
- | Yes _ -> Next { state with compression = Some true }
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- | Back -> Prev
- in
- let ask_verify state =
- match
- yesno "Verify and proceed"
- (sprintf "\nPlease verify the settings below and click [OK] to proceed, or the [Back] button to return to a previous step.
-Host:port: %s : %s
-Directory: %s
-Network: %s
-Send devices: %s
-Root (/) dev: %s
-Hypervisor: %s
-Architecture: %s
-Memory: %s
-VCPUs: %s
-MAC address: %s
-Compression: %b"
- (Option.default "" state.remote_host)
- (Option.default "" state.remote_port)
- (Option.default "" state.remote_directory)
- (match state.network with
- | Some Auto -> "Auto-configure" | Some Shell -> "Shell"
- | Some Static -> "Static" | Some QEMUUserNet -> "QEMU user net"
- | None -> "")
- (String.concat "," (Option.default [] state.devices_to_send))
- (Option.map_default dev_of_partition "" state.root_filesystem)
- (match state.hypervisor with
- | Some Xen -> "Xen" | Some QEMU -> "QEMU" | Some KVM -> "KVM"
- | None -> "Other / not set")
- (match state.architecture with
- | Some UnknownArch -> "Auto-detect"
- | Some arch -> string_of_architecture arch | None -> "")
- (match state.memory with
- | Some 0 -> "Same as physical"
- | Some mem -> string_of_int mem ^ " MB" | None -> "")
- (match state.vcpus with
- | Some 0 -> "Same as physical"
- | Some vcpus -> string_of_int vcpus | None -> "")
- (match state.mac_address with
- | Some "" -> "Random" | Some mac -> mac | None -> "")
- (Option.default true state.compression)
- )
- 21 50
- with
- | Yes _ -> Next state
- | Back -> Prev
- | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
- in
- (* This is the list of dialogs, in order. The user can go forwards or
- * backwards through them.
- *
- * The second parameter in each tuple is true if we need to skip
- * this dialog statically (info already supplied in 'defaults' above).
- *
- * The third parameter in each tuple is a function that tests whether
- * this dialog should be skipped, given other parts of the current state.
- *)
- let dlgs =
- let dont_skip _ = false in
- [|
- ask_greeting, not defaults.greeting, dont_skip;
- ask_hostname, defaults.remote_host <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_port, defaults.remote_port <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_directory, defaults.remote_directory <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_username, defaults.remote_username <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_network, defaults.network <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_static_network_config,
- defaults.static_network_config <> None,
- (function { network = Some Static } -> false | _ -> true);
- ask_devices, defaults.devices_to_send <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_root, defaults.root_filesystem <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_hypervisor, defaults.hypervisor <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_architecture, defaults.architecture <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_memory, defaults.memory <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_vcpus, defaults.vcpus <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_mac_address, defaults.mac_address <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_compression, defaults.compression <> None, dont_skip;
- ask_verify, not defaults.greeting, dont_skip;
- |] in
- (* Loop through the dialogs until we reach the end. *)
- let rec loop ?(back=false) posn state =
- eprintf "dialog loop: posn = %d, back = %b\n%!" posn back;
- if posn >= Array.length dlgs then state (* Finished all dialogs. *)
- else if posn < 0 then loop 0 state
- else (
- let dlg, skip_static, skip_dynamic = dlgs.(posn) in
- if skip_static || skip_dynamic state then
- (* Skip this dialog. *)
- loop ~back (if back then posn-1 else posn+1) state
- else (
- (* Run dialog. *)
- match dlg state with
- | Next new_state -> loop (posn+1) new_state (* Forwards. *)
- | Ask_again -> loop posn state (* Repeat the question. *)
- | Prev -> loop ~back:true (posn-1) state (* Backwards / back button. *)
- )
- )
- in
- let state = loop 0 defaults in
- eprintf "finished dialog loop\n%!";
(* In test mode, exit here before we do bad things to the developer's
* hard disk.