let csv_net = ref true
let init_file = ref DefaultInitFile
let script_mode = ref false
+let stream_mode = ref false
(* Tuple of never-changing data returned by start_up function. *)
type setup =
- Libvirt.ro C.t * bool * bool * bool * C.node_info * string *
+ Libvirt.ro C.t * bool * bool * bool * bool * C.node_info * string *
(int * int * int)
(* Function to read command line arguments and go into curses mode. *)
" " ^ s_"Secure (\"kiosk\") mode";
"--script", Arg.Set script_mode,
" " ^ s_"Run from a script (no user interface)";
+ "--stream", Arg.Set stream_mode,
+ " " ^ s_"dump output to stdout (no userinterface)";
"--version", Arg.Unit display_version,
" " ^ s_"Display version number and exit";
] in
| _, "batch", b -> batch_mode := bool_of_string b
| _, "secure", b -> secure_mode := bool_of_string b
| _, "script", b -> script_mode := bool_of_string b
+ | _, "stream", b -> stream_mode := bool_of_string b
| _, "end-time", t -> set_end_time t
| _, "overwrite-init-file", "false" -> no_init_file ()
| lineno, key, _ ->
| "" -> (* No debug file specified, send stderr to /dev/null unless
* we're in script mode.
- if not !script_mode then (
+ if not !script_mode && not !stream_mode then (
let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [Unix.O_WRONLY] 0o644 in
Unix.dup2 fd Unix.stderr;
Unix.close fd
(* Curses voodoo (see ncurses(3)). *)
- if not !script_mode then (
+ if not !script_mode && not !stream_mode then (
ignore (initscr ());
ignore (cbreak ());
ignore (noecho ());
* main_loop. See virt_top_main.ml.
- !batch_mode, !script_mode, !csv_enabled, (* immutable modes *)
+ !batch_mode, !script_mode, !csv_enabled, !stream_mode, (* immutable modes *)
node_info, hostname, libvirt_version (* info that doesn't change *)
Hashtbl.clear last_vcpu_info
- let collect (conn, _, _, _, node_info, _, _) =
+ let collect (conn, _, _, _, _, node_info, _, _) =
(* Number of physical CPUs (some may be disabled). *)
let nr_pcpus = C.maxcpus_of_node_info node_info in
let historical_cpu = ref [] in
let historical_cpu_last_time = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in
- (_, _, _, _, node_info, _, _) (* setup *)
+ (_, _, _, _, _, node_info, _, _) (* setup *)
time, printable_time,
nr_pcpus, total_cpu, total_cpu_per_pcpu,
(* Write summary data to CSV file. *)
let append_csv
- (_, _, _, _, node_info, hostname, _) (* setup *)
+ (_, _, _, _, _, node_info, hostname, _) (* setup *)
_, printable_time,
nr_pcpus, total_cpu, _,
(!csv_write) (summary_fields @ domain_fields)
+let dump_stdout
+ (_, _, _, _, _, node_info, hostname, _) (* setup *)
+ (doms,
+ _, printable_time,
+ nr_pcpus, total_cpu, _,
+ totals,
+ _) (* state *) =
+ (* Header for this iteration *)
+ printf "virt-top time %s Host %s %s %d/%dCPU %dMHz %LdMB \n"
+ printable_time hostname node_info.C.model node_info.C.cpus nr_pcpus
+ node_info.C.mhz (node_info.C.memory /^ 1024L);
+ (* dump domain information one by one *)
+ (* sort by ID *)
+ let doms =
+ let compare =
+ (function
+ | Active {rd_domid = id1 }, Active {rd_domid = id2} ->
+ compare id1 id2
+ | Active _, Inactive -> -1
+ | Inactive, Active _ -> 1
+ | Inactive, Inactive -> 0)
+ in
+ let cmp (name1, dom1) (name2, dom2) = compare(dom1, dom2) in
+ List.sort ~cmp doms in
+ (*Print domains *)
+ let dump_domain = fun name rd
+ -> begin
+ let state = show_state rd.rd_info.D.state in
+ let rd_req = if rd.rd_block_rd_reqs = None then " 0"
+ else Show.int64_option rd.rd_block_rd_reqs in
+ let wr_req = if rd.rd_block_wr_reqs = None then " 0"
+ else Show.int64_option rd.rd_block_wr_reqs in
+ let rx_bytes = if rd.rd_net_rx_bytes = None then " 0"
+ else Show.int64_option rd.rd_net_rx_bytes in
+ let tx_bytes = if rd.rd_net_tx_bytes = None then " 0"
+ else Show.int64_option rd.rd_net_tx_bytes in
+ let percent_cpu = Show.percent rd.rd_percent_cpu in
+ let percent_mem =
+ 100L *^ rd.rd_info.D.memory /^ node_info.C.memory in
+ let percent_mem = Int64.to_float percent_mem in
+ let percent_mem = Show.percent percent_mem in
+ let time = Show.time rd.rd_info.D.cpu_time in
+ printf "%5d %c %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n"
+ rd.rd_domid state rd_req wr_req rx_bytes tx_bytes
+ percent_cpu percent_mem time name;
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, Active dom -> dump_domain name dom
+ | name, Inactive -> ()
+ ) doms;
+ flush stdout
(* Main loop. *)
-let rec main_loop ((_, batch_mode, script_mode, csv_enabled, _, _, _)
+let rec main_loop ((_, batch_mode, script_mode, csv_enabled, stream_mode, _, _, _)
as setup) =
if csv_enabled then write_csv_header ();
while not !quit do
let state = collect setup in (* Collect stats. *)
- if not script_mode then redraw setup state; (* Redraw display. *)
+ (* Redraw display. *)
+ if not script_mode && not stream_mode then redraw setup state;
if csv_enabled then append_csv setup state; (* Update CSV file. *)
+ if stream_mode then dump_stdout setup state; (* dump to stdout *)
(* Clear up unused virDomainPtr objects. *)
Gc.compact ();
(*eprintf "adjusted delay = %d\n%!" delay;*)
(* Get next key. This does the sleep. *)
- if not batch_mode && not script_mode then
+ if not batch_mode && not script_mode && not stream_mode then
get_key_press setup delay
else (
- (* Batch mode or script mode. We didn't call get_key_press, so
- * we didn't sleep. Sleep now, unless we are about to quit.
+ (* Batch mode, script mode, stream mode. We didn't call
+ * get_key_press, so we didn't sleep. Sleep now, unless we are
+ * about to quit.
if not !quit || !end_time <> None then
millisleep delay
refresh ();
sleep 2
-and show_help (_, _, _, _, _, hostname,
+and show_help (_, _, _, _, _, _, hostname,
(libvirt_major, libvirt_minor, libvirt_release)) =
clear ();