(* This corresponds to the sexpr that we write out from the
* Python code. OCaml will type-check it.
-type root_packages = string * packages
+type root_packages = nevra * packages
and packages = pkg list
and pkg = {
- nevra : string; (* name-[epoch:]version-release.arch *)
+ nevra : nevra;
name : string;
epoch : int;
version : string;
release : string;
arch : string;
size : int64; (* installed size, excl. dirs *)
- deps : string list;
+ deps : nevra list;
+and nevra = string (* Name-[Epoch:]Version-Release.Arch *)
with sexp
(* Full dependency representation. This is actually a graph because
- * it contains dependency loops. 'deps list' is a ref because we
- * update it as we are building it.
+ * it contains dependency loops. The only difference from the pkg
+ * structure is that we have resolved the nevra strings into direct
+ * links, so we can quickly recurse over the tree.
+ *
+ * Parents/deps are mutable only because we want to modify these
+ * lists when creating this graph in 'create_deps'.
-type deps = Deps of pkg * deps list ref
+type deps = {
+ pkg : pkg; (* the package *)
+ mutable children : deps list; (* dependencies of this package (below) *)
+ mutable parents : deps list; (* parents of this package (above) *)
(* Final tree representation, loops removed, and everything we want to
* display stored in the nodes.
* StringMap of nevra -> deps.
let create_deps pkgs =
- let deps = List.map (fun pkg -> Deps (pkg, ref [])) pkgs in
+ let deps =
+ List.map (fun pkg -> { pkg = pkg; children = []; parents = [] }) pkgs in
let depsmap =
List.fold_left (
- fun map (Deps (pkg, _) as deps) ->
- StringMap.add pkg.nevra deps map
+ fun map ({pkg = pkg} as deps) -> StringMap.add pkg.nevra deps map
) StringMap.empty deps in
List.iter (
- fun (Deps (pkg, deps)) ->
- let deps' = List.map (fun n -> StringMap.find n depsmap) pkg.deps in
- deps := List.append !deps deps'
+ fun dep ->
+ List.iter (
+ fun nevra ->
+ let dep' = StringMap.find nevra depsmap in
+ (* dep.pkg is parent of dep'.pkg *)
+ dep.children <- dep' :: dep.children;
+ dep'.parents <- dep :: dep'.parents
+ ) dep.pkg.deps;
) deps;
let total pkg =
let seen = ref StringMap.empty in
let rec _total = function
- | Deps (pkg, _) when StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen -> 0L
- | Deps (pkg, { contents = children }) ->
+ | { pkg = pkg } when StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen -> 0L
+ | { pkg = pkg; children = children } ->
seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen;
pkg.size +^ sum (List.map _total children)
let seen = StringMap.empty in
let seen = StringMap.add root true seen in
let seen = ref seen in
- let mark_seen (Deps (pkg, _))= seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen in
- let not_seen (Deps (pkg, _)) = not (StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen) in
+ let mark_seen { pkg = pkg } = seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen in
+ let not_seen { pkg = pkg } = not (StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen) in
let rec build_tree = function
- | Deps (pkg, { contents = children }) ->
+ | { pkg = pkg; children = children } ->
(* Sort children by reverse total size. *)
- let cmp (Deps (p1, _)) (Deps (p2, _)) =
+ let cmp { pkg = p1 } { pkg = p2 } =
let t1 = StringMap.find p1.nevra totalsmap in
let t2 = StringMap.find p2.nevra totalsmap in
compare t2 t1
if !debug_flag then (
let seen = ref StringMap.empty in
let rec display ?(indent=0) = function
- | Deps (pkg, deps) ->
+ | { pkg = pkg; children = children; parents = parents } ->
if StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen then
eprintf "%s%s -> ...\n" (spaces indent) pkg.nevra
else (
- eprintf "%s%s -> [%s]\n"
- (spaces indent) pkg.nevra (
+ eprintf "%s%s ->\n%sparents:[%s]\n"
+ (spaces indent) pkg.nevra (spaces (indent+2)) (
String.concat ", "
- (List.map (fun (Deps (pkg, _)) -> pkg.nevra) !deps)
+ (List.map (fun { pkg = pkg } -> pkg.nevra) parents)
seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen;
- List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) !deps
+ List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) children
display (StringMap.find root depsmap);
(* This is the currently open package, or None if nothing has
* opened by the user yet.
- let current = ref None in
+ let opened = ref None in
(* Called from the "Open package" menu entry and other places. *)
let open_package pkgstr =
let Tree (_, top_total, top_increm, _, _) = tree in
assert (top_total = top_increm);
- current :=
+ opened :=
Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total);
(* Update the window title. *)
(* If the user selected something on the command line (pkgstr !=
- * None) then set up an idle event to populate 'current' as soon as
+ * None) then set up an idle event to populate 'opened' as soon as
* the window gets drawn on the screen.
(match pkgstr with
draw_tree 0. 0 tree
and repaint _ =
- (match !current with
+ (match !opened with
| None -> ()
| Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total) ->
real_repaint root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total
and motion ev =
- (match !current with
+ (match !opened with
| None -> ()
| Some (root, pkgs, depsmap, totalsmap, tree, depth, top_total) ->
real_motion root pkgs depsmap totalsmap tree depth top_total ev