--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Display the contents of the queues.
+# Note this cannot display messages which are being processed.
+# This works by fetching the messages without acknowledging them,
+# effectively peeking into the queues.
+import email
+import json
+import pika
+import config
+connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
+ host = config.mq_server))
+channel = connection.channel()
+print "patchq_input (Unordered messages):"
+while True:
+ method, _, body = channel.basic_get(queue = 'patchq_input', no_ack = False)
+ if not method: break
+ m = email.message_from_string(body) # the email
+ # Only display the subject line.
+ print (" %s" % m['Subject'])
+for t in config.tests:
+ qname = "patchq_test_%s" % t
+ print ("%s (Threads queued for %s):" % (qname, t))
+ while True:
+ method, _, body = channel.basic_get(queue = qname, no_ack = False)
+ if not method: break
+ msgs = json.loads(body)
+ msgs = [email.message_from_string(m) for m in msgs]
+ print (" Thread:")
+ for m in msgs:
+ print (" %s" % m['Subject'])
+print "patchq_reports (Reports):"
+while True:
+ method, _, _ = channel.basic_get(queue = 'patchq_reports', no_ack = False)
+ if not method: break
+ to, subject, ref, content = json.loads(body)
+ print (" %s" % subject)
+print "Note that messages being processed are not displayed. To see all"
+print "messages use ‘rabbitmqctl list_queues’ and other RabbitMQ admin tools."