noinst_SCRIPTS += viewer
- $(OCAMLFIND) ocamlopt \
+viewer: xmllight_loader.mli
+ ocamlducefind opt \
-warn-error A \
-thread \
- -package libvirt,lablgtk2,extlib,xml-light,threads -I .. \
+ -package libvirt,lablgtk2,extlib,xml-light,ocamlduce,threads -I .. \
-predicates init,threads \
-linkpkg mlguestfs.cmxa gtkThread.cmx \
$^ -o $@
* - extlib (
* - lablgtk2 (
* - xml-light (
+ * - cduce and ocamlduce (
* - ocaml-libvirt (
* - ocaml-libguestfs
(match !dom with Some dom -> dom | None -> ());
dom := None
- (* This would be much simpler if OCaml had either a decent XPath
- * implementation, or if ocamlduce was stable enough that we
- * could rely on it being available. So this is *not* an example
- * of either good OCaml or good programming. XXX
- *)
and get_devices_from_xml xml =
- let xml = Xml.parse_string xml in
- let devices =
- match xml with
- | Xml.Element ("domain", _, children) ->
- let devices =
- List.filter_map (
- function
- | Xml.Element ("devices", _, devices) -> Some devices
- | _ -> None
- ) children in
- List.concat devices
- | _ ->
- failwith "get_xml_desc didn't return <domain/>" in
- let rec source_dev_of = function
- | [] -> None
- | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest ->
- (try Some (List.assoc "dev" attrs)
- with Not_found -> source_dev_of rest)
- | _ :: rest -> source_dev_of rest
- in
- let rec source_file_of = function
- | [] -> None
- | Xml.Element ("source", attrs, _) :: rest ->
- (try Some (List.assoc "file" attrs)
- with Not_found -> source_file_of rest)
- | _ :: rest -> source_file_of rest
- in
- let devs =
- List.filter_map (
- function
- | Xml.Element ("disk", _, children) -> source_dev_of children
- | _ -> None
- ) devices in
- let files =
- List.filter_map (
- function
- | Xml.Element ("disk", _, children) -> source_file_of children
- | _ -> None
- ) devices in
- devs @ files
+ (* Lengthy discussion of the merits or otherwise of this code here:
+ *
+ *)
+ let xml = Xmllight_loader.from_string xml in
+ let xs = {{ [xml] }} in
+ let xs = {{ (((xs.(<domain..>_)) / .(<devices..>_)) / .(<disk..>_)) / }} in
+ let xs = {{ map xs with
+ | <source dev=(Latin1 & s) ..>_
+ | <source file=(Latin1 & s) ..>_ -> [s]
+ | _ -> [] }} in
+ {: xs :}
(* End of slave thread code. *)