virtual machine filesystems. It uses libguestfs and exposes all of the
functionality of the guestfs API, see guestfs(3).
+Package: guestfsd
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
+ bsdmainutils, diff, grub-pc, iproute,
+ libaugeas0, udev, binutils, cpio, dosfstools,
+ file, lsof, module-init-tools, net-tools, parted,
+ procps, scrub, strace, zerofree
+Description: Daemon to access to guest virtual machine throuh virtio serial
+ Daemon to access to guest virtual machine throuh virtio serial
Package: guestmount
Section: devel
Architecture: any
#!/usr/bin/make -f
+export DH_VERBOSE=1
DEB_VENDOR=$(shell dpkg-vendor --query vendor)
--disable-haskell \
--disable-php \
--with-readline \
+ --enable-install-daemon \
DEB_DBG_PACKAGES = libguestfs0-dbg