(* The state. *)
let state = ref Whenstate.empty
-(* Jobs that are running; map of PID -> (job, other data). Note that
- * the job may no longer exist *OR* it may have been renamed,
+(* Jobs that are running: a map of PID -> (job, tmpdir, serial).
+ * Note that the job may no longer exist *OR* it may have been renamed,
* eg. if the jobs file was reloaded.
let running = ref IntMap.empty
tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
and run_job job =
- let () =
- (* Increment JOBSERIAL. *)
- let serial =
- match Whenstate.get_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" with
- | T_int serial ->
- let serial = succ_big_int serial in
- state := Whenstate.set_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" (T_int serial);
- serial
- | _ -> assert false in
- Syslog.notice "running %s (JOBSERIAL=%s)"
- job.job_name (string_of_big_int serial) in
+ (* Increment JOBSERIAL. *)
+ let serial =
+ match Whenstate.get_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" with
+ | T_int serial ->
+ let serial = succ_big_int serial in
+ state := Whenstate.set_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" (T_int serial);
+ serial
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ Syslog.notice "running %s (JOBSERIAL=%s)"
+ job.job_name (string_of_big_int serial);
(* Create a temporary directory. The current directory of the job
* will be in this directory. The directory is removed when the
(* Remember this PID, the job and the temporary directory, so we
* can clean up when the child exits.
- running := IntMap.add pid (job, dir) !running
+ running := IntMap.add pid (job, dir, serial) !running
and tmpdir () =
let chan = open_in "/dev/urandom" in
let pid, status = waitpid [WNOHANG] 0 in
if pid > 0 then (
(* Look up the PID in the running jobs map. *)
- let job, dir = IntMap.find pid !running in
+ let job, dir, serial = IntMap.find pid !running in
running := IntMap.remove pid !running;
- cleanup_job job dir status
+ cleanup_job job dir serial status
with Unix_error _ | Not_found -> ()
-and cleanup_job job dir status =
+and cleanup_job job dir serial status =
(* If there is a cleanup function, run it. *)
(match job.job_cleanup with
| None -> ()
| WSIGNALED s | WSTOPPED s -> 1 in
let result = {
res_job_name = job.job_name;
+ res_serial = serial;
res_code = code;
res_tmpdir = dir;
res_output = dir // "output.txt"