-# $Id: Makefile.config,v 1.2 2007/06/28 20:49:10 rjones Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile.config,v 1.3 2007/06/28 20:57:49 rjones Exp $
PACKAGE := xavierbot
VERSION := 0.1
# OCaml command user.
-# If you want to run it without installing, leave the
-# following uncommented. You will also need to create
-# directory $(CHROOTDIR), compile everything, and make
-# ocamlbotwrapper be chown root.root, chmod ug+s.
+# If you want to run the bot without installing, leave the
+# following lines uncommented.
+# You will also need to create directory $(CHROOTDIR),
+# compile everything, and then:
+# chown root.root ocamlbotwrapper
+# chmod ug+s ocamlbotwrapper
--- /dev/null
+I am xavierbot, an OCaml toplevel bot for IRC.
+<rwmjones> let hello () = print_endline "hello, world";;
+<xavierbot> val hello : unit -> unit = <fun>
+<rwmjones> hello ();;
+<xavierbot> hello, world
+<xavierbot> - : unit = ()
+I am Public Domain.
+I was originally written by Richard W.M. Jones <rich@annexia.org>.
+To run me, you will need the following packages:
+ ocaml >= 3.10.0
+ findlib
+ perl
+ POE::Component::IRC
+ POE::Wheel::Run
+Please read Makefile.config for configuration information.