* Apart from that, long descriptions are just perldoc paragraphs.
-(* Generate a random UUID (used in tests). *)
+(* Generate a uuidgen-compatible UUID (used in tests). However to
+ * avoid having the UUID change every time we rebuild the tests,
+ * generate it as a function of the contents of the
+ * generator.ml file.
+ *
+ * Originally I thought uuidgen was using RFC 4122, but it doesn't
+ * appear to.
+ *
+ * Note that the format must be 01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab
+ *)
let uuidgen () =
- let chan = open_process_in "uuidgen" in
- let uuid = input_line chan in
- (match close_process_in chan with
- | WEXITED 0 -> ()
- | WEXITED _ ->
- failwith "uuidgen: process exited with non-zero status"
- failwith "uuidgen: process signalled or stopped by signal"
- );
- uuid
+ let s = Digest.to_hex (Digest.file "src/generator.ml") in
+ String.sub s 0 8 ^ "-"
+ ^ String.sub s 8 4 ^ "-"
+ ^ String.sub s 12 4 ^ "-"
+ ^ String.sub s 16 4 ^ "-"
+ ^ String.sub s 20 12
(* These test functions are used in the language binding tests. *)