(* Handy tool for managing CSV files.
- * $Id: csvtool.ml,v 1.8 2006-11-24 15:49:24 rich Exp $
+ * $Id: csvtool.ml,v 1.9 2006-12-05 22:24:44 rich Exp $
open Printf
let csv = csv @ update in
save_out ~separator:output_sep chan csv
+let cmd_call ~input_sep ~output_sep ~chan command files =
+ (* Avoid loading the whole file into memory. *)
+ let f row =
+ let cmd =
+ command ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote row) in
+ let code = Sys.command cmd in
+ if code <> 0 then (
+ eprintf "%s: terminated with exit code %d\n" command code;
+ exit code
+ )
+ in
+ List.iter (
+ fun filename ->
+ let in_chan = open_in filename in
+ load_rows ~separator:input_sep f in_chan;
+ close_in in_chan
+ ) files
let rec uniq = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
csvtool join 1 2 coll1.csv coll2.csv > output.csv
- If coll1.csv contains:
+ In the above example, if coll1.csv contains:
and coll2.csv contains:
csvtool replace 3 updates.csv original.csv > new.csv
mv new.csv original.csv
+ call command
+ This calls the external command (or shell function) 'command'
+ followed by a parameter for each column in the CSV file. The
+ external command is called once for each row in the CSV file.
+ If any command returns a non-zero exit code then the whole
+ program terminates.
+ Tip:
+ Use the shell command 'export -f funcname' to export
+ a shell function for use as a command. Within the
+ function, use the positional parameters $1, $2, ...
+ to refer to the columns.
+ Example (with a shell function):
+ function test {
+ echo Column 1: $1
+ echo Column 2: $2
+ }
+ export -f test
+ csvtool call test my.csv
+ In the above example, if my.csv contains:
+ how,now
+ brown,cow
+ then the output is:
+ Column 1: how
+ Column 2: now
+ Column 1: brown
+ Column 2: cow
Print the input CSV in a readable format.
| "drop" :: rows :: files ->
let rows = int_of_string rows in
cmd_drop ~input_sep ~output_sep ~chan rows files
+ | "call" :: command :: files ->
+ cmd_call ~input_sep ~output_sep ~chan command files
| _ ->
prerr_endline (Sys.executable_name ^ " --help for usage");
exit 2