virt_mem.cmi: virt_mem_utils.cmo virt_mem_mmap.cmi
virt_mem_mmap.cmi: virt_mem_utils.cmo
-virt_mem_capture.cmo: virt_mem_gettext.cmo virt_mem.cmi
-virt_mem_capture.cmx: virt_mem_gettext.cmx virt_mem.cmx
+test_mmap.cmo: virt_mem_mmap.cmi
+test_mmap.cmx: virt_mem_mmap.cmx
+virt_mem_capture.cmo: virt_mem_mmap.cmi virt_mem_gettext.cmo virt_mem.cmi
+virt_mem_capture.cmx: virt_mem_mmap.cmx virt_mem_gettext.cmx virt_mem.cmx
virt_mem.cmo: virt_mem_version.cmo virt_mem_utils.cmo virt_mem_mmap.cmi \
virt_mem_gettext.cmo virt_mem.cmi
virt_mem.cmx: virt_mem_version.cmx virt_mem_utils.cmx virt_mem_mmap.cmx \
virt_mem.cmxa: $(XOBJS)
ocamlmklib -o virt_mem $^
+# Just for testing Virt_mem_mmap module:
+test_mmap: virt_mem_utils.cmx virt_mem_mmap_c.o virt_mem_mmap.cmx test_mmap.cmx
+ ocamlfind ocamlopt \
include ../Make.rules
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+(* Test program for Virt_mem_mmap module. Not for general consumption. *)
+open Printf
+open Virt_mem_mmap
+let () =
+ let mem = create () in
+ let data = String.make 0x1000 '\001' in
+ let mem = add_string mem data 0x800L in
+ let data = String.make 0x1000 '\002' in
+ let mem = add_string mem data 0x1000L in
+ let data = String.make 0x1800 '\003' in
+ let mem = add_string mem data 0L in
+ List.iter (
+ fun addr ->
+ try
+ printf "byte @ %Lx = %d\n" addr (get_byte mem addr)
+ with Invalid_argument "get_byte" ->
+ printf "byte @ %Lx = HOLE\n" addr
+ ) [ 0L; 0x1L;
+ 0x7ffL; 0x800L; 0x801L;
+ 0xfffL; 0x1000L; 0x1001L;
+ 0x17ffL; 0x1800L; 0x1801L;
+ 0x1fffL; 0x2000L; 0x2001L ]
int option
* string
* Virt_mem_utils.architecture
- * ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) Virt_mem_mmap.t
+ * ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) Virt_mem_mmap.t
(** A memory image from a domain. *)
type image_with_ksyms =
int option
* string
* Virt_mem_utils.architecture
- * ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) Virt_mem_mmap.t
+ * ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) Virt_mem_mmap.t
* (ksym -> Virt_mem_mmap.addr)
(** An image after it has been processed to find kernel symbols.
open Unix
+open Printf
open Bigarray
open Virt_mem_utils
-(* Simple implementation at the moment: Store a list of mappings,
- * sorted by start address. We assume that mappings do not overlap.
- * We can change the implementation later if we need to. In most cases
- * there will only be a small number of mappings (probably 1).
- *)
-type ('a,'b) t = {
- mappings : mapping list;
- wordsize : wordsize option;
- endian : Bitstring.endian option;
-and mapping = {
+let debug = true
+(* An address. *)
+type addr = int64
+(* A range of addresses (start and start+size). *)
+type interval = addr * addr
+(* A mapping. *)
+type mapping = {
start : addr;
size : addr;
(* Bigarray mmap(2)'d region with byte addressing: *)
arr : (char,int8_unsigned_elt,c_layout) Array1.t;
+ (* The order that the mappings were added, 0 for the first mapping,
+ * 1 for the second mapping, etc.
+ *)
+ order : int;
-and addr = int64
+(* A memory map. *)
+type ('ws,'e,'hm) t = {
+ (* List of mappings, kept in reverse order they were added (new
+ * mappings are added at the head of this list).
+ *)
+ mappings : mapping list;
+ (* Segment tree for fast access to a mapping at a particular address.
+ * This is rebuilt each time a new mapping is added.
+ * NB! If mappings = [], ignore contents of this field. (This is
+ * enforced by the 'hm phantom type).
+ *)
+ tree : (interval * mapping list, interval * mapping list) binary_tree;
+ (* Word size, endianness.
+ * Phantom types enforce that these are set before being used.
+ *)
+ wordsize : wordsize;
+ endian : Bitstring.endian;
let create () = {
mappings = [];
- wordsize = None;
- endian = None
+ tree = Leaf ((0L,0L),[]);
+ wordsize = W32;
+ endian = Bitstring.LittleEndian;
-let set_wordsize t ws = { t with wordsize = Some ws }
+let set_wordsize t ws = { t with wordsize = ws }
+let set_endian t e = { t with endian = e }
+let get_wordsize t = t.wordsize
+let get_endian t = t.endian
+(* Build the segment tree from the list of mappings. This code
+ * is taken from virt-df. For an explanation of the process see:
+ *
+ *)
+let tree_of_mappings mappings =
+ (* Construct the list of distinct endpoints. *)
+ let eps =
+ (fun { start = start; size = size } -> [start; start +^ size])
+ mappings in
+ let eps = sort_uniq (List.concat eps) in
+ (* Construct the elementary intervals. *)
+ let elints =
+ let elints, lastpoint =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun (elints, prevpoint) point ->
+ ((point, point) :: (prevpoint, point) :: elints), point
+ ) ([], 0L) eps in
+ let elints = (lastpoint, Int64.max_int(*XXX*)) :: elints in
+ List.rev elints in
+ if debug then (
+ eprintf "elementary intervals (%d in total):\n" (List.length elints);
+ List.iter (
+ fun (startpoint, endpoint) ->
+ eprintf " %Lx %Lx\n" startpoint endpoint
+ ) elints
+ );
+ (* Construct the binary tree of elementary intervals. *)
+ let tree =
+ (* Each elementary interval becomes a leaf. *)
+ let elints = (fun elint -> Leaf elint) elints in
+ (* Recursively build this into a binary tree. *)
+ let rec make_layer = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | ([_] as x) -> x
+ (* Turn pairs of leaves at the bottom level into nodes. *)
+ | (Leaf _ as a) :: (Leaf _ as b) :: xs ->
+ let xs = make_layer xs in
+ Node (a, (), b) :: xs
+ (* Turn pairs of nodes at higher levels into nodes. *)
+ | (Node _ as left) :: ((Node _|Leaf _) as right) :: xs ->
+ let xs = make_layer xs in
+ Node (left, (), right) :: xs
+ | Leaf _ :: _ -> assert false (* never happens??? (I think) *)
+ in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [x] -> x
+ | xs -> loop (make_layer xs)
+ in
+ loop elints in
-let set_endian t e = { t with endian = Some e }
+ if debug then (
+ let leaf_printer (startpoint, endpoint) =
+ sprintf "%Lx-%Lx" startpoint endpoint
+ in
+ let node_printer () = "" in
+ print_binary_tree leaf_printer node_printer tree
+ );
+ (* Insert the mappings into the tree one by one. *)
+ let tree =
+ (* For each node/leaf in the tree, add its interval and an
+ * empty list which will be used to store the mappings.
+ *)
+ let rec interval_tree = function
+ | Leaf elint -> Leaf (elint, [])
+ | Node (left, (), right) ->
+ let left = interval_tree left in
+ let right = interval_tree right in
+ let (leftstart, _) = interval_of_node left in
+ let (_, rightend) = interval_of_node right in
+ let interval = leftstart, rightend in
+ Node (left, (interval, []), right)
+ and interval_of_node = function
+ | Leaf (elint, _) -> elint
+ | Node (_, (interval, _), _) -> interval
+ in
-let get_wordsize t = Option.get t.wordsize
+ let tree = interval_tree tree in
+ (* This should always be true: *)
+ assert (interval_of_node tree = (0L, Int64.max_int(*XXX*)));
+ (* "Contained in" operator.
+ * 'a <-< b' iff 'a' is a subinterval of 'b'.
+ * |<---- a ---->|
+ * |<----------- b ----------->|
+ *)
+ let (<-<) (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = b1 <= a1 && a2 <= b2 in
+ (* "Intersects" operator.
+ * 'a /\ b' iff intervals 'a' and 'b' overlap, eg:
+ * |<---- a ---->|
+ * |<----------- b ----------->|
+ *)
+ let ( /\ ) (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = a2 > b1 || b2 > a1 in
+ let rec insert_mapping tree mapping =
+ let { start = start; size = size } = mapping in
+ let seginterval = start, start +^ size in
+ match tree with
+ (* Test if we should insert into this leaf or node: *)
+ | Leaf (interval, mappings) when interval <-< seginterval ->
+ Leaf (interval, mapping :: mappings)
+ | Node (left, (interval, mappings), right)
+ when interval <-< seginterval ->
+ Node (left, (interval, mapping :: mappings), right)
+ | (Leaf _) as leaf -> leaf
+ (* Else, should we insert into left or right subtrees? *)
+ | Node (left, i, right) ->
+ let left =
+ if seginterval /\ interval_of_node left then
+ insert_mapping left mapping
+ else
+ left in
+ let right =
+ if seginterval /\ interval_of_node right then
+ insert_mapping right mapping
+ else
+ right in
+ Node (left, i, right)
+ in
+ let tree = List.fold_left insert_mapping tree mappings in
+ tree in
+ if debug then (
+ let printer ((sp, ep), mappings) =
+ sprintf "[%Lx-%Lx] " sp ep ^
+ String.concat ";"
+ ( (fun { start = start; size = size } ->
+ sprintf "%Lx+%Lx" start size)
+ mappings)
+ in
+ print_binary_tree printer printer tree
+ );
-let get_endian t = Option.get t.endian
+ tree
-let sort_mappings mappings =
- let cmp { start = s1 } { start = s2 } = compare s1 s2 in
- List.sort cmp mappings
+let add_mapping ({ mappings = mappings } as t) start size arr =
+ let order = List.length mappings in
+ let mapping = { start = start; size = size; arr = arr; order = order } in
+ let mappings = mapping :: mappings in
+ let tree = tree_of_mappings mappings in
+ { t with mappings = mappings; tree = tree }
-let add_file ({ mappings = mappings } as t) fd addr =
- if addr &^ 7L <> 0L then
- invalid_arg "add_file: mapping address must be aligned to 8 bytes";
+let add_file t fd addr =
let size = (fstat fd).st_size in
(* mmap(2) the file using Bigarray module. *)
let arr = Array1.map_file fd char c_layout false size in
- (* Create the mapping entry and keep the mappings sorted by start addr. *)
- let mappings =
- { start = addr; size = Int64.of_int size; arr = arr } :: mappings in
- let mappings = sort_mappings mappings in
- { t with mappings = mappings }
-let of_file fd addr =
- let t = create () in
- add_file t fd addr
+ (* Create the mapping entry. *)
+ add_mapping t addr (Int64.of_int size) arr
let add_string ({ mappings = mappings } as t) str addr =
- if addr &^ 7L <> 0L then
- invalid_arg "add_file: mapping address must be aligned to 8 bytes";
let size = String.length str in
(* Copy the string data to a Bigarray. *)
let arr = Array1.create char c_layout size in
for i = 0 to size-1 do
Array1.set arr i (String.unsafe_get str i)
- (* Create the mapping entry and keep the mappings sorted by start addr. *)
- let mappings =
- { start = addr; size = Int64.of_int size; arr = arr } :: mappings in
- let mappings = sort_mappings mappings in
- { t with mappings = mappings }
+ (* Create the mapping entry. *)
+ add_mapping t addr (Int64.of_int size) arr
+let of_file fd addr =
+ let t = create () in
+ add_file t fd addr
let of_string str addr =
let t = create () in
add_string t str addr
+(* Look up an address and get the top-most mapping which contains it.
+ * This uses the segment tree, so it's fast. The top-most mapping is
+ * the one with the highest 'order' field.
+ *
+ * Warning: This 'hot' code was carefully optimized based on
+ * feedback from 'gprof'. Avoid fiddling with it.
+ *)
+let rec get_mapping addr = function
+ | Leaf (_, []) -> None
+ | Leaf (_, [mapping]) -> Some mapping
+ | Leaf (_, mappings) -> Some (find_highest_order mappings)
+ (* Try to avoid expensive search if node mappings is empty: *)
+ | Node ((Leaf ((_, leftend), _) | Node (_, ((_, leftend), _), _) as left),
+ (_, []),
+ right) ->
+ let submapping =
+ if addr < leftend then get_mapping addr left
+ else get_mapping addr right in
+ submapping
+ (* ... or a singleton: *)
+ | Node ((Leaf ((_, leftend), _) | Node (_, ((_, leftend), _), _) as left),
+ (_, [mapping]),
+ right) ->
+ let submapping =
+ if addr < leftend then get_mapping addr left
+ else get_mapping addr right in
+ (match submapping with
+ | None -> Some mapping
+ | Some submapping ->
+ Some (if mapping.order > submapping.order then mapping
+ else submapping)
+ )
+ (* Normal recursive case: *)
+ | Node ((Leaf ((_, leftend), _) | Node (_, ((_, leftend), _), _) as left),
+ (_, mappings),
+ right) ->
+ let submapping =
+ if addr < leftend then get_mapping addr left
+ else get_mapping addr right in
+ (match submapping with
+ | None -> Some (find_highest_order mappings)
+ | Some submapping -> Some (find_highest_order (submapping :: mappings))
+ )
+and find_highest_order mappings =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun mapping1 mapping2 ->
+ if mapping1.order > mapping2.order then mapping1 else mapping2
+ ) (List.hd mappings) ( mappings)
+(* Get a single byte. *)
+let get_byte { tree = tree } addr =
+ (* Get the mapping which applies to this address: *)
+ match get_mapping addr tree with
+ | Some { start = start; size = size; arr = arr } ->
+ let offset = Int64.to_int (addr -^ start) in
+ Char.code (Array1.get arr offset)
+ | None ->
+ invalid_arg "get_byte"
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "get_byte"
+ | { start = start; size = size; arr = arr } :: _
+ when start <= addr && addr < start +^ size ->
+ let offset = Int64.to_int (addr -^ start) in
+ Char.code (Array1.get arr offset)
+ | _ :: ms -> loop ms
+ in
+ loop mappings
(* Find in mappings and return first predicate match. *)
let _find_map { mappings = mappings } pred =
let rec loop = function
| { addr : bits : endian (e) } -> addr
| { _ } -> invalid_arg "addr_of_string"
-let get_byte { mappings = mappings } addr =
- let rec loop = function
- | [] -> invalid_arg "get_byte"
- | { start = start; size = size; arr = arr } :: _
- when start <= addr && addr < start +^ size ->
- let offset = Int64.to_int (addr -^ start) in
- Char.code (Array1.get arr offset)
- | _ :: ms -> loop ms
- in
- loop mappings
(* Take bytes until a condition is not met. This is efficient in that
* we stay within the same mapping as long as we can.
let ws = get_wordsize t in
let mask = Int64.of_int (bytes_of_wordsize ws - 1) in
(addr +^ mask) &^ (Int64.lognot mask)
+let map { mappings = mappings } f =
+ (fun { start = start; size = size } -> f start size) mappings
+let iter t f =
+ ignore (map t (fun start size -> let () = f start size in ()))
+let nr_mappings { mappings = mappings } = List.length mappings
+(** Memory map. *)
(* Memory info command for virtual domains.
(C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Functions for making a memory map of a virtual machine from
- various sources. The memory map will most certainly have holes.
-type ('a,'b) t
-(** Memory map. *)
+(** {2 Memory maps}
+ Memory maps represent the virtual memory of a virtual machine.
+ We are mostly interested in the kernel memory and kernel data
+ structures. In Linux this stays at the same virtual memory
+ address whichever task is actually running (eg. on i386 machines,
+ the kernel is often found at virtual address 0xC0100000). Kernel
+ memory is spread out over several ranges of addresses, with gaps
+ of uninteresting or non-existant virtual addresses in between, and
+ this structure captures that.
+ A memory map is a range of 64 bit addresses from [0] to [2^64-1].
+ (Note that 64 bit addresses are used even for 32 bit virtual
+ machines - just ignore everything above 0xFFFFFFFF).
+ A memory map consists of zero or more {b mappings} of data. A
+ mapping starts at some address and has some size, and the data for
+ a mapping can come from some source such as a file or OCaml
+ string. Use {!of_file}, {!of_string}, {!add_file}, {!add_string}
+ to create a memory map from mappings.
+ {3 Overlapping mappings and holes}
+ If mappings overlap, then the mapping which was added later
+ overrides/overwrites earlier mappings at any addresses which
+ coincide.
+ Where there is no mapping for a particular address, the memory map
+ is said to have a hole. (Typically almost all of a memory map is
+ holes). In general, the searching functions such as {!find} skip
+ over holes, while the accessor functions such as {!get_bytes}
+ raise an error if you try to read a hole, but read the individual
+ function documentation.
+ {3 Word size and endianness}
+ Memory maps may (or may not) have an associated word size and
+ endianness for the whole map. These are used when we look at
+ integers and pointers in the memory. See {!get_endian},
+ {!set_endian}, {!get_wordsize} and {!set_wordsize}, and accessor
+ functions such as {!get_int32} and {!follow_pointer}.
+ {3 Efficiency}
+ Mappings' data are stored in 1D Bigarrays. The advantages of
+ using a Bigarray are: (a) hidden from the garbage collector, (b)
+ easily accessible from C, (c) uses mmap(2) where possible.
+ Some low level functions are written in C for speed.
+ Mappings are stored in a segment tree for efficient access, but
+ the segment tree has to be rebuilt from scratch each time you add
+ a new mapping (it is not known if there is a more efficient way to
+ incrementally update a segment tree).
+(** {2 Types} *)
+type ('ws,'e,'hm) t
+(** Memory map.
+ The ['ws], ['e] and ['hm] type parameters are phantom types
+ designed to ensure you don't try illegal operations before
+ initializing certain parts of the memory map. If you are not
+ familiar with phantom types, you can just ignore them.
+ See also:
+ [] *)
type addr = int64
(** Virtual memory addresses (even on 32 bit machines). *)
-val create : unit -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian]) t
+(** {2 Create a memory map, add mappings} *)
+val create : unit -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`NoMappings]) t
(** Create a new, empty memory map. *)
-val set_wordsize : ([`NoWordsize], 'b) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize ->
- ([`Wordsize], 'b) t
+val of_file : Unix.file_descr -> addr ->
+ ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`HasMapping]) t
+(** Create a new memory map, mapping file [fd] at address [addr]. *)
+val add_file : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> Unix.file_descr -> addr ->
+ ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t
+(** Add file [fd] at address [addr] to an existing memory map.
+ The new mapping can overwrite all or part of an existing mapping. *)
+val of_string : string -> addr -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`HasMapping]) t
+(** Create a new memory map, mapping string at address [addr]. *)
+val add_string : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> string -> addr ->
+ ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t
+(** Add string at address [addr] to an existing memory map.
+ The new mapping can overwrite all or part of an existing mapping. *)
+val set_wordsize : ([`NoWordsize], 'e, 'hm) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize ->
+ ([`Wordsize], 'e, 'hm) t
(** Set the natural wordsize of the memory map. This is used
- for matching pointers within the map and can be set only once. *)
+ for matching integers and pointers within the map and can be
+ set only once. *)
-val set_endian : ('a, [`NoEndian]) t -> Bitstring.endian ->
- ('a, [`Endian]) t
+val set_endian : ('ws, [`NoEndian], 'hm) t -> Bitstring.endian ->
+ ('ws, [`Endian], 'hm) t
(** Set the natural endianness of the memory map. This is used
- for matching pointers within the map and can be set only once. *)
+ for matching integers and pointers within the map and can be
+ set only once. *)
-val get_wordsize : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize
+val get_wordsize : ([`Wordsize], 'e, 'hm) t -> Virt_mem_utils.wordsize
(** Return the wordsize previously set for this memory map. *)
-val get_endian : ('a, [`Endian]) t -> Bitstring.endian
+val get_endian : ('ws, [`Endian], 'hm) t -> Bitstring.endian
(** Return the endianness previously set for this memory map. *)
-val of_file : Unix.file_descr -> addr -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian]) t
-(** Create a new memory map, mapping file [fd] at address [addr]. *)
+(** {2 Searching} *)
-val add_file : ('a, 'b) t -> Unix.file_descr -> addr -> ('a, 'b) t
-(** Add file [fd] at address [addr] to an existing memory map.
- Behaviour is undefined if memory mappings overlap. *)
+val find : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr option
+(** Find string in a memory map and return its address (if found)
+ or [None] (if not found). You can pass an optional starting
+ address. If no start address is given, we begin searching at
+ the beginning of the first mapping.
-val of_string : string -> addr -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian]) t
-(** Create a new memory map, mapping string at address [addr]. *)
+ Any holes in the memory map are skipped automatically.
-val add_string : ('a, 'b) t -> string -> addr -> ('a, 'b) t
-(** Add string at address [addr] to an existing memory map.
- Behaviour is undefined if memory mappings overlap. *)
+ Note that this doesn't find strings which straddle the
+ boundary of two adjacent or overlapping mappings.
-val find : ('a, 'b) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr option
-(** Find string in a memory map and return its address (if found).
- You can pass an optional starting address. Any holes in
- the memory map are skipped automatically. *)
+ Note that because the string being matched is an OCaml
+ string it may contain NULs (zero bytes) and those are matched
+ properly. *)
-val find_align : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr option
-(** Find a string aligned to the wordsize in the memory map. *)
+val find_align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string ->
+ addr option
+(** Same as {!find}, but the string must be aligned to the word size of
+ the memory map. *)
-val find_all : ('a, 'b) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr list
-(** Find all occurrences of a string in a memory map. *)
+val find_all : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr list
+(** Same as {!find}, but returns all occurrences of a string in a memory map. *)
-val find_all_align : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> ?start:addr -> string -> addr list
-(** Find all occurrences of a string in a memory map. *)
+val find_all_align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr ->
+ string -> addr list
+(** Same as {!find_all}, but the strings must be aligned to the word size. *)
-val find_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) t -> ?start:addr -> addr ->
- addr option
+val find_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> ?start:addr ->
+ addr -> addr option
(** Find a pointer (address) in the memory map.
The pointer must be aligned to a word. *)
-val find_pointer_all : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) t -> ?start:addr -> addr ->
- addr list
+val find_pointer_all : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t ->
+ ?start:addr -> addr -> addr list
(** Find all occurrences of a pointer in the memory map. *)
-val get_byte : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> int
+(** {2 Get bytes and ranges of bytes} *)
+val get_byte : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int
(** Return the byte at the given address.
- This may raise [Invalid_argument "get_byte"] if the address is
- not mapped. *)
+ This will raise [Invalid_argument "get_byte"] if the address is
+ a hole (not mapped). *)
-val get_bytes : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> int -> string
+val get_bytes : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int -> string
(** Return the sequence of bytes starting at the given address.
- This may raise [Invalid_argument "get_bytes"] if the address range
- is not fully mapped. *)
+ This will raise [Invalid_argument "get_bytes"] if the address range
+ contains holes. *)
-val get_int32 : ('a, [`Endian]) t -> addr -> int32
+val get_int32 : ('ws, [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int32
(** Return the 32-bit int at [addr]. *)
-val get_int64 : ('a, [`Endian]) t -> addr -> int64
+val get_int64 : ('ws, [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int64
(** Return the 64-bit int at [addr]. *)
-val get_C_int : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) t -> addr -> int32
+val get_C_int : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int32
(** Return the C 32-bit int at [addr]. *)
-val get_C_long : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) t -> addr -> int64
+val get_C_long : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> int64
(** Return the C 32 or 64-bit long at [addr]. *)
-val get_string : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> string
+val get_string : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> string
(** Return the sequence of bytes starting at [addr] up to (but not
including) the first ASCII NUL character. In other words, this
returns a C-style string.
- This may raise [Invalid_argument "get_string"] if we reach an
- unmapped address before finding the end of the string.
+ This may raise [Invalid_argument "get_string"] if we reach a
+ hole (unmapped address) before finding the end of the string.
- See also {!is_string} and {!is_C_identifier}. *)
+ See also {!get_bytes}, {!is_string} and {!is_C_identifier}. *)
-val is_string : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> bool
+val is_string : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool
(** Return true or false if the address contains an ASCII NUL-terminated
string. *)
-val is_C_identifier : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> bool
+val is_C_identifier : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool
(** Return true or false if the address contains a NUL-terminated
C identifier. *)
-val is_mapped : ('a, 'b) t -> addr -> bool
+val is_mapped : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool
(** Return true if the single address [addr] is mapped. *)
-val follow_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian]) t -> addr -> addr
+val follow_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr
(** Follow (dereference) the pointer at [addr] and return
the address pointed to. *)
-val succ_long : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> addr -> addr
+val succ_long : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr
(** Add wordsize bytes to [addr] and return it. *)
-val pred_long : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> addr -> addr
+val pred_long : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr
(** Subtract wordsize bytes from [addr] and return it. *)
-val align : ([`Wordsize], 'b) t -> addr -> addr
+val align : ([`Wordsize], 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr
(** Align the [addr] to the next wordsize boundary. If it already
aligned, this just returns [addr]. *)
+(** {2 Save and load memory maps} *)
+(*val to_channel : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> out_channel -> unit*)
+(** Write the memory map and data to the given output channel in
+ a reasonably efficient and stable binary format. *)
+(*val from_channel : in_channel -> ('?, '?, [`HasMapping]) t*)
+(** Read a previously saved memory map. If the input channel does
+ not contain a memory map, this raises [Invalid_argument]. *)
let xs = loop xs in
List.rev (List.sort compare xs)
+let rec uniq ?(cmp = = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | [x] -> [x]
+ | x :: y :: xs when cmp x y = 0 ->
+ uniq (x :: xs)
+ | x :: y :: xs ->
+ x :: uniq (y :: xs)
+let sort_uniq ?cmp xs =
+ let xs = ExtList.List.sort ?cmp xs in
+ let xs = uniq ?cmp xs in
+ xs
(* Pad a string to a fixed width (from virt-top, but don't truncate). *)
let pad width str =
let n = String.length str in
if n >= width then str
else (* if n < width then *) str ^ String.make (width-n) ' '
+(* General binary tree type. Data 'a is stored in the leaves and 'b
+ * is stored in the nodes.
+ *)
+type ('a,'b) binary_tree =
+ | Leaf of 'a
+ | Node of ('a,'b) binary_tree * 'b * ('a,'b) binary_tree
+(* This prints out the binary tree in graphviz dot format. *)
+let print_binary_tree leaf_printer node_printer tree =
+ (* Assign a unique, fixed label to each node. *)
+ let label =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ let hash = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ fun node ->
+ try Hashtbl.find hash node
+ with Not_found ->
+ let i = incr i; !i in
+ let label = "n" ^ string_of_int i in
+ Hashtbl.add hash node label;
+ label
+ in
+ (* Recursively generate the graphviz file. *)
+ let rec print = function
+ | (Leaf a as leaf) ->
+ eprintf " %s [shape=box, label=\"%s\"];\n"
+ (label leaf) (leaf_printer a)
+ | (Node (left,b,right) as node) ->
+ eprintf " %s [label=\"%s\"];\n"
+ (label node) (node_printer b);
+ eprintf " %s -> %s [tailport=sw];\n" (label node) (label left);
+ eprintf " %s -> %s [tailport=se];\n" (label node) (label right);
+ print left;
+ print right;
+ in
+ eprintf "/* Use 'dot -Tpng > foo.png' to convert to a png file. */\n";
+ eprintf "digraph G {\n";
+ print tree;
+ eprintf "}\n%!"