waitpid ($pid, 0) or die ("waitpid: $!");
die ("child failed") unless ($? == 0);
-# Check that only 1 temporary cache directory was created
+# Check that only 1 temporary cache directory was created.
+# No cache directory is OK too (as long as the appliance launched w/o
+# failure) because it indicates we're not using supermin.
my $dh;
opendir ($dh, $tmpdir) or die ("Failed to open $tmpdir: $!");
my @cachedirs = grep { /^guestfs\./ } readdir ($dh);
closedir ($dh) or die ("Failed to close $tmpdir: $!");
my $ncachedirs = scalar(@cachedirs);
-die ("Expected 1 cachedir, found $ncachedirs") unless ($ncachedirs == 1);
+die "Expected 0 or 1 cachedir, found $ncachedirs"
+ unless $ncachedirs == 0 || $ncachedirs == 1;