Cmdline.debug "%a: running goal %s %a"
Ast.string_loc loc name Ast.string_expr (Ast.EList (Ast.noloc, args));
- (* Expand any variables in the args first. *)
- let rec expand = function
- | Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
- let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
- expand expr
- | Ast.ETacticConstructor (loc, name, exprs) ->
- Ast.ETacticConstructor (loc, name, expand exprs)
- | Ast.EList (loc, exprs) ->
- Ast.EList (loc, expand exprs)
- | Ast.EGoalDefn _
- | Ast.ETacticDefn _
- | Ast.ECallGoal _
- | Ast.ESubsts _
- | Ast.EConstant _ as e -> e
- in
- let args = expand args in
(* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
* the args.