if this_year > 2009 then sprintf "2009-%04d" this_year else "2009"
(* Generate a header block in a number of standard styles. *)
-type comment_style = CStyle | HashStyle | OCamlStyle | HaskellStyle
+type comment_style =
+ CStyle | CPlusPlusStyle | HashStyle | OCamlStyle | HaskellStyle
type license = GPLv2plus | LGPLv2plus
let generate_header ?(extra_inputs = []) comment license =
let inputs = "src/generator.ml" :: extra_inputs in
let c = match comment with
- | CStyle -> pr "/* "; " *"
- | HashStyle -> pr "# "; "#"
- | OCamlStyle -> pr "(* "; " *"
- | HaskellStyle -> pr "{- "; " " in
+ | CStyle -> pr "/* "; " *"
+ | CPlusPlusStyle -> pr "// "; "//"
+ | HashStyle -> pr "# "; "#"
+ | OCamlStyle -> pr "(* "; " *"
+ | HaskellStyle -> pr "{- "; " " in
pr "libguestfs generated file\n";
List.iter (pr "%s %s\n" c) inputs;
(match comment with
| CStyle -> pr " */\n"
+ | CPlusPlusStyle
| HashStyle -> ()
| OCamlStyle -> pr " *)\n"
| HaskellStyle -> pr "-}\n"
pr ")"
+and generate_csharp () =
+ generate_header CPlusPlusStyle LGPLv2plus;
+ (* XXX Make this configurable by the C# assembly users. *)
+ let library = "libguestfs.so.0" in
+ pr "\
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+using System.Collections;
+namespace Guestfs
+ class Error : System.ApplicationException
+ {
+ public Error (string message) : base (message) {}
+ protected Error (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {}
+ }
+ class Guestfs
+ {
+ IntPtr _handle;
+ [DllImport (\"%s\")]
+ static extern IntPtr guestfs_create ();
+ public Guestfs ()
+ {
+ _handle = guestfs_create ();
+ if (_handle == IntPtr.Zero)
+ throw new Error (\"could not create guestfs handle\");
+ }
+ [DllImport (\"%s\")]
+ static extern void guestfs_close (IntPtr h);
+ ~Guestfs ()
+ {
+ guestfs_close (_handle);
+ }
+ [DllImport (\"%s\")]
+ static extern string guestfs_last_error (IntPtr h);
+" library library library;
+ (* Generate C# structure bindings. We prefix struct names with
+ * underscore because C# cannot have conflicting struct names and
+ * method names (eg. "class stat" and "stat").
+ *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (typ, cols) ->
+ pr " [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]\n";
+ pr " public class _%s {\n" typ;
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, FChar -> pr " char %s;\n" name
+ | name, FString -> pr " string %s;\n" name
+ | name, FBuffer ->
+ pr " uint %s_len;\n" name;
+ pr " string %s;\n" name
+ | name, FUUID ->
+ pr " [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=16)]\n";
+ pr " string %s;\n" name
+ | name, FUInt32 -> pr " uint %s;\n" name
+ | name, FInt32 -> pr " int %s;\n" name
+ | name, (FUInt64|FBytes) -> pr " ulong %s;\n" name
+ | name, FInt64 -> pr " long %s;\n" name
+ | name, FOptPercent -> pr " float %s; /* [0..100] or -1 */\n" name
+ ) cols;
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ ) structs;
+ (* Generate C# function bindings. *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (name, style, _, _, _, shortdesc, _) ->
+ let rec csharp_return_type () =
+ match fst style with
+ | RErr -> "void"
+ | RBool n -> "bool"
+ | RInt n -> "int"
+ | RInt64 n -> "long"
+ | RConstString n
+ | RConstOptString n
+ | RString n
+ | RBufferOut n -> "string"
+ | RStruct (_,n) -> "_" ^ n
+ | RHashtable n -> "Hashtable"
+ | RStringList n -> "string[]"
+ | RStructList (_,n) -> sprintf "_%s[]" n
+ and c_return_type () =
+ match fst style with
+ | RErr
+ | RBool _
+ | RInt _ -> "int"
+ | RInt64 _ -> "long"
+ | RConstString _
+ | RConstOptString _
+ | RString _
+ | RBufferOut _ -> "string"
+ | RStruct (_,n) -> "_" ^ n
+ | RHashtable _
+ | RStringList _ -> "string[]"
+ | RStructList (_,n) -> sprintf "_%s[]" n
+ and c_error_comparison () =
+ match fst style with
+ | RErr
+ | RBool _
+ | RInt _
+ | RInt64 _ -> "== -1"
+ | RConstString _
+ | RConstOptString _
+ | RString _
+ | RBufferOut _
+ | RStruct (_,_)
+ | RHashtable _
+ | RStringList _
+ | RStructList (_,_) -> "== null"
+ and generate_extern_prototype () =
+ pr " static extern %s guestfs_%s (IntPtr h"
+ (c_return_type ()) name;
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n ->
+ pr ", [In] string %s" n
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n ->
+ pr ", [In] string[] %s" n
+ | Bool n ->
+ pr ", bool %s" n
+ | Int n ->
+ pr ", int %s" n
+ | Int64 n ->
+ pr ", long %s" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr ");\n"
+ and generate_public_prototype () =
+ pr " public %s %s (" (csharp_return_type ()) name;
+ let comma = ref false in
+ let next () =
+ if !comma then pr ", ";
+ comma := true
+ in
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n ->
+ next (); pr "string %s" n
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n ->
+ next (); pr "string[] %s" n
+ | Bool n ->
+ next (); pr "bool %s" n
+ | Int n ->
+ next (); pr "int %s" n
+ | Int64 n ->
+ next (); pr "long %s" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr ")\n"
+ and generate_call () =
+ pr "guestfs_%s (_handle" name;
+ List.iter (fun arg -> pr ", %s" (name_of_argt arg)) (snd style);
+ pr ");\n";
+ in
+ pr " [DllImport (\"%s\")]\n" library;
+ generate_extern_prototype ();
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " /// <summary>\n";
+ pr " /// %s\n" shortdesc;
+ pr " /// </summary>\n";
+ generate_public_prototype ();
+ pr " {\n";
+ pr " %s r;\n" (c_return_type ());
+ pr " r = ";
+ generate_call ();
+ pr " if (r %s)\n" (c_error_comparison ());
+ pr " throw new Error (\"%s: \" + guestfs_last_error (_handle));\n"
+ name;
+ (match fst style with
+ | RErr -> ()
+ | RBool _ ->
+ pr " return r != 0 ? true : false;\n"
+ | RHashtable _ ->
+ pr " Hashtable rr = new Hashtable ();\n";
+ pr " for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i += 2)\n";
+ pr " rr.Add (r[i], r[i+1]);\n";
+ pr " return rr;\n"
+ | RInt _ | RInt64 _ | RConstString _ | RConstOptString _
+ | RString _ | RBufferOut _ | RStruct _ | RStringList _
+ | RStructList _ ->
+ pr " return r;\n"
+ );
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr " }
and generate_bindtests () =
generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
output_to "java/Bindtests.java" generate_java_bindtests;
output_to "haskell/Guestfs.hs" generate_haskell_hs;
output_to "haskell/Bindtests.hs" generate_haskell_bindtests;
+ output_to "csharp/Libguestfs.cs" generate_csharp;
output_to "src/MAX_PROC_NR" generate_max_proc_nr;
(* Always generate this file last, and unconditionally. It's used