go_decompress ?output extcompress args
+(* Do compression. *)
+and go_compress extcompress images =
+ (* Create a Diskimage machine description from the requested images. This
+ * also checks that everything we need is readable.
+ *)
+ let machine =
+ Diskimage.open_machine "diskzip" (List.map (fun n -> (n,n)) images) in
+ (* Scan the images for filesystems. *)
+ let machine = Diskimage.scan_machine machine in
+ (* Redirect output through external pipe if asked. *)
+ (match extcompress with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some prog ->
+ let prog, progargs =
+ match prog with
+ | BZip2 -> "bzip2", [|"bzip2"; "-c"|]
+ | GZip -> "gzip", [|"gzip"; "-c"|]
+ | External prog -> "sh", [|"sh"; "-c"; prog |] in
+ let rfd, wfd = pipe () in
+ let pid = fork () in
+ if pid = 0 then ( (* child *)
+ close wfd;
+ dup2 rfd stdin;
+ close rfd;
+ execvp prog progargs
+ ) else ( (* parent *)
+ close rfd;
+ dup2 wfd stdout;
+ close wfd
+ )
+ )
and go_decompress ?output extcompress args =
(* Read the input, which may be a single named file, or a series of
* files (we just concatenate them). We may have to feed the input
-(* Do compression. *)
-and go_compress extcompress images =
- (* Create a Diskimage machine description from the requested images. This
- * also checks that everything we need is readable.
- *)
- let machine =
- Diskimage.open_machine "diskzip" (List.map (fun n -> (n,n)) images) in
- (* Scan the images for filesystems. *)
- let machine = Diskimage.scan_machine machine in
- (* Redirect output through external pipe if asked. *)
- (match extcompress with
- | None -> ()
- | Some prog ->
- let prog, progargs =
- match prog with
- | BZip2 -> "bzip2", [|"bzip2"; "-c"|]
- | GZip -> "gzip", [|"gzip"; "-c"|]
- | External prog -> "sh", [|"sh"; "-c"; prog |] in
- let rfd, wfd = pipe () in
- let pid = fork () in
- if pid = 0 then ( (* child *)
- close wfd;
- dup2 rfd stdin;
- close rfd;
- execvp prog progargs
- ) else ( (* parent *)
- close rfd;
- dup2 wfd stdout;
- close wfd
- )
- )
(* Since we have the wonderful pa_bitmatch, might as well use it to
* define a robust binary format for the compressed files.