| NodeNotStarted (* user has not tried to open this *)
| NodeLoading (* user tried to open it, still loading *)
| IsNode (* we've loaded the children of this directory *)
- | Loading (* special row contains the "Loading ..." message *)
(* The actual content of a row. *)
and content_t =
- | NoContent
+ | Loading (* special "loading ..." node *)
+ | ErrorMessage of string (* error message node *)
| Top of Slave.source (* top level OS or volume node *)
| Directory of Slave.direntry (* a directory *)
| File of Slave.direntry (* a file inc. special files *)
let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["markup", name_col] in
let name_view = GTree.view_column ~title:"Filename" ~renderer () in
- name_view#set_max_width 400 (*pixels?!?*);
+ name_view#set_max_width 300 (*pixels?!?*);
ignore (view#append_column name_view);
let renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", size_col] in
List.iter (add_top_level_os t name) data.Slave.insp_oses;
(* Add top level left-over filesystems. *)
- DeviceSet.iter (add_top_level_vol t name) other_filesystems
+ DeviceSet.iter (add_top_level_vol t name) other_filesystems;
+ (* Expand the first top level node. *)
+ match model#get_iter_first with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some row ->
+ t.view#expand_row (model#get_path row)
and add_top_level_os ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) name os =
let markup =
- sprintf "<b>%s</b>: %s (%s)"
- (markup_of_name name) (markup_of_name os.Slave.insp_hostname)
- (markup_of_name os.Slave.insp_product_name) in
+ sprintf "<b>%s</b>\n<small>%s</small>\n<small>%s</small>"
+ (markup_escape name) (markup_escape os.Slave.insp_hostname)
+ (markup_escape os.Slave.insp_product_name) in
let row = model#append () in
make_node t row (Top (Slave.OS os));
and add_top_level_vol ({ model = model; hash = hash } as t) name dev =
let markup =
- sprintf "<b>%s</b>: %s" (markup_of_name name) (markup_of_name dev) in
+ sprintf "<b>%s: %s</b>" (markup_escape name) (markup_escape dev) in
let row = model#append () in
make_node t row (Top (Slave.Volume dev));
* the user has something to expand.
let placeholder = model#append ~parent:row () in
- let hdata = Loading, NoContent in
+ let hdata = IsLeaf, Loading in
store_hdata t placeholder hdata;
model#set ~row:placeholder ~column:t.name_col loading_msg;
ignore (t.view#connect#row_expanded ~callback:(expand_row t))
(* Get a stable path for this row. *)
let path = model#get_path row in
- Slave.read_directory src "/" (when_read_directory t path)
+ Slave.read_directory ~fail:(when_read_directory_fail t path)
+ src "/" (when_read_directory t path)
| NodeNotStarted, Directory direntry ->
(* User has opened a filesystem directory not previously opened. *)
let src, pathname = get_pathname t row in
- Slave.read_directory src pathname (when_read_directory t path)
+ Slave.read_directory ~fail:(when_read_directory_fail t path)
+ src pathname (when_read_directory t path)
| NodeLoading, _ | IsNode, _ -> ()
(* These are not nodes so it should never be possible to open them. *)
- | _, File _ | IsLeaf, _ | Loading, _ -> assert false
+ | _, File _ | IsLeaf, _ -> assert false
- (* Should not exist in the tree. *)
- | NodeNotStarted, NoContent -> assert false
+ (* Node should not exist in the tree. *)
+ | NodeNotStarted, (Loading | ErrorMessage _) -> assert false
(* Search up to the top of the tree so we know if this directory
* comes from an OS or a volume, and the full path to here.
let parent = model#iter_parent row in
match hdata, parent with
- | (Loading, NoContent), Some parent ->
+ | (IsLeaf, Loading), Some parent ->
get_pathname t parent
- | (Loading, NoContent), None ->
+ | (IsLeaf, Loading), None ->
assert false
| (_, Directory { Slave.dent_name = name }), Some parent
| (_, File { Slave.dent_name = name }), Some parent ->
else parent_name ^ "/" ^ name in
src, path
| (_, Top src), _ -> src, "/"
- | (_, Directory _), None | (_, File _), None -> assert false
- | (_, NoContent), _ -> assert false
+ | (_, Directory _), None -> assert false
+ | (_, File _), None -> assert false
+ | (_, Loading), _ -> assert false
+ | (_, ErrorMessage _), _ -> assert false
(* This is the callback when the slave has read the directory for us. *)
and when_read_directory ({ model = model } as t) path entries =
let state, content = get_hdata t row in
let hdata = IsNode, content in
store_hdata t row hdata
+(* This is called instead of when_read_directory when the read directory
+ * (or mount etc) failed. Convert the "Loading" entry into the
+ * error message.
+ *)
+and when_read_directory_fail ({ model = model } as t) path exn =
+ debug "when_read_directory_fail: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn);
+ match exn with
+ | G.Error msg ->
+ let row = model#get_iter path in
+ let row = model#iter_children ~nth:0 (Some row) in
+ let hdata = IsLeaf, ErrorMessage msg in
+ store_hdata t row hdata;
+ model#set ~row ~column:t.name_col (markup_escape msg)
+ | exn ->
+ (* unexpected exception: re-raise it *)
+ raise exn
| Exit_thread
| Connect of string option * domain list callback
| Open_domain of string * inspection_data callback
- | Open_images of string list * inspection_data callback
+ | Open_images of (string * string option) list * inspection_data callback
| Read_directory of source * string * direntry list callback
and domain = {
| Connect (None, _) -> "Connect NULL"
| Open_domain (name, _) -> sprintf "Open_domain %s" name
| Open_images (images, _) ->
- sprintf "Open_images [%s]" (String.concat "; " images)
+ sprintf "Open_images %s" (string_of_images images)
| Read_directory (OS { insp_root = root }, dir, _) ->
sprintf "Read_directory (OS %s, %s)" root dir
| Read_directory (Volume dev, dir, _) ->
sprintf "Read_directory (Volume %s, %s)" dev dir
+and string_of_images images =
+ "[" ^
+ String.concat "; "
+ (List.map (function
+ | fn, None -> fn
+ | fn, Some format -> sprintf "%s (%s)" fn format)
+ images) ^ "]"
let no_callback _ = ()
let failure_hook = ref (fun _ -> ())
| _ :: rest -> source_of attr_name rest
+ (* Look for <driver type=attr_val/> and return attr_val. *)
+ let rec format_of = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | Xml.Element ("driver", attrs, _) :: rest ->
+ (try Some (List.assoc "type" attrs)
+ with Not_found -> format_of rest)
+ | _ :: rest -> format_of rest
+ in
(* Look for <disk> nodes and return the sources (block devices) of those. *)
let blkdevs =
List.filter_map (
- | Xml.Element ("disk", attrs, children) ->
- (try
- let typ = List.assoc "type" attrs in
- if typ = "file" then source_of "file" children
- else if typ = "block" then source_of "dev" children
- else None
- with
- Not_found -> None)
+ | Xml.Element ("disk", attrs, disks) ->
+ let filename =
+ try
+ let typ = List.assoc "type" attrs in
+ if typ = "file" then source_of "file" disks
+ else if typ = "block" then source_of "dev" disks
+ else None
+ with
+ Not_found -> None in
+ (match filename with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some filename ->
+ let format = format_of disks in
+ Some (filename, format)
+ );
| _ -> None
) devices in
* libguestfs handle, adds the disks, and launches the appliance.
and open_disk_images images cb =
- debug "opening disk image [%s]" (String.concat "; " images);
+ debug "opening disk image %s" (string_of_images images);
close_g ();
let g' = new Guestfs.guestfs () in
(* g#set_verbose (verbose ());*)
- List.iter g#add_drive_ro images;
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | filename, None ->
+ g#add_drive_opts ~readonly:true filename
+ | filename, Some format ->
+ g#add_drive_opts ~readonly:true ~format filename
+ ) images;
g#launch ();