let pv_label_offset = sector_size64
+(* Probe to see if it's an LVM2 PV. Look for the "LABELONE" label. *)
let rec probe_pv dev =
try ignore (read_pv_label dev); true
with _ -> false
(* Load the second sector. *)
let bits = dev#read_bitstring pv_label_offset sector_size in
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits;
bitmatch bits with
| labelone : 8*8 : bitstring; (* "LABELONE" *)
padding : 16*8 : bitstring;
invalid_arg (sprintf "read_pv_label: %s: not an LVM2 physical volume"
+(* We are passed a list of devices which we previously identified
+ * as PVs belonging to us. From these produce a list of all LVs
+ * (as devices) and return them. Note that we don't try to detect
+ * what is on these LVs - that will be done in the main code.
+ *)
let list_lvs devs = []
(* Register with main code. *)