contains_substring "Name or service not known" in
let completed_successfully = contains_substring "completed successfully" in
let failed = contains_substring "FAILED" in
- fun ?(wait = true) pkg branch ->
+ fun ?(wait = true) ?side_tag pkg branch ->
let repodir = fedora_repo pkg branch in
let out =
shout "
cd %s
- fedpkg build%s 2>&1
- " repodir (if not wait then " --nowait" else "")
+ fedpkg build%s%s 2>&1
+ " repodir
+ (if not wait then " --nowait" else "")
+ (match side_tag with None -> "" | Some t -> " --target " ^ t)
if not wait then (
(* Just check the task was created. *)
open Fedora
let branch = "master"
-let koji_target = "rawhide"
+let side_tag = Some "f24-ocaml"
+let koji_target =
+ match side_tag with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None -> "rawhide"
(* The name of the rebuild, and also the magic substring that must
* appear in the %changelog when the package has been rebuilt.
printf "final list of source packages = %s\n%!"
(String.concat " " source_packages)
(* We could make this a goal, but it's cheap enough to run it unconditionally. *)
let install_build_dependencies pkg =
sh "sudo yum clean all --disablerepo=\\* --enablerepo=%s"
(quote yum_repo);
sh "sudo yum-builddep -y --disablerepo=\\* --enablerepo=%s %s"
(quote yum_repo) (fedora_specfile pkg branch)
+ *)
(* Unset MAKEFLAGS so it doesn't affect local builds. *)
let () = Unix.putenv "MAKEFLAGS" ""
require (specfile_updated pkg);
(* Rebuild the package in Koji. Don't wait ... *)
- koji_build ~wait:false pkg branch;
+ koji_build ~wait:false ?side_tag pkg branch;
(* ... but the build doesn't appear in Koji (eg. in 'koji
* buildinfo') until the SRPM has been built. This can take quite