let kernel_size =
if Sys.word_size = 32 then Sys.max_string_length
else 0x100_0000
-let max_memory_peek = 65536 (* XXX Use D.max_peek function *)
(* When tools register themselves, they are added to this list.
* Later, we will alphabetize the list.
let uri = ref "" in
let anon_args = ref [] in
- (* Default wordsize. *)
+ (* Default wordsize (-W). *)
let def_wordsize = ref None in
let set_wordsize = function
| "32" -> def_wordsize := Some W32
| str -> failwith (sprintf (f_"set_wordsize: %s: unknown wordsize") str)
- (* Default endianness. *)
+ (* Default endianness (-E). *)
let def_endian = ref None in
let set_endian = function
| "auto" -> def_endian := None
| str -> failwith (sprintf (f_"set_endian: %s: unknown endianness") str)
- (* Default architecture. *)
+ (* Default architecture (-A). *)
let def_architecture = ref None in
let set_architecture = function
| "auto" -> def_architecture := None
def_wordsize := Some (wordsize_of_architecture arch)
- (* Default text address. *)
+ (* Default text address (-T). *)
let def_text_addr = ref 0L (* 0 = auto-detect *) in
+ let def_kernel_min = ref 0L in
+ let def_kernel_max = ref 0L in
let set_text_addr = function
| "auto" -> def_text_addr := 0L
- | "i386" -> def_text_addr := 0xc010_0000_L (* common for x86 *)
- | "x86-64"|"x86_64" -> def_text_addr := 0xffffffff_81000000_L (* x86-64? *)
- | str -> def_text_addr := Int64.of_string str
+ | "i386" ->
+ (* common for x86, but we should be able to try a selection *)
+ def_text_addr := 0xc010_0000_L;
+ def_kernel_min := 0xc010_0000_L;
+ def_kernel_max := 0xffff_ffff_L
+ | "x86-64"|"x86_64" ->
+ def_text_addr := 0xffffffff_81000000_L;
+ def_kernel_min := 0xffffffff_81000000_L;
+ def_kernel_max := 0xffffffff_ffffffff_L;
+ | str ->
+ let strs = String.nsplit str "," in
+ match strs with
+ | [str] ->
+ def_text_addr := Int64.of_string str;
+ def_kernel_min := !def_text_addr;
+ def_kernel_max :=
+ if !def_text_addr < 0x1_0000_0000_L
+ then 0xffff_ffff_L
+ else 0xffffffff_ffffffff_L
+ | [str1;str2;str3] ->
+ def_text_addr := Int64.of_string str1;
+ def_kernel_min := Int64.of_string str2;
+ def_kernel_max := Int64.of_string str3
+ | _ -> failwith (sprintf (f_"set_text_addr: %s: incorrect number of parameters to -T option") str)
(* Handle -t option. *)
let memory_image filename =
testimages :=
- (!def_wordsize, !def_endian, !def_architecture, !def_text_addr, filename)
+ (!def_wordsize, !def_endian, !def_architecture,
+ !def_text_addr, !def_kernel_min, !def_kernel_max, filename)
:: !testimages
(sprintf (f_"%s: use -A to define architecture (i386/x86-64 only) for this image") domname) in
- if !def_text_addr = 0L then
- failwith
- (sprintf (f_"%s: use -T to define kernel load address for this image") domname);
+ if !def_text_addr = 0L ||
+ !def_kernel_min = 0L ||
+ !def_kernel_max = 0L then
+ failwith
+ (sprintf (f_"%s: use -T to define kernel load address for this image") domname);
+ (* Download the static part of the kernel. *)
let start_t = gettimeofday () in
- (* Read the kernel memory.
- * Maximum 64K can be read over remote connections.
- *)
- let str = String.create kernel_size in
- let rec loop i =
- let remaining = kernel_size - i in
- if remaining > 0 then (
- let size = min remaining max_memory_peek in
- D.memory_peek dom [D.Virtual]
- (!def_text_addr +^ Int64.of_int i) size str i;
- loop (i + size)
- )
- in
- loop 0;
+ let image =
+ try
+ load_static_memory ~dom ~domname ~arch
+ ~wordsize ~endian
+ ~kernel_min:!def_kernel_min ~kernel_max:!def_kernel_max
+ !def_text_addr kernel_size
+ with
+ | LoadMemoryError (AddressOutOfRange, _) ->
+ prerr_endline (s_"virt-mem: error loading kernel memory: address out of range
+Possibly the '-T' command line parameter was used inconsistently.");
+ exit 1
+ (* Allow any other exceptions to escape & kill the program. *) in
if debug then (
let end_t = gettimeofday () in
(end_t -. start_t)
- (* Map the virtual memory. *)
- let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.of_string str !def_text_addr in
- (* Force the wordsize and endianness. *)
- let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_wordsize mem wordsize in
- let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_endian mem endian in
+ image
- { dom = Some dom; domname = domname; mem = mem; arch = arch }
) xmls
) else (
(* One or more -t options passed. *)
failwith (s_"virt-mem: if -t given on command line, then no domain arguments should be listed");
List.map (
- fun (wordsize, endian, arch, text_addr, filename) ->
+ fun (wordsize, endian, arch,
+ text_addr, kernel_min, kernel_max, filename) ->
(* Quite a lot of limitations on the kernel images we can
* handle at the moment ...
let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_wordsize mem wordsize in
let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_endian mem endian in
- { dom = None; domname = filename; mem = mem; arch = arch }
+ { dom = None; domname = filename; mem = mem; arch = arch;
+ kernel_min = kernel_min; kernel_max = kernel_max }
) testimages
) in
(* Use the tree to quickly check if an address is mapped (returns false
* if it's a hole).
-let is_mapped { tree = tree } addr =
- let _, mapping = get_mapping addr tree in
- mapping <> None
+let is_mapped { mappings = mappings; tree = tree } addr =
+ (* NB: No [`HasMapping] in the type so we have to check mappings <> []. *)
+ match mappings with
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ ->
+ let _, mapping = get_mapping addr tree in
+ mapping <> None
(* Get a single byte. *)
let get_byte { tree = tree } addr =
loop addr
+let is_mapped_range ({ mappings = mappings } as t) addr size =
+ match mappings with
+ (* NB: No [`HasMapping] in the type so we have to check mappings <> []. *)
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ ->
+ (* Quick and dirty. It's possible to make a much faster
+ * implementation of this which doesn't call the closure for every
+ * byte.
+ *)
+ let size = ref size in
+ try dowhile t addr (fun _ _ -> decr size; !size > 0); true
+ with Invalid_argument "dowhile" -> false
(* Get a string, ending at ASCII NUL character. *)
let get_string t addr =
let chars = ref [] in
(** Return true or false if the address contains a NUL-terminated
C identifier. *)
-val is_mapped : ('ws, 'e, [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> bool
+val is_mapped : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> addr -> bool
(** Return true if the single address [addr] is mapped. *)
+val is_mapped_range : ('ws, 'e, 'hm) t -> addr -> int -> bool
+(** Return true if all addresses in the range [addr] to [addr+size-1]
+ are mapped. *)
val follow_pointer : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) t -> addr -> addr
(** Follow (dereference) the pointer at [addr] and return
the address pointed to. *)
module D = Libvirt.Domain
+open Virt_mem_utils
open Virt_mem_mmap
type ksym = string
domname : string;
arch : Virt_mem_utils.architecture;
mem : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) Virt_mem_mmap.t;
+ kernel_min : addr;
+ kernel_max : addr;
type image1 =
machine : string;
domainname : string;
+(* This is the maximum we can download in one go over the libvirt
+ * remote connection.
+ *
+ * XXX Should have a 'D.max_peek' function.
+ *)
+let max_memory_peek = 65536
+type load_memory_error =
+ | AddressOutOfRange
+ | DomIsNull
+exception LoadMemoryError of load_memory_error * string
+let _load_memory mem dom start size =
+ let str = String.create size in
+ let rec loop i =
+ let remaining = size - i in
+ if remaining > 0 then (
+ let size = min remaining max_memory_peek in
+ D.memory_peek dom [D.Virtual] (start +^ Int64.of_int i) size str i;
+ loop (i + size)
+ )
+ in
+ loop 0;
+ add_string mem str start
+let load_static_memory ~dom ~domname ~arch ~wordsize ~endian
+ ~kernel_min ~kernel_max start size =
+ if start < kernel_min then
+ raise (LoadMemoryError (AddressOutOfRange,
+ "load_memory: start < kernel_min"))
+ else if start +^ Int64.of_int size > kernel_max then
+ raise (LoadMemoryError (AddressOutOfRange,
+ "load_memory: start+size > kernel_max"))
+ else (
+ let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.create () in
+ let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_wordsize mem wordsize in
+ let mem = Virt_mem_mmap.set_endian mem endian in
+ let mem = _load_memory mem dom start size in
+ { dom = Some dom; domname = domname; mem = mem; arch = arch;
+ kernel_min = kernel_min; kernel_max = kernel_max }
+ )
+let load_memory ({ dom = dom; mem = mem; kernel_min = kernel_min;
+ kernel_max = kernel_max } as image) start size =
+ if start < kernel_min then
+ raise (LoadMemoryError (AddressOutOfRange,
+ "load_memory: start < kernel_min"))
+ else if start +^ Int64.of_int size > kernel_max then
+ raise (LoadMemoryError (AddressOutOfRange,
+ "load_memory: start+size > kernel_max"))
+ else if is_mapped_range mem start size then image
+ else (
+ match dom with
+ | None ->
+ raise (LoadMemoryError (DomIsNull, "load_memory: dom = None"))
+ | Some dom ->
+ let mem = _load_memory mem dom start size in
+ { image with mem = mem }
+ )
Common types.
+(** {2 Kernel symbols} *)
type ksym = string
(** A kernel symbol. *)
(** A map of kernel symbols to addresses. *)
+(** {2 Kernel images and associated data} *)
type utsname = {
kernel_name : string;
nodename : string;
arch : Virt_mem_utils.architecture; (** Architecture, eg. i386. *)
mem : ([`Wordsize], [`Endian], [`HasMapping]) Virt_mem_mmap.t;
(** Memory map. *)
+ kernel_min : Virt_mem_mmap.addr; (** Minimum addr of kernel pointers. *)
+ kernel_max : Virt_mem_mmap.addr; (** Maximum addr of kernel pointers. *)
(** A basic kernel image. *)
* Virt_mem_mmap.addr Ksymmap.t (* Kernel symbol map. *)
* utsname option (* Kernel version, etc., if found. *)
(** A kernel image, after finding kernel version (like 'uname'). *)
+(** {2 Load kernel memory} *)
+type load_memory_error =
+ | AddressOutOfRange (** Address not in [kernel_min..kernel_max] *)
+ | DomIsNull (** image.dom = None *)
+exception LoadMemoryError of load_memory_error * string
+val load_static_memory : dom:Libvirt.ro Libvirt.Domain.t ->
+ domname:string ->
+ arch:Virt_mem_utils.architecture ->
+ wordsize:Virt_mem_utils.wordsize -> endian:Bitstring.endian ->
+ kernel_min:Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> kernel_max:Virt_mem_mmap.addr ->
+ Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> int -> image0
+ (** [load_static_memory ~dom (*...*) start size] creates an [image0]
+ object, and initializes it with static kernel memory loaded
+ from the [start] address and [size] of [dom].
+ See also {!load_memory} for exceptions this can raise. *)
+val load_memory : image0 -> Virt_mem_mmap.addr -> int -> image0
+ (** [load_memory img start size] tries to load [size] bytes from
+ the start address into the memory map. If the memory was loaded
+ previously, then it is not requested again.
+ Note that the memory map may be updated by this, so a modified
+ image structure is returned.
+ This function can raise many different sorts of exceptions and
+ the caller is advised to catch any exceptions and deal with them
+ appropriately. *)
.\" ========================================================================
.IX Title "VIRT-MEM 1"
-.TH VIRT-MEM 1 "2008-07-14" "virt-mem-0.2.4" "Virtualization Support"
+.TH VIRT-MEM 1 "2008-07-24" "virt-mem-0.2.7" "Virtualization Support"
.\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
.\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
.if n .ad l
.IP "\fB\-E auto|littleendian|bigendian\fR" 4
.IX Item "-E auto|littleendian|bigendian"
.PD 0
-.IP "\fB\-T auto|i386|x86\-64|\f(BIaddress\fB\fR" 4
-.IX Item "-T auto|i386|x86-64|address"
+.IP "\fB\-T auto|i386|x86\-64|\f(BIaddress\fB|\f(BIaddress,min,max\fB\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-T auto|i386|x86-64|address|address,min,max"
.IP "\fB\-W auto|32|64\fR" 4
.IX Item "-W auto|32|64"
x86\-64 and (usually) \s-1IA64\s0. \fI\-E bigendian\fR is the endianness used on
many \s-1RISC\s0 chips such as \s-1SPARC\s0 and PowerPC.
-Text address (\fI\-T\fR) sets the base address of the kernel image. \fI\-T
-i386\fR means to try some common addresses for i386\-based kernels. \fI\-T
-x86\-64\fR means to try some common addresses for x86\-64\-based kernels.
-\&\fI\-T \fIaddress\fI\fR sets the address specifically (\fI0x\fR prefix is used
-to specify hex addresses).
+Text address (\fI\-T\fR) sets the base address and optionally min and max
+addresses of the kernel image. \fI\-T i386\fR means to try some common
+addresses for i386\-based kernels. \fI\-T x86\-64\fR means to try some
+common addresses for x86\-64\-based kernels.
+\&\fI\-T address\fR sets the kernel base address specifically (\fI0x\fR prefix
+is used to specify hex addresses). \fI\-T address,min,max\fR sets the
+kernel base address, minimum address and maximum address.
Word size (\fI\-W\fR) sets the word size, 32 or 64 bits.
.IP "\fB\-A auto|i386|x86\-64|...\fR" 4
=item B<-E auto|littleendian|bigendian>
-=item B<-T auto|i386|x86-64|I<address>>
+=item B<-T auto|i386|x86-64|I<address>|I<address,min,max>>
=item B<-W auto|32|64>
x86-64 and (usually) IA64. I<-E bigendian> is the endianness used on
many RISC chips such as SPARC and PowerPC.
-Text address (I<-T>) sets the base address of the kernel image. I<-T
-i386> means to try some common addresses for i386-based kernels. I<-T
-x86-64> means to try some common addresses for x86-64-based kernels.
-I<-T I<address>> sets the address specifically (I<0x> prefix is used
-to specify hex addresses).
+Text address (I<-T>) sets the base address and optionally min and max
+addresses of the kernel image. I<-T i386> means to try some common
+addresses for i386-based kernels. I<-T x86-64> means to try some
+common addresses for x86-64-based kernels.
+I<-T address> sets the kernel base address specifically (I<0x> prefix
+is used to specify hex addresses). I<-T address,min,max> sets the
+kernel base address, minimum address and maximum address.
Word size (I<-W>) sets the word size, 32 or 64 bits.
Display version and exit.
-E auto|littleendian|bigendian
- -T auto|i386|x86-64|*address*
+ -T auto|i386|x86-64|*address*|*address,min,max*
-W auto|32|64
These options force the endianness, text address, and word size for
the subsequent domains listed on the command line (or if no domains
x86-64 and (usually) IA64. *-E bigendian* is the endianness used on
many RISC chips such as SPARC and PowerPC.
- Text address (*-T*) sets the base address of the kernel image. *-T
- i386* means to try some common addresses for i386-based kernels. *-T
- x86-64* means to try some common addresses for x86-64-based kernels.
- *-T *address** sets the address specifically (*0x* prefix is used to
- specify hex addresses).
+ Text address (*-T*) sets the base address and optionally min and max
+ addresses of the kernel image. *-T i386* means to try some common
+ addresses for i386-based kernels. *-T x86-64* means to try some
+ common addresses for x86-64-based kernels.
+ *-T address* sets the kernel base address specifically (*0x* prefix
+ is used to specify hex addresses). *-T address,min,max* sets the
+ kernel base address, minimum address and maximum address.
Word size (*-W*) sets the word size, 32 or 64 bits.