use strict;
use utf8;
+use POSIX qw(setsid);
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
my $mozembed;
+my $mozembed_first;
+my $mozembed_last;
GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
"last" => \$last,
"mozembed" => \$mozembed,
+ "mozembed-first" => \$mozembed_first,
+ "mozembed-last" => \$mozembed_last,
"n=s" => \$start,
"splash!" => \$splash,
"start=s" => \$start,
die "techtalk-pse: cannot use --start and --last options together\n"
if defined $last && defined $start;
-# --mozembed runs Gtk2::MozEmbed as a subprocess, because MozEmbed
-# is very crashy.
-if ($mozembed) {
- my $r = 0;
- my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
- my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new ();
- my $moz = Gtk2::MozEmbed->new ();
- my $bbox = Gtk2::HButtonBox->new ();
- $vbox->pack_start ($bbox, 0, 0, 0);
- $vbox->add ($moz);
- $w->fullscreen ();
- #$w->set_default_size (640, 480);
- $w->add ($vbox);
- $bbox->set_layout ('start');
- my $bnext = Gtk2::Button->new ("Next slide");
- $bnext->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 0; Gtk2->main_quit });
- $bbox->add ($bnext);
- my $bback = Gtk2::Button->new ("Back");
- $bback->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 1; Gtk2->main_quit });
- $bbox->add ($bback);
- my $bquit = Gtk2::Button->new ("Quit");
- $bquit->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 2; Gtk2->main_quit });
- $bbox->add ($bquit);
- $bbox->set_child_secondary ($bquit, 1);
- $w->signal_connect (delete_event => sub {
- Gtk2->main_quit;
- return FALSE;
- });
- $w->show_all ();
- $moz->load_url ($ARGV[0]);
- Gtk2->main;
- exit $r;
+# Run with --mozembed: see below.
+run_mozembed () if $mozembed;
+# Normal run of the program.
die "techtalk-pse: too many arguments\n" if @ARGV >= 2;
# Get the true name of the program.
# Get the files.
my @files;
my %files;
-my %groups;
sub reread_directory
@files = ();
- %groups = ();
+ my $i = 0;
foreach (glob ("*")) {
- if (/^(\d+)([A-Z])?(?:-.*)\.(html|sh)$/) {
+ if (/^(\d+)(?:-.*)\.(html|sh)$/) {
print STDERR "reading $_\n" if $verbose;
my $seq = $1;
- my $pos = $2 || "A";
- my $ext = $3;
+ my $ext = $2;
warn "techtalk-pse: $_: command file is not executable (+x)\n"
if $ext eq "sh" && ! -x $_;
- my $h = { name => $_, seq => $1, pos => $2, ext => $3 };
+ my $h = { name => $_, seq => $1, ext => $2, i => $i };
push @files, $h;
$files{$_} = $h;
- $groups{$seq} = [] unless exists $groups{$seq};
- push @{$groups{$seq}}, $h;
+ $i++;
} else {
print STDERR "ignoring $_\n" if $verbose;
+ if (@files > 0) {
+ $files[0]->{first} = 1;
+ $files[$#files]->{last} = 1;
+ }
reread_directory ();
print STDERR "read ", 0+@files, " files\n" if $verbose;
$w->set_version ("@VERSION@");
$w->set_website ("");
$w->set_license ("GNU General Public License v2 or above");
- $w->signal_connect (destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit });
- $w->show_all;
- Gtk2->main;
+ $w->run;
+ print STDERR "calling \$w->destroy on about dialog\n" if $verbose;
+ $w->destroy;
MAIN: while (1) {
print STDERR "go = $go\n" if $verbose;
last MAIN if $go eq "QUIT";
- my $i = 0;
- FOUND: {
- foreach (@files) {
- last FOUND if $files[$i]->{name} eq $current->{name};
- $i++;
- }
- die "internal error: cannot find \$current in \@files"
- }
- print STDERR "found current entry at i = $i\n" if $verbose;
+ my $i = $current->{i};
+ print STDERR "i = $i\n" if $verbose;
$i-- if $go eq "PREV" && $i > 0;
$i++ if $go eq "NEXT" && $i+1 < @files;
$current = $files[$i];
$_ = <STDIN>;
+ # Reread directory between slides.
reread_directory ();
if (defined $current && !exists $files{$current->{name}}) {
-sub show_slide {
+sub show_slide
my $slide = shift;
+ # Display an HTML page.
if ($slide->{ext} eq "html") {
# MozEmbed is incredibly crashy, so we run ourself as a
# subprocess, so when it segfaults we don't care.
+ my @cmd = ($0, "--mozembed");
+ push @cmd, "--mozembed-first" if exists $slide->{first};
+ push @cmd, "--mozembed-last" if exists $slide->{last};
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $url = "file://" . $cwd . "/" . $slide->{name};
- my @cmd = ($0, "--mozembed", $url);
+ push @cmd, $url;
system (@cmd);
- die "failed to execute subcommand: $!\n" if $? == -1;
+ die "failed to execute subcommand: ", join(" ", @cmd), ": $!\n"
+ if $? == -1;
if ($? & 127) {
# Subcommand probably segfaulted, just continue to next slide.
return "NEXT";
+ # Run a shell command.
elsif ($slide->{ext} eq "sh") {
- system ("PATH=.:\$PATH " . $slide->{name});
- return "NEXT";
+ my $pid;
+ #
+ local *run_process = sub {
+ $pid = fork ();
+ die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
+ unless ($pid) {
+ # Child.
+ POSIX::setsid ();
+ $ENV{PATH} = ".:$ENV{PATH}";
+ exec ($slide->{name});
+ die "failed to execute command: ", $slide->{name}, ": $!";
+ }
+ # Parent returns.
+ };
+ local *kill_process = sub {
+ print STDERR "sending TERM signal to process group $pid\n"
+ if $verbose;
+ kill "TERM", -$pid;
+ };
+ run_process ();
+ my $r = "NEXT";
+ my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
+ my $s = $w->get_screen;
+ $w->set_default_size ($s->get_width, -1);
+ $w->move (0, 0);
+ $w->set_decorated (0);
+ my $bbox = Gtk2::HButtonBox->new ();
+ $bbox->set_layout ('start');
+ my $bnext = Gtk2::Button->new ("Next slide");
+ $bnext->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = "NEXT"; $w->destroy });
+ $bnext->set_sensitive (!(exists $slide->{last}));
+ $bbox->add ($bnext);
+ my $bback = Gtk2::Button->new ("Back");
+ $bback->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = "PREV"; $w->destroy });
+ $bback->set_sensitive (!(exists $slide->{first}));
+ $bbox->add ($bback);
+ my $brestart = Gtk2::Button->new ("Kill & restart");
+ $brestart->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
+ kill_process ();
+ run_process ();
+ });
+ $bbox->add ($brestart);
+ my $bquit = Gtk2::Button->new ("Quit");
+ $bquit->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = "QUIT"; $w->destroy });
+ $bbox->add ($bquit);
+ $bbox->set_child_secondary ($bquit, 1);
+ $w->add ($bbox);
+ $w->signal_connect (destroy => sub {
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return FALSE;
+ });
+ $w->show_all ();
+ Gtk2->main;
+ kill_process ();
+ print STDERR "returning r=$r\n" if $verbose;
+ return $r;
+# If invoked with the --mozembed parameter then we just display a
+# single page. This is just to prevent crashes in MozEmbed from
+# killing the whole program.
+sub run_mozembed
+ my $r = 0;
+ my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
+ my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new ();
+ my $moz = Gtk2::MozEmbed->new ();
+ my $bbox = Gtk2::HButtonBox->new ();
+ $bbox->set_layout ('start');
+ $vbox->pack_start ($bbox, 0, 0, 0);
+ $vbox->add ($moz);
+ $w->fullscreen ();
+ #$w->set_default_size (640, 480);
+ $w->add ($vbox);
+ my $bnext = Gtk2::Button->new ("Next slide");
+ $bnext->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 0; $w->destroy });
+ $bnext->set_sensitive (!$mozembed_last);
+ $bbox->add ($bnext);
+ my $bback = Gtk2::Button->new ("Back");
+ $bback->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 1; $w->destroy });
+ $bback->set_sensitive (!$mozembed_first);
+ $bbox->add ($bback);
+ my $bquit = Gtk2::Button->new ("Quit");
+ $bquit->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $r = 2; $w->destroy });
+ $bbox->add ($bquit);
+ $bbox->set_child_secondary ($bquit, 1);
+ $w->signal_connect (destroy => sub {
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return FALSE;
+ });
+ $w->show_all ();
+ $moz->load_url ($ARGV[0]);
+ Gtk2->main;
+ exit $r;