print tree;
eprintf "}\n";
+type owner =
+ [ `Filesystem of filesystem
+ | `Partitions of partitions
+ | `PhysicalVolume of pv ]
(* A segment describes the owner of a range of disk addresses. *)
type segment =
int63 * int63 * (* disk offset, size of segment *)
- [ `Filesystem of filesystem
- | `Partitions of partitions
- | `PhysicalVolume of pv ] * (* owner *)
+ owner * (* owner *)
int63 (* owner offset *)
type interval = int63 * int63 (* start point, end point (bytes) *)
(* Return the ownership structure. *)
+let get_owners machine ownership disk offset =
+ (* Get the correct tree. *)
+ let tree = List.assoc disk ownership in
+ let rec query = function
+ | Leaf (_, segments) -> segments
+ | Node ((Leaf ((_, leftend), _) | Node (_, ((_, leftend), _), _) as left),
+ (_, segments),
+ right) ->
+ let subsegments =
+ if offset < leftend then query left else query right in
+ segments @ subsegments
+ in
+ let owners = query tree in
+ (
+ fun (_, _, owner, owner_offset) -> (owner, offset -^ owner_offset)
+ ) owners
ultimate filesystem, etc., which owns each one).
+type owner =
+ [ `Filesystem of filesystem
+ | `Partitions of partitions
+ | `PhysicalVolume of pv ]
+val get_owners :
+ machine -> ownership -> device -> Int63.t -> (owner * Int63.t) list
+ (** [get_owners machine ownership disk offset] returns the
+ owners (filesystems, etc.) which reside on block device [disk]
+ at the given byte offset. [disk] must be a block device
+ of the machine.
+ Returns a list of [(owner, owner_offset)] where [owner]
+ is the filesystem, etc., and [owner_offset] is the byte
+ offset relative to the owner.
+ It is common for there to be multiple owners: for example
+ in the case where a filesystem is created on a partition,
+ both the filesystem ([`Filesystem fs]) and
+ partition scheme ([`Partitions parts]) will be returned.
+ This function is efficient. {!create_ownership} creates
+ a tree structure which allows ownership to be determined
+ in just a few steps. *)
(** {2 Debugging} *)
val debug : bool ref