let utf8_rarrow = "\xe2\x86\x92"
+let pretty_string_of_exn =
+ function
+ | Guestfs.Error str ->
+ "Libguestfs error",
+ sprintf "libguestfs reported an error:
+To get more information about libguestfs errors, run guestfs-browser
+with the -x flag on the command line."
+ str
+ (* Add more exception types here as we come across them. Last
+ * case below is the catch-all.
+ *)
+ | exn ->
+ "Error", Printexc.to_string exn
let human_size i =
if i < 1024L then
sprintf "%Ld" i
This is set through the [--connect] command line option. *)
+val pretty_string_of_exn : exn -> string * string
+ (** Pretty string from exception.
+ Returns a title and a detailed message, for use in message dialogs.
+ To get raw exception string, use {!Printexc.to_string} from the
+ standard library. *)
val utf8_rarrow : string (** UTF-8 RIGHTWARDS ARROW *)
val human_size : int64 -> string
* necessary to turn the exception into an error message.
let failure ws exn =
- let title = "Error" in
- let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
- debug "failure hook: %s" msg;
+ let raw_msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
+ debug "failure hook: %s" raw_msg;
+ let title, msg = pretty_string_of_exn exn in
let icon = GMisc.image () in
icon#set_stock `DIALOG_ERROR;
icon#set_icon_size `DIALOG;