loop 0 xs
+let count_chars c str =
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
+ if c = String.unsafe_get str i then incr count
+ done;
+ !count
let name_of_argt = function
| Pathname n | Device n | Dev_or_Path n | String n | OptString n
| StringList n | DeviceList n | Bool n | Int n | Int64 n
(* 'pr' prints to the current output file. *)
let chan = ref Pervasives.stdout
-let pr fs = ksprintf (output_string !chan) fs
+let lines = ref 0
+let pr fs =
+ ksprintf
+ (fun str ->
+ let i = count_chars '\n' str in
+ lines := !lines + i;
+ output_string !chan str
+ ) fs
let copyright_years =
let this_year = 1900 + (localtime (time ())).tm_year in
let chan = open_out "src/stamp-generator" in
fprintf chan "1\n";
- close_out chan
+ close_out chan;
+ printf "generated %d lines of code\n" !lines