#load "mlnewt.cma";;
#directory "+xml-light";;
#load "xml-light.cma";;
+#directory "+libvirt";;
+#load "mllibvirt.cma";;
open Unix
open Printf
(* Autodetect system memory. *)
let system_memory =
- let mem = shget "head -1 /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2/1024}'" in
- match mem with
- | Some (mem::_) -> int_of_float (float_of_string mem)
- | _ -> 256 in
+ (* Try to parse dmesg first to find the 'Memory:' report when
+ * the kernel booted. If available, this can give us an
+ * indication of usable RAM on this system.
+ *)
+ let dmesg = shget "dmesg" in
+ try
+ let dmesg =
+ match dmesg with Some lines -> lines | None -> raise Not_found in
+ let line =
+ List.find (fun line -> String.starts_with line "Memory: ") dmesg in
+ let subs = Pcre.exec ~pat:"k/([[:digit:]]+)k available" line in
+ let mem = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in
+ int_of_string mem / 1024
+ with
+ Not_found | Failure "int_of_string" ->
+ (* 'dmesg' can't be parsed. The backup plan is to look
+ * at /proc/meminfo.
+ *)
+ let mem = shget "head -1 /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2/1024}'" in
+ match mem with
+ | Some (mem::_) -> int_of_float (float_of_string mem)
+ (* For some reason even /proc/meminfo didn't work. Just
+ * assume 256 MB instead.
+ *)
+ | _ -> 256 in
(* Autodetect system # pCPUs. *)
let system_nr_cpus =
config_devices_to_send, config_root_filesystem, config_target
) in
+ (* Try to get the capabilities from the remote machine. If we fail
+ * it doesn't matter too much.
+ *)
+ let capabilities =
+ try
+ if not config_target.tgt_libvirtd then raise Not_found;
+ let proto, path =
+ match config_target.tgt_hypervisor with
+ | Some Xen -> "xen", "/"
+ | Some (QEMU|KVM) -> "qemu", "/system"
+ | None -> raise Not_found in
+ let name =
+ sprintf "%s+ssh://%s@%s:%s%s"
+ proto config_ssh.ssh_username
+ config_ssh.ssh_host config_ssh.ssh_port path in
+ eprintf "fetch capabilities from %S\n%!" name;
+ let conn = Libvirt.Connect.connect_readonly ~name () in
+ let caps = Libvirt.Connect.get_capabilities conn in
+ Libvirt.Connect.close conn;
+ eprintf "capabilities:\n%s\n%!" caps;
+ Some caps
+ with
+ | Not_found -> None
+ | Libvirt.Virterror err ->
+ eprintf "libvirt error: %s\n%!" (Libvirt.Virterror.to_string err);
+ None
+ | Invalid_argument str ->
+ eprintf "libvirt error: %s\n%!" str;
+ None in
(* In test mode, exit here before we do Bad Things to the developer's
* hard disk.