(* Bitmatch library.
- * $Id: bitmatch.ml,v 1.2 2008-04-01 08:56:43 rjones Exp $
+ * $Id: bitmatch.ml,v 1.3 2008-04-01 10:06:12 rjones Exp $
open Printf
let word = word lsr shift in
word, off+flen, len-flen
+(* Display functions. *)
+let isprint c =
+ let c = Char.code c in
+ c >= 32 && c < 127
+let hexdump_bitstring chan (data, off, len) =
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ let off = ref off in
+ let len = ref len in
+ let linelen = ref 0 in
+ let linechars = String.make 16 ' ' in
+ fprintf chan "00000000 ";
+ while !len > 0 do
+ let bits = min !len 8 in
+ let byte, off', len' = extract_char_unsigned data !off !len bits in
+ off := off'; len := len';
+ let byte = byte lsl (8-bits) in
+ fprintf chan "%02x " byte;
+ incr count;
+ linechars.[!linelen] <-
+ (let c = Char.chr byte in
+ if isprint c then c else '.');
+ incr linelen;
+ if !linelen = 8 then fprintf chan " ";
+ if !linelen = 16 then (
+ fprintf chan " |%s|\n%08x " linechars !count;
+ linelen := 0;
+ for i = 0 to 15 do linechars.[i] <- ' ' done
+ )
+ done;
+ if !linelen > 0 then (
+ let skip = (16 - !linelen) * 3 + if !linelen < 8 then 1 else 0 in
+ for i = 0 to skip-1 do fprintf chan " " done;
+ fprintf chan " |%s|\n" linechars
+ ) else
+ fprintf chan "\n"
(* Bitmatch library.
- * $Id: bitmatch.mli,v 1.2 2008-04-01 08:56:43 rjones Exp $
+ * $Id: bitmatch.mli,v 1.3 2008-04-01 10:06:12 rjones Exp $
type bitstring = string * int * int
val bitstring_of_file : string -> bitstring
+val hexdump_bitstring : out_channel -> bitstring -> unit
val extract_bitstring : string -> int -> int -> int -> bitstring * int * int
--- /dev/null
+(* Test the hexdump function.
+ * $Id: 03_hexdump.ml,v 1.1 2008-04-01 10:06:12 rjones Exp $
+ *)
+open Printf
+let bits = Bitmatch.make_bitstring (32*8) '\x5a'
+let () =
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits;
+ let data, off, len = bits in
+ let bits = data, off+1, len-1 in
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits;
+ let data, off, len = bits in
+ let bits = data, off+1, len-1 in
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits