+ "src/deps.cmx",
--- /dev/null
+(* Goalfile dependency DAG
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Richard W.M. Jones
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Utils
+type node =
+ | Goal of Ast.env * Ast.loc * string * Ast.expr list *
+ Ast.goal * Ast.expr list * string
+ | Exists of Ast.env * Ast.loc * Ast.pattern * string
+let string_of_node = function
+ | Goal (_, _, _, _, _, _, debug_goal) -> debug_goal
+ | Exists (_, _, _, debug_tactic) -> debug_tactic
+let compare_nodes n1 n2 =
+ match n1, n2 with
+ | Goal _, Exists _ -> -1
+ | Exists _, Goal _ -> 1
+ | Exists (_, _, p1, _), Exists (_, _, p2, _) -> compare p1 p2
+ | Goal (_, _, n1, a1, _, _, _), Goal (_, _, n2, a2, _, _, _) ->
+ compare (n1, a1) (n2, a2)
+module G = Map.Make (
+ struct
+ type t = node
+ let compare = compare_nodes
+ end
+type dag = {
+ (* List of nodes. *)
+ nodes : node list;
+ (* Edges are stored as an adjacency list, which is a map from
+ * a parent node to a list of child nodes. Note that as the
+ * graph does not need to be connected, there may be nodes
+ * in the list above which don't appear in this map.
+ *)
+ edges : node list G.t;
+type t = dag * node list
+(* The final type is a DAG and a topologically sorted list of nodes. *)
+(* Creates a new DAG. *)
+let rec new_dag () = { nodes = []; edges = G.empty }
+(* This will create a new node, unless the node already exists.
+ * If the optional parent parameter is given then it also creates
+ * an edge from parent to the new (or existing) node.
+ *)
+and add_node { nodes; edges } ?parent data =
+ let node, nodes =
+ try List.find (fun n -> compare_nodes n data = 0) nodes, nodes
+ with Not_found -> data, data :: nodes in
+ let edges =
+ match parent with
+ | None -> edges
+ | Some parent ->
+ let children = try G.find parent edges with Not_found -> [] in
+ if List.mem node children then edges
+ else G.add parent (node :: children) edges in
+ node, { nodes; edges }
+(* This is Khan's algorithm. *)
+and topological_sort dag =
+ let incoming_map = incoming_map dag in
+ (* Set of all nodes with no incoming edge. *)
+ let q = List.filter (fun node -> not (G.mem node incoming_map)) dag.nodes in
+ let rec loop dag acc im = function
+ | [] -> dag, acc
+ | node :: q ->
+ let acc = node :: acc in
+ let children = try G.find node dag.edges with Not_found -> [] in
+ let dag, q, im =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun (dag, q, im) child ->
+ (* There's an arrow from node to child. *)
+ let dag =
+ { nodes =
+ List.filter (fun n -> compare_nodes n node <> 0) dag.nodes;
+ edges = remove_edge dag.edges node child } in
+ let im = remove_edge im child node in
+ let q = if not (G.mem child im) then child :: q else q in
+ (dag, q, im)
+ ) (dag, q, im) children in
+ loop dag acc im q
+ in
+ let dag, acc = loop dag [] incoming_map q in
+ if not (G.is_empty dag.edges) then
+ (* XXX More debugging to help out users! I believe the remaining
+ * edges should demonstrate the cycle.
+ *)
+ failwithf "dependency graph contains cycles";
+ (* This builds the topological list in reverse order, but that's
+ * fine because that is the running order.
+ *)
+ acc
+(* The dag structure has an adjacency list, which is a list of outgoing
+ * edges from each node. But for a topological sort what we actually
+ * need is another list of incoming edges, so construct that first.
+ *
+ * Note this never returns a mapping node -> [].
+ *)
+and incoming_map { edges } =
+ let im = ref G.empty in
+ G.iter (
+ fun parent children ->
+ List.iter (
+ fun c ->
+ (* There is an arrow from parent -> c. *)
+ let xs = try G.find c !im with Not_found -> [] in
+ im := G.add c (parent :: xs) !im
+ ) children
+ ) edges;
+ !im
+(* Remove edge from parent to child returning a new edges map.
+ * Preserves the invariant that there is never a mapping node -> [].
+ *)
+and remove_edge edges parent child =
+ try
+ let children = G.find parent edges in
+ let children =
+ List.filter (fun n -> compare_nodes n child <> 0) children in
+ if children = [] then
+ G.remove parent edges
+ else
+ G.add parent children edges
+ with
+ Not_found -> edges
+and debug_dag { nodes; edges } =
+ eprintf "nodes:\n";
+ List.iter (fun node -> eprintf " %s\n" (string_of_node node)) nodes;
+ eprintf "edges:\n";
+ G.iter (
+ fun parent children ->
+ eprintf " %s ->" (string_of_node parent);
+ List.iter (fun c -> eprintf " %s" (string_of_node c)) children;
+ eprintf "\n"
+ ) edges
+let rec create env roots =
+ let dag = new_dag () in
+ let dag = add_targets dag env roots in
+ if Cmdline.debug_flag () then debug_dag dag;
+ (* Make actually breaks cycles, but I'm not convinced that this
+ * is a good idea, so this function will fail if any cycle is
+ * found. We may wish to revisit this decision in future.
+ *)
+ let sorted = topological_sort dag in
+ if Cmdline.debug_flag () then
+ eprintf "dependency order:\n %s\n"
+ (String.concat " <- " (List.map string_of_node sorted));
+ dag, sorted
+and add_targets dag ?parent env roots =
+ List.fold_left (fun dag root -> add_target dag ?parent env root) dag roots
+and add_target dag ?parent env = function
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.EFuncDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
+ (* Call a goal or function. *)
+ | Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn (_, goal) ->
+ add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal []
+ | Ast.EFuncDefn (_, func) ->
+ let expr = Eval.call_function env loc name args func in
+ add_target dag ?parent env expr
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal or a function"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ )
+ (* Call a tactic. *)
+ | Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, name, args) ->
+ (* All parameters of tactics must be simple constant expressions
+ * (strings, in future booleans, numbers, etc).
+ *)
+ let args = List.map (Eval.to_constant env) args in
+ add_tactic dag ?parent env loc name args
+ (* If this is a goal then it's the same as calling goal(). If not
+ * then look up the variable and substitute it.
+ *)
+ | Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
+ add_target dag ?parent env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
+ | EGoalDefn _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot call %s() since this goal has parameters"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | _ ->
+ add_target dag ?parent env expr
+ )
+ (* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *)
+ | Ast.EList (loc, exprs) ->
+ add_targets dag ?parent env exprs
+ (* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *)
+ | Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
+ let str = Eval.substitute env loc str in
+ add_tactic dag ?parent env loc "*file" [Ast.CString str]
+ | Ast.EConstant (loc, c) ->
+ add_tactic dag ?parent env loc "*file" [c]
+(* Add a goal by name. *)
+and add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args
+ ((params, patterns, deps, code) as goal)
+ extra_deps =
+ (* This is used to print the goal in debug and error messages only. *)
+ let debug_goal =
+ sprintf "%s (%s)" name
+ (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args)) in
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: adding goal %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal;
+ (* This is the point where we evaluate the goal arguments. We must
+ * do this before creating the new environment, because variables
+ * appearing in goal arguments don't refer to goal parameters.
+ *)
+ let args = List.map (Eval.evaluate_goal_arg env) args in
+ (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
+ * the args.
+ *)
+ let env =
+ let params =
+ try List.combine params args
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: calling goal %s with wrong number of arguments, expecting %d args but got %d args"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal
+ (List.length params) (List.length args) in
+ List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
+ (* Create the node. *)
+ let node, dag =
+ add_node dag ?parent (Goal (env, loc, name, args, goal,
+ extra_deps, debug_goal)) in
+ (* Add all dependencies. *)
+ add_targets dag ~parent:node env (deps @ extra_deps)
+(* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and add it.
+ * cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
+ *)
+and add_tactic dag ?parent env loc tactic cargs =
+ (* This is used to print the tactic in debug and error messages only. *)
+ let debug_tactic =
+ Ast.string_expr ()
+ (Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, tactic,
+ List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c)) cargs)) in
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: adding tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic;
+ (* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *)
+ let goals =
+ let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in
+ filter_map
+ (function
+ | name, Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, goal) -> Some (name, goal)
+ | _ -> None) env in
+ (* Find all patterns. Returns a list of (pattern, name, goal). *)
+ let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal) list =
+ List.flatten
+ (List.map (fun (name, ((_, patterns, _, _) as goal)) ->
+ List.map (fun pattern -> (pattern, name, goal)) patterns) goals) in
+ (* Find any patterns (ie. tactics) which match the one we
+ * are searching for. This returns a binding for the goal args,
+ * so we end up with a list of (pattern, name, goal, args).
+ *)
+ let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal * Ast.expr list) list =
+ filter_map (
+ fun (pattern, name, ((params, _, _, _) as goal)) ->
+ match matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some args -> Some (pattern, name, goal, args)
+ ) patterns in
+ match patterns with
+ | [] ->
+ (* There's no matching goal, but we don't need one if
+ * the tactic doesn't need to be rebuilt. So create a
+ * special Exists node which will be used to run the tactic
+ * to see if the target needs to be rebuilt, and only fail
+ * if it does need a rebuild.
+ *)
+ let targs = List.map (function Ast.CString s -> [Ast.SString s]) cargs in
+ let p = Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) in
+ let _, dag = add_node dag ?parent (Exists (env, loc, p, debug_tactic)) in
+ dag
+ | [_, name, goal, args] ->
+ (* Single goal matches. *)
+ add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal []
+ | goals ->
+ (* Two or more goals match. Only one must have a CODE section,
+ * and we combine the dependencies into a "supergoal".
+ *)
+ let with_code, without_code =
+ List.partition (
+ fun (_, _, (_, _, _, code), _) -> code <> None
+ ) goals in
+ let (_, name, goal, args), extra_deps =
+ match with_code with
+ | [g] ->
+ let extra_deps =
+ List.flatten (
+ List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps) without_code
+ ) in
+ (g, extra_deps)
+ | [] ->
+ (* This is OK, it means we'll rebuild all dependencies
+ * but there is no code to run. Pick the first goal
+ * without code and the dependencies from the other goals.
+ *)
+ let g = List.hd without_code in
+ let extra_deps =
+ List.flatten (
+ List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps)
+ (List.tl without_code)
+ ) in
+ (g, extra_deps)
+ | _ :: _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: multiple goals found which match tactic %s, but more than one of these goals have {code} sections which is not allowed"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic in
+ add_goal dag ?parent env loc name args goal extra_deps
+(* Test if pattern matches *tactic(cargs). If it does
+ * then we return Some args where args is the arguments that must
+ * be passed to the matching goal. The params parameter is
+ * the names of the parameters of that goal.
+ *)
+and matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params =
+ match pattern with
+ | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs)
+ when tactic <> ttactic ||
+ List.length cargs <> List.length targs ->
+ None (* Can't possibly match if tactic name or #args is different. *)
+ | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs) ->
+ (* Do the args match with a possible params binding? *)
+ try Some (matching_params env loc params targs cargs)
+ with Not_found -> None
+(* Return a possible binding. For example the goal is:
+ * goal compile (name) = "%name.o": "%name.c" {}
+ * which means that params = ["name"] and targs = ["%name.o"].
+ *
+ * If we are called with cargs = ["file1.o"], we would
+ * return ["file1"].
+ *
+ * On non-matching this raises Not_found.
+ *)
+and matching_params env loc params targs cargs =
+ (* This is going to record the resulting binding. *)
+ let res = ref Ast.Env.empty in
+ List.iter2 (matching_param env loc params res) targs cargs;
+ (* Rearrange the result into goal parameter order. Also this
+ * checks that every parameter got a binding.
+ *)
+ let res = !res in
+ List.map (
+ (* Allow the Not_found exception to escape if no binding for this param. *)
+ fun param -> Ast.Env.find param res
+ ) params
+(* If targ = "%name.o" and carg = "file.o" then this would set
+ * name => "file" in !res. If they don't match, raises Not_found.
+ *)
+and matching_param env loc params res targ carg =
+ match carg with
+ | Ast.CString carg ->
+ (* Substitute any non parameters in targ from the environment. *)
+ let targ =
+ List.map (
+ function
+ | Ast.SString _ as s -> s
+ | Ast.SVar name ->
+ if not (List.mem name params) then (
+ try
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ match Eval.to_constant env expr with
+ | Ast.CString s -> Ast.SString s
+ with Failure _ -> raise Not_found
+ )
+ else
+ Ast.SVar name
+ ) targ in
+ (* Do the actual pattern matching. Any remaining SVar elements
+ * must refer to goal parameters.
+ *)
+ let carg = ref carg in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] ->
+ (* End of targ, we must have matched all of carg. *)
+ if !carg <> "" then raise Not_found
+ | Ast.SString s :: rest ->
+ (* Does this match the first part of !carg? *)
+ let clen = String.length !carg in
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ if slen > clen || s <> String.sub !carg 0 slen then
+ raise Not_found;
+ (* Yes, so continue after the matching prefix. *)
+ carg := String.sub !carg slen (clen-slen);
+ loop rest
+ | Ast.SVar name :: Ast.SString s :: rest ->
+ (* This is a goal parameter. Find s later in !carg. *)
+ let i = string_find !carg s in
+ if i = -1 then raise Not_found;
+ (* Set the binding in !res. *)
+ let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc,
+ Ast.CString (String.sub !carg 0 i)) in
+ res := Ast.Env.add name r !res;
+ (* Continue after the match. *)
+ let skip = i + String.length s in
+ carg := String.sub !carg skip (String.length !carg - skip);
+ loop rest
+ | Ast.SVar name :: [] ->
+ (* Matches the whole remainder of the string. *)
+ let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString !carg) in
+ res := Ast.Env.add name r !res
+ | Ast.SVar x :: Ast.SVar y :: _ ->
+ (* TODO! We cannot match a target like "%x%y". *)
+ assert false
+ in
+ loop targ
+type goal_runner =
+ Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> string -> Ast.expr list -> Ast.goal ->
+ Ast.expr list -> string -> unit
+type exists_runner = Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> Ast.pattern -> string -> unit
+type state = {
+ dag : dag;
+ goal_runner : goal_runner;
+ exists_runner : exists_runner;
+ (* Topologically sorted in build order. When nodes start running
+ * we take them off this list.
+ *)
+ mutable sorted_nodes : node list;
+ (* List of nodes which completed successfully. Actually for fast
+ * access we store a map node -> true.
+ *)
+ mutable complete : bool G.t;
+let new_state (dag, sorted_nodes) goal_runner exists_runner =
+ { dag; goal_runner; exists_runner; sorted_nodes; complete = G.empty }
+(* Called by [Jobs] when a node completes successfully. We mark
+ * it as done.
+ *)
+let retire_job state node =
+ state.complete <- G.add node true state.complete
+let rec next_job state =
+ (* Find the earliest node in the list which has all its
+ * dependencies done.
+ *)
+ let rec loop acc = function
+ | [] ->
+ if state.sorted_nodes = [] then Jobs.Complete else Jobs.Not_ready
+ | node :: nodes ->
+ if node_is_ready_to_run state node then (
+ state.sorted_nodes <- List.rev acc @ nodes;
+ match node with
+ | Goal (env, loc, name, args, goal, extra_deps, debug_goal) ->
+ Jobs.Job (node, fun () ->
+ state.goal_runner env loc name args goal
+ extra_deps debug_goal)
+ | Exists (env, loc, p, debug_tactic) ->
+ Jobs.Job (node, fun () ->
+ state.exists_runner env loc p debug_tactic)
+ )
+ else
+ loop (node :: acc) nodes
+ in
+ loop [] state.sorted_nodes
+and node_is_ready_to_run { dag; complete } node =
+ let parents = try G.find node dag.edges with Not_found -> [] in
+ List.for_all (fun p -> G.mem p complete) parents
+let string_of_job = string_of_node
--- /dev/null
+(* Goalfile dependency DAG
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Richard W.M. Jones
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+type t
+(** The type of the directed acyclic graph of dependencies. *)
+val create : Ast.env -> Ast.expr list -> t
+(** [create env roots] constructs the DAG of dependencies starting
+ with the roots, returning the final structure or raising
+ [Failure _] if there is a problem. *)
+type state
+(** State held when running jobs. *)
+type goal_runner =
+ Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> string -> Ast.expr list -> Ast.goal ->
+ Ast.expr list -> string -> unit
+(** Run a single goal. *)
+type exists_runner = Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> Ast.pattern -> string -> unit
+(** Run an existence tactic. *)
+val new_state : t -> goal_runner -> exists_runner -> state
+(** Create a new state object from the DAG.
+ [goal_runner] is a function for running single goals.
+ [exists_runner] is a function for running existence tactics.
+ See the {!Run} module. *)
+type node
+val retire_job : state -> node -> unit
+(** See {!Jobs.run}. *)
+val next_job : state -> node Jobs.next
+(** Returns the next job that is able to run. (See {!Jobs.run}).
+ It is always guaranteed that the next job which is returned
+ has already had all its dependencies retired already. *)
+val string_of_job : node -> string
open Utils
-module type Key = sig
- type t
- val compare : t -> t -> int
- val to_string : t -> string
+type 'a next = Job of 'a * (unit -> unit) | Complete | Not_ready
-module type Jobs = sig
- type key
- type group
- val new_group : unit -> group
- val start : group -> key -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
- val wait : group -> unit
- val stop_all : unit -> unit
+type 'a retire = 'a -> unit
-module Make (K : Key) = struct
- type key = K.t
+type 'a to_string = 'a -> string
- type state = Waiting | Running | Done
- type job = {
- mutable state : state;
- f : unit -> unit; (* The function to run the job. *)
- mutable exn : exn option; (* If the job raised an exception. *)
- }
+let run next_job retire_job string_of_job =
+ (* Number of running threads <= Cmdline.nr_jobs. *)
+ let running = ref 0 in
- type queue = {
- (* Lock preventing multiple jobs with the same key from
- * running at the same time.
- *)
- q_lock : Mutex.t;
- mutable q : job list; (* List of jobs on this queue. *)
- }
- let new_queue () = { q_lock = Mutex.create (); q = [] }
+ (* Lock and condition for when a thread exits. *)
+ let lock = Mutex.create () and cond = Condition.create () in
- (* All of the shared state below is protected by this lock that
- * you must hold before using any of it.
- *)
- let lock = Mutex.create ()
+ (* If a job throws an exception it is saved here. *)
+ let last_exn = ref None in
- (* Jobs are queued on separate queues according to their key.
- * qs is a map of the key to the list of jobs in that queue.
- *)
- module Qs = Map.Make (K)
- let qs = ref Qs.empty
+ (* This is the background thread which runs each job. *)
+ let runner (job, f) =
+ let exn = try f (); None with exn -> Some exn in
- (* Threads which are idle wait on this condition. This is
- * signalled when:
- * - a new job is added (idle threads may be able to run it)
- * - a job finishes (idle threads may be able to run another
- * job which has the same key as the one which finished)
- *)
- let idle = Condition.create ()
- (* Threads which are running or idle but NOT waiting. This
- * starts as one because the main thread is running. A thread
- * which is waiting is essentially blocking another job which
- * could run, so we should start a new thread. A thread which
- * is idle on the other hand is not blocking anything from
- * running, it's idle because there is nothing that can be run.
- *
- * We aim to keep this <= Cmdline.nr_jobs.
- *)
- let ready = ref 1
- (* If stop_all is called, this is set to true and we stop
- * running new jobs.
- *)
- let stop = ref false
- (* The worker thread. *)
- let rec worker _ =
- let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
- Mutex.lock lock;
- incr ready;
- while not !stop && !ready <= Cmdline.nr_jobs () do
- (* See if there's any queue with a job which is ready to run. *)
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: checking for a runnable queue" id;
- match get_runnable_queue () with
- | None ->
- (* Nothing that we can run, go idle. This also drops
- * the lock so other threads can examine the queue.
- *)
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: idle" id;
- Condition.wait idle lock;
- | Some q ->
- (* Note that q.q_lock is now held by this thread, and q.q
- * is non-empty. Pick the job off the head of this queue.
- *)
- let job = List.hd q.q in
- q.q <- List.tl q.q;
- (* Run the job, dropping the main lock while running. *)
- job.state <- Running;
- Mutex.unlock lock;
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: running job" id;
- let exn = try job.f (); None with exn -> Some exn in
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: finished job" id;
- Mutex.lock lock;
- job.state <- Done;
- job.exn <- exn;
- (* Since we have finished a job, it may be that other
- * idle threads could now run (if a job with the same
- * key is waiting).
- *)
- Mutex.unlock q.q_lock;
- Condition.broadcast idle
- done;
- decr ready;
- Mutex.unlock lock
- (* Check all the queues to see if there is any job which can run.
- * The lock must be held when calling this function. This
- * locks the queue if it finds one.
- *)
- and get_runnable_queue () =
- try
- let qs = List.map snd (Qs.bindings !qs) in
- Some (List.find is_runnable_queue qs)
- with
- Not_found -> None
- (* Return true iff the queue contains jobs and no existing job
- * from this queue is already running. This locks the queue
- * if it returns true.
- *)
- and is_runnable_queue = function
- | { q = [] } -> false
- | { q_lock } -> Mutex.try_lock q_lock
- (* A group is simply a list of jobs. *)
- type group = job list ref
- let new_group () = ref []
- (* Submit a new job. *)
- let start group key f =
- let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: submitting new job" id;
Mutex.lock lock;
- let job = { state = Waiting; f; exn = None } in
- group := job :: !group;
- (* Put the job on the queue associated with this key. *)
- let q =
- try Qs.find key !qs
- with Not_found ->
- let q = new_queue () in (* Allocate a new queue for this key. *)
- qs := Qs.add key q !qs;
- q in
- q.q <- q.q @ [job];
- (* Wake up any idle threads. *)
- Condition.signal idle;
+ (match exn with
+ | None -> retire_job job
+ | Some exn -> last_exn := Some exn
+ );
+ decr running;
+ Condition.signal cond;
Mutex.unlock lock
- (* Wait for all jobs in the group to be done. *)
- let rec wait group =
- let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
- Mutex.lock lock;
- while not !stop && not (all_done group); do
- decr ready;
- (* Start more threads if fewer than nr_jobs threads are ready. *)
- let needed = Cmdline.nr_jobs () - !ready in
- if not !stop && needed > 0 then
- ignore (Array.init needed (Thread.create worker));
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: waiting for group to complete" id;
- Condition.wait idle lock;
- incr ready
- done;
- Mutex.unlock lock;
- (* If any job in the group raised an exception, we re-raise it here.
- * We can only reraise the first exception though so if there are
- * multiple failures then the exceptions are lost, but that doesn't
- * really matter as long as goals exits with an error. Note that if
- * we are being called from a worker, then the exception we raise
- * here may be saved and reraised in another wait.
- *)
- List.iter (
- fun job ->
- match job.exn with
- | None -> ()
- | Some exn ->
- Cmdline.debug "thread %d: raising exception in wait: %s"
- id (Printexc.to_string exn);
- stop := true;
- raise exn
- ) !group;
- (* It can happen that we didn't finish all jobs, especially if
- * the stop flag was set in another thread. In this case we
- * shouldn't just return as if everything is fine because it
- * will cause the job to continue. Instead make sure we
- * raise an error in this case.
- *)
- if not (all_done group) then
- failwithf "job cancelled because of earlier error"
- (* Test if all jobs in a group are done. Note you must hold
- * the lock.
- *)
- and all_done group = List.for_all (fun { state } -> state = Done) !group
- let stop_all () =
- Mutex.lock lock;
- (* All threads will exit after running jobs if this is set. *)
- stop := true;
- while !ready > 1 do
- Condition.wait idle lock;
- done;
- Mutex.unlock lock
+ in
+ let rec loop () =
+ if !last_exn = None then (
+ match next_job () with
+ | Complete ->
+ if !running > 0 then (
+ Cmdline.debug "%d/%d threads running, waiting for completion"
+ !running (Cmdline.nr_jobs ());
+ Condition.wait cond lock;
+ loop ()
+ )
+ | Not_ready ->
+ assert (!running > 0);
+ Cmdline.debug "%d/%d threads running, waiting for dependencies"
+ !running (Cmdline.nr_jobs ());
+ (* Wait for any running thread to finish. *)
+ Condition.wait cond lock;
+ loop ()
+ | Job (job, f) ->
+ incr running;
+ ignore (Thread.create runner (job, f));
+ (* If we've reached the limit on number of threads, wait
+ * for any running thread to finish.
+ *)
+ while !running >= Cmdline.nr_jobs () do
+ Condition.wait cond lock
+ done;
+ loop ()
+ )
+ in
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ loop ();
+ let exn = !last_exn in
+ Mutex.unlock lock;
+ (* Re-raise the saved exception from the job which failed. *)
+ match exn with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some exn -> raise exn
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** This module manages parallel jobs.
+(** This module manages parallel jobs. *)
- Jobs are grouped. You call [new_group] to create a new
- group of jobs, initially empty. Then add jobs to it. Then
- wait for all the jobs in the group to complete.
+type 'a next = Job of 'a * (unit -> unit) | Complete | Not_ready
- To submit a job to a group use [start group key f]. [group]
- is an existing group of jobs to which this is added. [key] is
- a key which ensures that two identical jobs cannot be running
- at the same time (across all groups). If two or more jobs
- with the same key are submitted then only one will run and
- the others will wait until the first finishes, and then another
- will be picked to run and so on. Jobs with different keys run
- freely in parallel, assuming there are enough threads available
- to run them.
+type 'a retire = 'a -> unit
- Goals uses the goal (name + parameters) as the key to
- ensure you cannot have two jobs running at the same time
- which would interfere with each other by trying to build
- the same target.
+type 'a to_string = 'a -> string
- To wait for a group of jobs to complete, call [wait group].
- *)
-module type Key = sig
- type t
- val compare : t -> t -> int
- val to_string : t -> string
-module type Jobs = sig
- type key
- type group
- val new_group : unit -> group
- (** Create a new empty jobs group. *)
+val run : (unit -> 'a next) -> 'a retire -> 'a to_string -> unit
+(** [run next_job retire_job] runs jobs in parallel. [next_job]
+ is called to pick the next available job. [retire_job] is
+ called when a job finishes successfully.
- val start : group -> key -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
- (** [start group key f] submits a job to run in the background.
- The [key] ensures that two jobs with the same key cannot run
- at the same time (across all groups). *)
+ If [next_job] returns [Job f] then that function is started
+ (usually in a thread if -j N > 1).
- val wait : group -> unit
- (** [wait group] waits for all of the jobs in the group to finish. *)
+ If [next_job] returns [Complete] then [run] waits until
+ all parallel jobs are then returns.
- val stop_all : unit -> unit
- (** This is used when goals exits with an error. All jobs which
- are waiting to run are deleted, and we wait for all running
- jobs to finish. *)
+ If [next_job] returns [Not_ready] then [next_job] will be
+ called again after a little while.
-module Make (K : Key) : Jobs with type key = K.t
+ If any job throws an exception then the exception will be
+ reraised by [run], usually causing goals to exit with an error.
+ The exception is delayed until all currently running jobs
+ finish, but no new jobs will be started during this time. *)
if Cmdline.debug_flag () then
Ast.print_env stderr env;
- (* Run the target expressions. *)
- Run.run_targets_to_completion env targets
+ (* Construct the dependency DAG with the root(s) being the targets. *)
+ let dag = Deps.create env targets in
+ (* Run the jobs. *)
+ let state = Deps.new_state dag Run.goal_runner Run.exists_runner in
+ let next_job () = Deps.next_job state in
+ let retire_job job = Deps.retire_job state job in
+ let string_of_job job = Deps.string_of_job job in
+ Jobs.run next_job retire_job string_of_job
let () =
try main ()
| Failure msg | Sys_error msg ->
- Run.stop_all ();
prerr_endline ("*** error: " ^ msg);
exit 1
open Utils
-(* Goals uses the goal (name + parameters) as the key to
- * ensure you cannot have two jobs running at the same time
- * which would interfere with each other by trying to build
- * the same target.
- *)
-module Jobs = Jobs.Make (
- struct
- type t = string * Ast.expr list
- let compare = compare
- let to_string (name, args) =
- sprintf "%s (%s)" name
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args))
- end
-let stop_all = Jobs.stop_all
-(* Starts the target expressions running and waits for them to complete. *)
-let rec run_targets_to_completion env exprs =
- let group = Jobs.new_group () in
- run_targets group env exprs;
- Jobs.wait group
-(* This starts the targets, adding them to the jobs group, but does not
- * wait for them to complete.
- *)
-and run_targets group env exprs =
- List.iter (run_target group env) exprs
-(* This starts a single target, adding the (usually single but can
- * be multiple) jobs to the jobs group. It does not wait for the
- * jobs to complete.
- *)
-and run_target group env = function
- | Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.EFuncDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
- (* Call a goal or function. *)
- | Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) ->
- let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
- (match expr with
- | Ast.EGoalDefn (_, goal) ->
- let key = name, args in
- Jobs.start group key (
- fun () -> run_goal env loc name args goal []
- )
- | Ast.EFuncDefn (_, func) ->
- let expr = Eval.call_function env loc name args func in
- run_target group env expr
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal or a function"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
- )
- (* Call a tactic. *)
- | Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, name, args) ->
- (* All parameters of tactics must be simple constant expressions
- * (strings, in future booleans, numbers, etc).
- *)
- let args = List.map (Eval.to_constant env) args in
- run_tactic group env loc name args
- (* If this is a goal then it's the same as calling goal(). If not
- * then look up the variable and substitute it.
- *)
- | Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
- let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
- (match expr with
- | Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
- run_target group env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
- | EGoalDefn _ ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot call %s() since this goal has parameters"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
- | _ ->
- run_target group env expr
- )
- (* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *)
- | Ast.EList (loc, exprs) ->
- run_targets group env exprs
- (* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *)
- | Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
- let str = Eval.substitute env loc str in
- run_tactic group env loc "*file" [Ast.CString str]
- | Ast.EConstant (loc, c) ->
- run_tactic group env loc "*file" [c]
-(* Run a goal by name. *)
-and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) extra_deps =
- (* This is used to print the goal in debug and error messages only. *)
- let debug_goal =
- sprintf "%s (%s)" name
- (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args)) in
+let rec goal_runner env loc name args
+ (params, patterns, deps, code) extra_deps debug_goal =
Cmdline.debug "%a: running goal %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal;
- (* This is the point where we evaluate the goal arguments. We must
- * do this before creating the new environment, because variables
- * appearing in goal arguments don't refer to goal parameters.
- *)
- let args = List.map (Eval.evaluate_goal_arg env) args in
- (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
- * the args.
- *)
- let env =
- let params =
- try List.combine params args
- with Invalid_argument _ ->
- failwithf "%a: calling goal %s with wrong number of arguments, expecting %d args but got %d args"
- Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal
- (List.length params) (List.length args) in
- List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
- (* Check all dependencies have been updated. We must wait
- * for these to complete before we can continue.
- *)
- run_targets_to_completion env (deps @ extra_deps);
(* Check if any target (ie. pattern) needs to be rebuilt.
* As with make, a goal with no targets is always run.
failwithf "tactic ‘%s’ failed with exit code %d" tactic r
-(* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and start it.
- * cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
- *)
-and run_tactic group env loc tactic cargs =
- (* This is used to print the tactic in debug and error messages only. *)
- let debug_tactic =
- Ast.string_expr ()
- (Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, tactic,
- List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c)) cargs)) in
- Cmdline.debug "%a: running tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic;
- (* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *)
- let goals =
- let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in
- filter_map
- (function
- | name, Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, goal) -> Some (name, goal)
- | _ -> None) env in
+and exists_runner env loc p debug_tactic =
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running implicit existence rule for tactic %s"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic;
- (* Find all patterns. Returns a list of (pattern, name, goal). *)
- let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal) list =
- List.flatten
- (List.map (fun (name, ((_, patterns, _, _) as goal)) ->
- List.map (fun pattern -> (pattern, name, goal)) patterns) goals) in
- (* Find any patterns (ie. tactics) which match the one we
- * are searching for. This returns a binding for the goal args,
- * so we end up with a list of (pattern, name, goal, args).
- *)
- let patterns : (Ast.pattern * Ast.id * Ast.goal * Ast.expr list) list =
- filter_map (
- fun (pattern, name, ((params, _, _, _) as goal)) ->
- match matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params with
- | None -> None
- | Some args -> Some (pattern, name, goal, args)
- ) patterns in
- match patterns with
- | [] ->
- (* There's no matching goal, but we don't need one if
- * the tactic doesn't need to be rebuilt.
- *)
- let targs = List.map (function Ast.CString s -> [Ast.SString s]) cargs in
- let p = Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) in
- if needs_rebuild env loc [] [] p then
- failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %s"
- Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic
- | [_, name, goal, args] ->
- (* Single goal matches, run it. *)
- let key = name, args in
- Jobs.start group key (
- fun () -> run_goal env loc name args goal []
- )
- | goals ->
- (* Two or more goals match. Only one must have a CODE section,
- * and we combine the dependencies into a "supergoal".
- *)
- let with_code, without_code =
- List.partition (
- fun (_, _, (_, _, _, code), _) -> code <> None
- ) goals in
- let (_, name, goal, args), extra_deps =
- match with_code with
- | [g] ->
- let extra_deps =
- List.flatten (
- List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps) without_code
- ) in
- (g, extra_deps)
- | [] ->
- (* This is OK, it means we'll rebuild all dependencies
- * but there is no code to run. Pick the first goal
- * without code and the dependencies from the other goals.
- *)
- let g = List.hd without_code in
- let extra_deps =
- List.flatten (
- List.map (fun (_, _, (_, _, deps, _), _) -> deps)
- (List.tl without_code)
- ) in
- (g, extra_deps)
- | _ :: _ ->
- failwithf "%a: multiple goals found which match tactic %s, but more than one of these goals have {code} sections which is not allowed"
- Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic in
- let key = name, args in
- Jobs.start group key (fun () ->
- run_goal env loc name args goal extra_deps
- )
-(* Test if pattern matches *tactic(cargs). If it does
- * then we return Some args where args is the arguments that must
- * be passed to the matching goal. The params parameter is
- * the names of the parameters of that goal.
- *)
-and matching_pattern env loc tactic cargs pattern params =
- match pattern with
- | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs)
- when tactic <> ttactic ||
- List.length cargs <> List.length targs ->
- None (* Can't possibly match if tactic name or #args is different. *)
- | Ast.PTactic (loc, ttactic, targs) ->
- (* Do the args match with a possible params binding? *)
- try Some (matching_params env loc params targs cargs)
- with Not_found -> None
-(* Return a possible binding. For example the goal is:
- * goal compile (name) = "%name.o": "%name.c" {}
- * which means that params = ["name"] and targs = ["%name.o"].
- *
- * If we are called with cargs = ["file1.o"], we would
- * return ["file1"].
- *
- * On non-matching this raises Not_found.
- *)
-and matching_params env loc params targs cargs =
- (* This is going to record the resulting binding. *)
- let res = ref Ast.Env.empty in
- List.iter2 (matching_param env loc params res) targs cargs;
- (* Rearrange the result into goal parameter order. Also this
- * checks that every parameter got a binding.
- *)
- let res = !res in
- List.map (
- (* Allow the Not_found exception to escape if no binding for this param. *)
- fun param -> Ast.Env.find param res
- ) params
-(* If targ = "%name.o" and carg = "file.o" then this would set
- * name => "file" in !res. If they don't match, raises Not_found.
- *)
-and matching_param env loc params res targ carg =
- match carg with
- | Ast.CString carg ->
- (* Substitute any non parameters in targ from the environment. *)
- let targ =
- List.map (
- function
- | Ast.SString _ as s -> s
- | Ast.SVar name ->
- if not (List.mem name params) then (
- try
- let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
- match Eval.to_constant env expr with
- | Ast.CString s -> Ast.SString s
- with Failure _ -> raise Not_found
- )
- else
- Ast.SVar name
- ) targ in
- (* Do the actual pattern matching. Any remaining SVar elements
- * must refer to goal parameters.
- *)
- let carg = ref carg in
- let rec loop = function
- | [] ->
- (* End of targ, we must have matched all of carg. *)
- if !carg <> "" then raise Not_found
- | Ast.SString s :: rest ->
- (* Does this match the first part of !carg? *)
- let clen = String.length !carg in
- let slen = String.length s in
- if slen > clen || s <> String.sub !carg 0 slen then
- raise Not_found;
- (* Yes, so continue after the matching prefix. *)
- carg := String.sub !carg slen (clen-slen);
- loop rest
- | Ast.SVar name :: Ast.SString s :: rest ->
- (* This is a goal parameter. Find s later in !carg. *)
- let i = string_find !carg s in
- if i = -1 then raise Not_found;
- (* Set the binding in !res. *)
- let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc,
- Ast.CString (String.sub !carg 0 i)) in
- res := Ast.Env.add name r !res;
- (* Continue after the match. *)
- let skip = i + String.length s in
- carg := String.sub !carg skip (String.length !carg - skip);
- loop rest
- | Ast.SVar name :: [] ->
- (* Matches the whole remainder of the string. *)
- let r = Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString !carg) in
- res := Ast.Env.add name r !res
- | Ast.SVar x :: Ast.SVar y :: _ ->
- (* TODO! We cannot match a target like "%x%y". *)
- assert false
- in
- loop targ
+ if needs_rebuild env loc [] [] p then
+ failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-val run_targets_to_completion : Ast.env -> Ast.expr list -> unit
-(** This drives evaluation of the list of target expressions (in
- parallel) until they are complete or we reach an error. The
- expressions are either a list of dependencies and/or a list of
- initial targets. *)
+val goal_runner : Deps.goal_runner
+(** Run a single goal. *)
-val stop_all : unit -> unit
-(** Wait until all running jobs finish, and don't start any new ones.
- See [Jobs.stop_all]. *)
+val exists_runner : Deps.exists_runner
+(** Run the implicit existence tactic.
+ This is used when we find a tactic like *foo(...) but there
+ is no matching goal. We run (in this callback) the associated
+ tactic code. As long as it runs successfully, not returning 99 or
+ any error value, then we're OK - the tactic doesn't need rebuilding
+ so the dependency is satisfied. However if it returns 99 (needs
+ rebuild) or an error then we have to exit with an error. *)
goal all = : "file1.o", *file("file2.o")
+goal clean = { }
goal compile (name) =
"%name.o" : "%name.c" {
echo %< "->" %@