+=head2 Standard Variables
+=head3 %tmpdir
+The location of a temporary directory which is created by goals when
+it starts and is deleted when it exits (either on success or failure).
+You can use this to store any temporary files that you want
+automatically cleaned up.
=head2 Standard Functions
=head3 basename (path)
(* Change directory (-C option). *)
Sys.chdir (Cmdline.directory ());
+ (* Create a temporary directory which is always cleaned up at exit. *)
+ let tmpdir =
+ let temp_dir = try Unix.getenv "TMPDIR" with Not_found -> "/var/tmp" in
+ let t = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir "goals" ".d" in
+ Unix.unlink t;
+ Unix.mkdir t 0o700;
+ at_exit (
+ fun () ->
+ let cmd = sprintf "rm -rf %s" (Filename.quote t) in
+ ignore (Sys.command cmd)
+ );
+ t in
(* Create the initial environment, containing the system environment
* and a few other standard strings.
Ast.Env.add k (Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString v)) env
) Ast.Env.empty (Unix.environment ()) in
let env =
+ Ast.Env.add "tmpdir" (Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString tmpdir)) env in
+ let env =
Ast.Env.add "stdlib"
(Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString Cmdline.stdlibdir))
env in