+config.cmo :
+config.cmx :
goaljobs.cmi :
-goaljobs.cmo : goaljobs.cmi
-goaljobs.cmx : goaljobs.cmi
+goaljobs.cmo : config.cmo goaljobs.cmi
+goaljobs.cmx : config.cmx goaljobs.cmi
+ config.ml.in \
goaljobs \
goaljobs.spec \
SUBDIRS = . examples tests
sources = \
+ config.ml \
goaljobs.ml \
noinst_SCRIPTS = goaljobs.cma goaljobs.cmxa pa_goal.cmo
# Library.
-goaljobs.cma: goaljobs.cmo
+goaljobs.cma: config.cmo goaljobs.cmo
-goaljobs.cmxa: goaljobs.cmx
+goaljobs.cmxa: config.cmx goaljobs.cmx
# Preprocessor for goaljobs scripts.
pa_goal.cmo: pa_goal.ml
git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match='v*'
" package in
require (website_updated version)
+This compiles down to a command line program that can be used like this:
+ ./compile [-flags] [goals]
+The goals are not enabled automatically. You have to do something
+(simple) to publish a goal and specify how command line arguments get
+mapped to goal arguments, since the mapping is not likely to be 1-1
+strings. In the end you can do stuff like:
+ ./compile all
+ ./compile clean
+ ./compile build program # program is a parameter
+ ./compile -my-flag # custom flags can be defined
--- /dev/null
+(* goaljobs
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc.
+ * @configure_input@
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+let package_name = "@PACKAGE_NAME@"
+let package_version = "@PACKAGE_VERSION@"
+ goaljobs.spec
output=`basename "$final" .ml`
+# Create a temporary 'main' file to handle command line args.
+main=$(mktemp --suffix=.ml /tmp/goaljobsmainXXXXXX)
+echo "let modules = [" > $main
+for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
+ echo " \"$module\";" >> $main
+echo "] ;;" >> $main
+echo "Goaljobs.init ()" >> $main
# Either use installed package or if user selected --pkgdir then
# use goaljobs from that directory.
declare -a pkg
# Compile the input file(s).
echo \
-ocamlfind $best "${passthru[@]}" "${pkg[@]}" "$@" -o "$output"
-ocamlfind $best "${passthru[@]}" "${pkg[@]}" "$@" -o "$output"
+ocamlfind $best "${passthru[@]}" "${pkg[@]}" "$@" $main -o "$output"
+ocamlfind $best "${passthru[@]}" "${pkg[@]}" "$@" $main -o "$output"
+rm -f $main
let memory_get k = try Some (Hashtbl.find memory k) with Not_found -> None
let memory_delete = Hashtbl.remove memory
+let published_goals = ref []
+let publish name fn = published_goals := (name, fn) :: !published_goals
+let get_goal name =
+ try Some (List.assoc name !published_goals) with Not_found -> None
let goal_file_exists filename =
if not (file_exists filename) then (
let msg = sprintf "file '%s' required but not found" filename in
let msg = sprintf "memory_exists: key '%s' required but does not exist" k in
goal_failed msg
+(* Run the program. *)
+let init () =
+ let prog = Sys.executable_name in
+ let prog = Filename.basename prog in
+ let args = ref [] in
+ let display_version () =
+ printf "%s %s\n" Config.package_name Config.package_version;
+ exit 0
+ in
+ let list_goals () =
+ let names = !published_goals in
+ let names = List.map fst names in
+ let names = List.sort compare names in
+ List.iter print_endline names
+ in
+ let argspec = Arg.align [
+ "--goals", Arg.Unit list_goals, " List all goals";
+ "-l", Arg.Unit list_goals, " List all goals";
+ "-V", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit";
+ "--version", Arg.Unit display_version, " Display version number and exit";
+ ] in
+ let anon_fun str = args := str :: !args in
+ let usage_msg = sprintf "\
+%s: a script generated by goaljobs
+List all goals: %s -l
+Run a single goal like this: %s <name-of-goal> [<goal-args ...>]
+For more information see the goaljobs(1) man page.
+" prog prog prog in
+ Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage_msg;
+ let args = List.rev !args in
+ (* Was a goal named on the command line? *)
+ match args with
+ | name :: args ->
+ (match get_goal name with
+ | Some fn -> fn args
+ | None ->
+ eprintf "error: no goal called '%s' was found.\n" name;
+ eprintf "Use %s -l to list all published goals in this script.\n" name;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ | [] ->
+ (* Does a published 'all' goal exist? *)
+ match get_goal "all" with
+ | Some fn -> fn []
+ | None ->
+ (* No published 'all' goal. This is only a warning, because
+ * other top-level code may exist in the script.
+ *)
+ eprintf "warning: no 'all' goal found.\n"
val memory_delete : string -> unit
(** Delete the [key]. If the key doesn't exist, has no effect. *)
+(** {2 Publishing goals}
+ To "publish" a goal means it's available on the command line
+ for users to use directly.
+ Goals that have zero arguments are {b automatically published}.
+ So for example:
+ {v
+ let goal clean () = sh "rm *~"
+ }
+ can be used on the command line:
+ {v ./script clean }
+ The special goal called [all] (if it exists) is run implicitly
+ unless the user specifies another goal. Unlike [make], there is
+ nothing special about the first rule in the file.
+ You can also publish goals, especially ones which take a non-zero
+ number of parameters, by calling {!publish}.
+val publish : string -> (string list -> unit) -> unit
+ (** Publish the named goal.
+ Use this function as in this example:
+ {v
+ let goal compiled program sources =
+ ... stuff for building the program from sources ...
+ let () = publish "compiled" (
+ fun args ->
+ let program = List.hd args in
+ let sources = List.tl args in
+ require (compiled program sources)
+ )
+ }
+ This could be used as follows:
+ {v ./script compiled program main.c utils.c }
+ You will notice you have to write a bit of OCaml code to
+ map the string arguments from the command line on to the
+ goal arguments. In the example it means taking the first
+ string argument as the program name, and the rest of the
+ string arguments as the source filenames. This is also
+ the place to perform string to int conversion, checks, and
+ so on (remember that OCaml is strongly typed). *)
(* Goal versions of some common functions. You are using these
val goal_url_exists : string -> unit
val goal_memory_exists : string -> unit
+(* A single call to this function is added by the 'goaljobs' script.
+ * It is responsible for parsing the command line and so on.
+ *)
+val init : unit -> unit
(* Export this so the macros can catch these exceptions. *)
type goal_result_t = Goal_OK | Goal_failed of string
exception Goal_result of goal_result_t
* of let statements.
let generate_let_goal _loc (r : rec_flag) (lets : binding) =
+ let autopublish = ref [] in
(* lets might be a single binding, or multiple bindings using BiAnd
* ('let .. and'). Rewrite each individual goal in the list.
if params = [] then
locfail _loc "goal must have some parameters; you probably want to put '()' here";
+ (* Is it a "zero-parameters" automatically published goal? What
+ * this really means is it has exactly one unit parameter.
+ *)
+ (match params with
+ | [ _, PaId (_, IdUid (_, "()")) ] ->
+ autopublish := name :: !autopublish
+ | _ -> ()
+ );
(* Put a try-clause around the body. *)
let body = <:expr< try $body$ with Goal_result Goal_OK -> () >> in
let lets = rewrite lets in
(* let [rec] ... and ... in () *)
- Ast.StVal (_loc, r, lets)
+ let stmts = Ast.StVal (_loc, r, lets) in
+ (* Auto-published goals. *)
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun stmt name ->
+ let publish_name =
+ let gname = "goal_" ^ name in
+ <:str_item<
+ let () = publish $str:name$ (
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ Goaljobs.require ($lid:gname$ ())
+ | _ ->
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf "goal '%s' does not take any arguments"
+ $str:name$);
+ )
+ >> in
+ StSem (_loc, stmt, publish_name)
+ ) stmts !autopublish
(* Rewrite 'require (name args...)' as 'require (goal_name args)'.
* 'expr' is a function call.