-A Tech Talk PSE talk is not a single file, but a directory full of
-files. (If you want to start a new talk, see the L</TUTORIAL> section
-below). To display or run the talk, change into the directory
-containing all those files and run the C<techtalk-pse> command:
+Tech Talk PSE talks are just directories containing C<*.html> and
+C<*.sh> (shell script) files:
+ 0010-introduction.html
+ 0500-demonstration.sh
+ 9900-conclusion.html
+The filenames that Tech Talk PSE considers to be slides have to match
+the regular expression:
+ ^(\d+)(?:-.*)\.(html|sh)$
+(any other file or subdirectory is ignored). Shell scripts I<must>
+be executable.
+You can create a new talk just by creating an empty directory and
+adding files as above, but you can also create a useful skeleton talk
+like this:
+ mkdir talk
+ cd talk
+ techtalk-pse --new
+The C<--new> flag will refuse to overwrite any existing files, so you
+should run it in an empty directory.
+To display or run a talk, change into the directory containing all
+those files and run the C<techtalk-pse> command:
cd /path/to/talk/; techtalk-pse
+my $new;
+=item B<--new>
+Create a new outline talk in an empty directory.
+This refuses to overwrite existing files.
my $start;
=item B<-n SLIDE> | B<--start SLIDE>
"last" => \$last,
"mozembed" => \$mozembed,
"n=s" => \$start,
+ "new" => \$new,
"splash!" => \$splash,
"start=s" => \$start,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
my $talkdir = getcwd;
$ENV{talkdir} = $talkdir;
+# Create a new talk (--new flag).
+if ($new) {
+ my %files = (
+ "essay.txt" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "essay and background notes",
+ c => 'Start by writing your thoughts in this file as an essay.
+You can then provide this as extra background reading material
+for your audience after the talk.'
+ },
+ "0010-introduction.html" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "title slide",
+ c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
+<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<div class="titlepage">
+<p>A Technical Talk</p>
+<author>by John Smith (jsmith@example.com)</author>
+ },
+ "0500-demonstration.html" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "intro to demonstration slide",
+ c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
+<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<p>The next slide demonstrates a gnome terminal.</p>
+<p>Hit the UP arrow to access the preloaded history.</p>'
+ },
+ "0510-demonstration.sh" => {
+ mode => 0755,
+ desc => "shell demonstration slide",
+ c => '#!/bin/bash -
+source functions
+add_history ls -l
+add_history virt-df -a
+terminal --title="Demonstration terminal"'
+ },
+ "9900-conclusion.html" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "last slide",
+ c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
+<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<p>The conclusion page</p>'
+ },
+ "functions" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "shell script helper functions",
+ c => '# -*- shell-script -*-
+# Place any local environment variables and settings in "local".
+if [ -f local ]; then source local; fi
+export PS1=\'\\$ \'
+export HISTFILE=$talkdir/history
+rm -f $HISTFILE
+touch $HISTFILE
+add_history ()
+ echo "$@" >> $HISTFILE
+# Note: If you hand-configure gnome-terminal by adding a
+# new profile (eg. with larger fonts) then you can use that
+# profile here by replacing the --window flag with
+# --window-with-profile=ProfileName
+terminal ()
+ chmod -w $HISTFILE
+ exec \\
+ gnome-terminal \\
+ --window \\
+ --geometry=+140+64 \\
+ --hide-menubar \\
+ --disable-factory \\
+ -e \'/bin/bash --norc\' \\
+ "$@"
+ },
+ "style.css" => {
+ mode => 0644,
+ desc => "HTML stylesheet",
+ c => 'body {
+ font-size: 28pt;
+ font-family: liberation, helvetica;
+h1 {
+ font-size: 48px;
+ top: 8;
+ left: 0;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;
+div.titlepage {
+ margin-top: 100px;
+ text-align: center;
+ },
+ );
+ # Refuse to overwrite existing files.
+ foreach (sort keys %files) {
+ die "techtalk-pse: refusing to overwrite '$_'\n" if -f $_;
+ }
+ # Write the files.
+ foreach (sort keys %files) {
+ print "writing $_ ($files{$_}{desc}) ...\n";
+ open FILE, ">$_" or die "$_: open: $!";
+ print FILE $files{$_}{c} or die "$_: print: $!";
+ close FILE or die "$_: close: $!";
+ chmod $files{$_}{mode}, $_ or die "$_: chmod: $!";
+ }
+ exit 0;
# Get the files.
my @files;
my %files;
To start your talk, all you have to do is to make a new directory
+somewhere and run Tech Talk PSE with the C<--new> flag to create an
mkdir talk
cd talk
+ techtalk-pse --new
A tech talk consists of HTML files ("slides") and shell scripts. The
filenames must start with a number, followed optionally by a
-description, followed by the extension (C<.html> or C<.sh>). So to
-start our talk with two slides:
- echo "This is the introduction" > 0010-introduction.html
- echo "This is the second slide" > 0020-second.html
+description, followed by the extension (C<.html> or C<.sh>).
To run it, run the command from within the talk directory: